USRowing NW Masters Regional Championship

  • Jun 15, 2012 To Jun 17, 2012
  • sprint
  • Lake Ewauna
  • Klamath Falls, OR (USA)
  • Hosted By: USRowing
  • 2016 Owned Regatta



2012 Northwest Masters Regional Championship Regatta

Friday – Sunday

June 15-17, 2012

Lake Ewauna, Klamath Falls, OR

(Please read all of this packet prior to arrival to venue)


Entries are now being accepted for the 2012 USRowing Northwest Masters Regional Championship Regatta. This regatta will be held on Lake Ewauana, Klamath Falls, OR. Races will be run on a fully buoyed 1,000-meter race course with stake boats. Lake Ewauana Rowing Club will host this year’s championship.





(by June 6)


(after June 6)




4+ / 4x



2- / 2x









In addition to the entry fees listed above, a $5 volunteer fee is charged to each athlete. The proceeds from this fee will be divided among clubs who provide volunteers to work at the regatta.



May 14

•First Day Regatta Central allows entry input for the regatta

June 6

•Deadline to input entries for the regatta without paying late fees

•Closing date for Regatta Central

•Last day to scratch entries and receive a full refund of the entry fee

June 7-9

Organizations scratching entries will be charged the entry fee but no additional scratch fees

June 10

•Entries scratched June 10 or a later date will be charged the entry fee and a $25 scratch fee.

June 6

•Preliminary schedule to be posted on

June 11

•Lane draws to me emailed to club contacts.

June 15 --10:00am

•Coaches & Coxswains Meeting (estimated)

•Control Commission opens; coxswains and lightweights may weigh in.

June 15 –12:00pm

•Racing begins (estimated)





Northwest Region: The USRowing Northwest Region is defined as the states of Alaska, Idaho, Montana, North Dakota, Oregon, South Dakota, Washington and Wyoming. Organizations from other regions and other countries are welcome to enter all events.


Composite Crews: Composite crews are welcome at NW Masters but must be designated as composite crews on lineup forms.


Rules of Rowing 5-203, 5-204: Composite crews are those that include competitors from more than one club…Once a crew has been entered as a composite crew, it shall remain so, regardless of subsequent substitutions. Only competitors who are bona fide members of a club shall be entered by that club, except that a composite crew may be entered by any of the clubs to which one of the competitors of the crew belongs. A competitor may represent only one club at a regatta. A competitor shall not represent more than two clubs in any calendar year. Individual exemptions from the requirements of this subsection may be granted by USRowing (800-314-4769) to competitors upon showing good cause.


Question: Jane Doe trains with a sweep-only program named “Montana RC.” She also trains with a separate sculling program named “Missoula Sculling.” May she compete in the eight as “Montana RC” and the quad as “Missoula Sculling?”


Answer: No, Jane Doe may only represent one organization at NW Masters. If Jane Doe has declared membership at “Montana BC,” the eight may enter as “Montana RC.” The quad must enter as “Composite Montana RC/Missoula Sculling”.


USRowing Individual & Organizational Membership: The Northwest Regional Championships are USRowing owned events. Each participant must be an individual member of USRowing. Each program must be an organizational member of USRowing. Contact USRowing with any questions about membership:


Toll Free (800) 314-4769


Office Tel (609) 751-0700




Athletes from Foreign Rowing Federations: Rowers from other nations must be members of their

National Rowing Federation, as recognized by FISA, or members of USRowing. Athletes should list their federation name and membership number on their signed waivers. Example:




*** The Two Boats/Club Per Event Maximum Is Being Waived For This Regatta***

** The Four Race Maximum Rule Is Being Waived For This Regatta**



Rules of Rowing 4-104(b): A master is a competitor who has attained or will attain the age of 21 during the current calendar year, rounded down to the nearest whole number. A competitor’s age is determined as of December 31 of the current calendar year (“rowing age”). A competitor thus becomes a master on January 1 of the year of his or her 21st birthday. A masters crew shall be comprised exclusively of masters rowers, but the coxswain need not be a master.


Rules of Rowing 4-104 (b) (1): Masters crews shall be classified by age, according to the following



“AA” = 21 to 26 years             “C” = 43 to 49 years             “F” = 60 to 64 years             “I” = 75 to 79 years

“A” = 27 to 35 years             “D” = 50 to 54 years             “G” = 65 to 69 years             “J” = 80 +

“B” = 36 to 42 years             “E” = 55 to 59 years             “H” = 70 to 74 years


The age category of a masters crew shall be determined by the average age of the rowers in the crew,

rounded down to the nearest whole number. The age of the coxswain shall not be counted.


Rules of Rowing 4-104 (b) (2): A Master is a competitor who has attained or will attain the age of 21 during the current calendar year. A competitor’s age is determined as of December 31 of the current calendar year, rounded down to the nearest whole number. A competitor thus becomes a Master on January 1 of the year of his or her 21st birthday. A Masters crew shall be comprised exclusively of Masters rowers, but the coxswain need not be a Master.

            (2)  A Masters crew may compete in a lower  (younger) age category but not in a higher category.


 “Mixed” Events: One half of the rowers in the boat must be men and the other half must be women.  As written in the rule book – “Mixed events must be 50% women excluding the coxswain.”


“Novice” Events: All rowers in the boat must be new to rowing as of June 15, 2010. These boats do not require the coxswains to be novices.


“Lightweight” Events: Women will weigh in at no more than 130lbs with no averaging. Men will weigh in at no more than 160lbs with no averaging. ***This is rule change from the 2011 USRowing Rule Book***


Please note that lightweight events may be combined with open-weight events if there are less than three entries for either classification.



The regatta will be a USRowing registered regatta, officiated by USRowing referees, and will abide by the USRowing 2012 edition of the Rules of Rowing. Entry Forms and waivers must be fully completed and

presented before a team or individual is allowed to compete.


The handbook for 2012 Rules of Rowing will be available on site for your review. The following is an

excerpt from the 2012 Rules of Rowing and will be enforced:

1. Bow balls and bow numbers: Bow balls and bow numbers are required for any boat preparing to race. Boats without bow balls will not be allowed on the race course. Boats shall also be fitted with a “bow clip” to attach a bow number. USRowing will supply bow numbers. Boats without a bow clip to attach a number may be prohibited from racing. Reference Rule #3-105.

2. Foot Stretchers: Each shell must be equipped with quick-release footgear or heels attached with strings to allow quick release. Each heel tie must restrict movement to no more than three inches. Reference Rule #3-109.

3. Bow Coxed Shells: All bow-coxed shells must meet the Rules of Rowing requirements regarding the size of the opening through which the coxswain enters the shell. Reference Rule #3-110.

4. Quad Races: All quad races are without coxswains.



The following rules will be waived or amended as follows:

1. Rule 3-104 Minimum Weight of Boats – Waived

2. Rule 4-110 Weighing of Competitors – Amended – See Weigh-Ins Procedure later in this packet.





*** New or 2010*** Each club must choose one representative to communicate all lineup changes, scratches, questions and concerns to USRowing.


Regatta Central: The Northwest Masters Regional Championship will again use this web-based service. You may submit entries and monitor regattas online and receive immediate entry verification. Each regatta has a separate “entry window” with Regatta Central. The window for NW Masters will be May 14, 2012 – June 6, 2012 Any changes to your entries after June 6, 2012 must be sent to Changes made in Regatta Central after the entry deadline do not transfer to the schedule automatically and will not be recognized.


USRowing Member Numbers: To expedite the process of submitting entries through Regatta Central, you should have USRowing member numbers for all of the athletes you plan to enter. If you do not have all member numbers at hand, you can go back later and enter the numbers you are missing. If you would like a list of members that are in the USRowing database affiliated with your organization, please contact our membership department at (609) 751-0703 or We will be happy to provide a list of the members and their member numbers, expiration dates and verified waivers.




  • June 6, 2012: Organizations scratching entries before or on June 6 will receive a full refund of the entry fee.
  • June 7 - 9, 2012: Organizations scratching entries June 7 - 9 will be charged for the entry fee, but no additional scratch fees.
  • June 10, 2012 or a later date: Entries scratched on June 10 or a later date will be charged for the entry fee and a $25.00 scratch fee.
  • Scratch Notification: No phone scratches will be accepted. Only scratches submitted in written form, by e-mail or fax will be accepted.
  • Scratching Before the Regatta / Fee Payment: Fees must be paid by the conclusion of the Coaches and Coxswains Meeting for that organization to compete. 
  • Scratching During the Regatta / Fee Payment: For scratches during the regatta, non-launched boats, or no-shows at the start line, the $25 fee must be paid within one hour, or additional boats from that organization will not be allowed to launch. 
  • Extenuating Circumstances: Illness, injury, emergency, etc., which prevent participating will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis. Requests for a scratch fee exemption must be made to USRowing Registration headquarters on-site at the regatta. 



Late Entries received after June 6 will be accommodated on a “space available” basis for scheduled heats and finals.


Late Entry Fees: Late Fees are due with entry forms. Entries submitted without late fees will not be included in the regatta schedule. Phone entries will not be accepted. Fax entries will only be accepted with Visa or MasterCard Payment.   


Team Rosters and Waivers: If at all possible, please use Regatta Central to submit your rosters and the USRowing website to submit your waivers. These documents may be mailed, but must arrive by June 10, 2012, at the USRowing office in Princeton. Otherwise, your entry will be held until the waivers and rosters arrive, and your crews will be subject to space availability and the late fee. 


Outstanding Payments: Any organization with outstanding balances for entry fees or scratch fees at the start of racing will not be eligible to participate in the regatta and any future USRowing events until the fees are paid. This includes any past balances.




Friday June 15 (estimate 10:00 am): A meeting will be held two hours before the start of racing at the USRowing Registration tent to review regatta procedures and the race schedule. All organizations and individual competitors are required to send a representative to the meeting. Attendance will be taken. Remaining schedules will be distributed one hour after the meeting.  


Saturday June 25 (6:00 am): Head coaches should stop by the tent to get copies of the daily schedules and updated information. Remaining schedules will be distributed to athletes after 7:00 am.


Sunday June 26 (6:00 am): Head coaches should stop by the tent to get copies of the daily schedules and updated information. Remaining schedules will be distributed to athletes after 7:00 am.




Hot Seating Part 1: Crews that need to hot-seat should notify the USRowing officials at the control commission tent before launching for the initial race. The hot seating crew will be given priority to change out rowers/coxswains, but the race is still planned to start on time.


Hot Seating Part 2:  After the initial race, the crew should land on the north end of the launching beach (NOT the landing beach). Coxswains should signal to the launching beach master for direction and assistance, and should not land until directed to do so. Crews should remember to reset the lane number in the bow for the second race.


Hot Seating Part 3: Even though the regatta will try to accommodate all hot seating instances, no guarantee can be made that you will make it to the line with sufficient time  to be included in the race. 



Awards Ceremonies: There will be awards ceremonies for all regatta events. Winning crews should come to the awards tent as soon as possible after the race final concludes to receive their trophy and medals.


Medals: First, second and third-place crews will receive medals, regardless of what region the crew is a part of. The highest placing Northwest crew will be declared the Regional Champion.


Regatta Concessions: Regatta souvenir t-shirts will be on sale at the regatta.




Weigh In Once Each Day: All lightweight athletes and coxswains must weigh in once each day in which they compete. All coxswains and athletes must weigh in wearing their team uniform, INCLUDING COXSWAINS. Coxswains who must carry weight are required to provide their own additional weight (excluding tools, watches and extra clothing). Control commission officials will verify this.


Weigh-In Schedule at Control Commission: Priority will be given to competitors who are racing within 90 minutes of the scheduled opening time of weigh-ins. 


Friday June 15                        10:00* am – 2:00 pm

Saturday June 16            5:30 am – 2:00 pm

Sunday June 17            5:30 am – 12:00 pm


*The 10:00 am opening time may change depending on the start of racing.


Protocol for Athletes and Coxswains Weighing In:

  1. Go to the practice scale (location to be determined) to find out if you will need to carry weight and pick up the necessary paperwork.
  2. Complete all the necessary paperwork and get your necessary weight before arriving at the official weigh-in location.
  3. Go to the official weigh-in scale located in the control commission tent with your completed paperwork and correct weight in hand. Please note that there are separate lines for coxswains and lightweight athletes.



June 6 - Preliminary Event Schedule Published: This document will be published on Regatta Central and the USRowing website at Each main club contact also will be emailed an entry confirmation notice and the race schedule. Please be certain your contact information on Regatta Central is accurate. All questions regarding entries and the schedule should be directed to James Rawson, (503) 473-6239 or


June 11 - Lane Draws Published: This document will be published on Regatta Central and the USRowing website at



Flexibility for Weather: Improvements have been made to the schedule to allow flexibility if weather delays racing. The schedule will leave 90 minutes of daylight in the evening, allowing extra time if weather delays racing. 


Centers: All events will run on eight-minute centers. Coaches, please review the procedures to back shells into stake boats, how to correct lines with sculling and other start line procedures well in advance of the championships.


Practice Times: The course will be closed for practice at all times during the regatta. Crews violating this policy may be assessed a warning or be excluded from an even at the discretion of the Chief Referee.


Combined Age Categories: Many events combine age categories. If there are enough entries in those events, they will be split if time allows. Example: The Men’s AB 4+ has 10 boats entered, four boats in the “A” age class and six boats in the “B” age class. The schedule will be altered to allow a Men’s A 4+ and a Men’s B 4+. In this situation, neither race would have handicap times applied.



Inclement Weather Schedule: In the event that inclement weather causes delays in the regatta

schedule, changes will take effect in this order:

  1. Reduce race centers (all races run reduced time between race starts)
  2. Shorten the course to 500m
  3. Timed finals (all heats run using finish times to determine final results).
  4. Cancel races, at the direction of the USRowing Chief Referee.