FSRA Sweep Championships
- Apr 28, 2012 To Apr 29, 2012
- sprint
- Benderson Park
- Sarasota, FL (USA)
- Hosted By: Florida Scholastic Rowing Association
- USRowing Registered (Self-Insured regatta)
Similar to past regattas, all vehicles except those transporting boats/equipment will park north of the venue. Parking is $5 per day. Trolleys will shuttle people between parking and the north-end footbridge access. Team buses may drop off rowers near the north-end footbridge before relocating to north-end parking area. Follow Parking Staff instructions.
North Entrance directions:
- From I-75 take University Parkway (Exit 213).
- Drive WEST on University Parkway (approximately 0.3 miles).
- Turn SOUTH (left) on North Cattlemen Road (traffic light).
- Drive approximately 0.5 miles following signs and pass thru 3 traffic circles.
- As you approach 2nd traffic circle, watch for signs. Follow Parking Staff instructions.
All FSRA team trailers / boats will proceed to the south end entrance. Follow Parking Staff instructions.
South Entrance directions:
- From I-75 take Fruitville Road (Exit 210).
- Drive WEST on Fruitville Road (approximately 1.2 miles).
- Turn NORTH (right) on North Honore Avenue (traffic light).
- Drive approximately 1.4 miles to Park entrance.
- Turn EAST (right) at entrance to Park.
- Follow Parking Staff instructions.
- (Note: if using GPS, please set your destination to: 2300 North Honore Ave, FL 34235.)
Boat trailers will be angled parked along the access road south of the boat ramp and tow vehicles removed. IMPORTANT: all boats loaded in the center sections of the trailer must be able to be removed from the hitch-end of the trailer; the back-end of the trailer will NOT be accessible. NOTE: once trailers are parked, equipment must be unloaded and carried north of the boat ramp to be placed on boat racks which will be provided by the LOC.
Utility/supply trailers arriving after 6:30 am Saturday will NOT be allowed access. Utility trailers will remain in place until racing complete (~4:30 pm Sunday). IMPORTANT: be mindful that vehicles pulling utility trailers will be passing through boat rack/launching area; BOATS have right of way as they can be easily damaged if hit be a moving vehicle.
Please email the regatta/event host with any related questions