Southeast Youth Championship Regatta
- May 14, 2011 To May 15, 2011
- sprint
- Lake Lanier
- Gainesville, GA (USA)
- Hosted By: SE Youth Rowing Committee
- 2016 Registered Regatta
The Southeast Youth Championship Regatta
(please read all of this packet prior to arrival to venue)
The Southeast Youth Championship Regatta is the recognized qualifier for the USRowing Youth National Championship. The Southeast Youth Championship serves as the District championship regatta as well and is hosted on the second full weekend in May. The Southeast Youth Championship Regatta shall be open to crews of the 7 states that make up the Southeast Region; Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Tennessee compete USRowing Youth National Championship qualification events, as well as a quality Varsity and Novice year-end championship event. The Southeast Youth Championship Regatta attendance is between 1,200 and 1,500 participants not counting coaches, support personnel, or spectators. The venue for the Southeast Youth Championship Regatta rotates annually between a locations in the district (The Upper Region Alabama, Georgia, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Tennessee and the Lower Region Florida).
SEYRA Committee and the Representatives.
The stewardship of the event is the responsibility of the Southeast Representative on the USRowing Youth Advisory Committee and a coaches committee comprised of 4 coaches from Upper Region and 4 coaches representing the Lower Region. Each representative will be elected by the coaches in the representative areas and serve a three year term. Regional coach representatives will be selected based on the following criteria; Junior coaches that has crews attend the Southeast Youth Championships. Coach representatives are required to attend the Southeast Youth Championship and the regional meeting held at the Head of the Hooch in early November. The USRowing election process votes the USRA YAC Southeast Representative in every three years, this process can be found on at In addition to planning and organizing the Southeast Youth Championship the YAC Southeast Representative is required to attend USRowing Convention and the Youth National Championship in addition to quarterly conference calls. The Coaches Committee is as follows:
USRowing YAC Southeast Rep: Allen Eubanks, Atomic Rowing
Alabama | Mississippi Rep: Jeffrey Coy, Rocket City Rowing Club
Florida (North) Rep: Dan Newman, Capital City Rowing
Florida (East) Rep: Phil McMican, Edgewater HS
Florida (West) Rep: Matt Able, Plant High School Crew
Florida (South | Central) Rep: Laura Bracken, Miami Rowing Club
Georgia Rep: John Pearson, Atlanta Juniors Rowing
North Carolina | South Carolina Rep: Byron Walthall, Charlotte Youth Rowing
Tennessee Rep: Scott Shoup, McCallie School
All regatta questions of eligibility, qualifications, or interpretations of the rules shall be referred to the SEYRA Coaches Committee, whose decision shall be final. Amendments to the Southeast Youth Championship Regatta Rules shall be made six (6) months prior to the event by a majority vote of the SEYRA Coaches Committee. All questions not specifically provided for in the Southeast Youth Championship Regatta Packet or suggestions should be directed in writing to the USRowing Southeast Youth Representative.
If you have questions, please contact the Southeast Youth Representative or. check the SEYRA web site prior to arrival at the venue for updated information.
The location of Southeast Youth Championship Regatta will travel annually to locations within the Southeast as decided by the SEYRA Coaches Committee. Rotating between the North Region (Alabama, Georgia, Mississippi, Tennessee, North/South Carolina) and South Region (Florida) sections of the region. Venues wishing to hold the regatta at their venue are encouraged contact the Southeast Youth Rowing Association.
- May 14,15, 2011 Olympic Rowing Center on Lake Lanier, Gainesville, Georgia hosted by the Lake Lanier Rowing Club
- May 12-13, 2012 Sarasota Benderson Park (Cooper Creek) Sarasota, Florida hosted by Benderson Development Inc.
Course Length:
All events shall be raced for a distance of two thousand (2000) meters or as close to this distance as the race venue safely allows.Registration
The Southeast Youth Representative will conduct registration on Volunteers from Lake Lanier Rowing Club will be available for on site sign-in.The Registration Window will be from 3/1/2011 until 5/07/2011.
FEES: No Fee Cap.
Entry 8+ $120 4+ $80 N4+ $70 4x $60 2-/x $40 1x $20
There is no additional tent fee, insurance or athlete fee that will be assessed. (An additional parking fees may be required)
Late Entries are subject to 20% increase on your total entry fee, and accepted only if it does not cause an additional heat.
Make checks payable to: Lake Lanier Rowing ClubSend payments to: 3105 Clark's Bridge Rd Gainesville, GA 30506
Site information can be found on under the venue tab on Regatta Central
Course Map and Traffic patterns will be posted at the Launch docks. All coaches, coxswains, captains, and scullers must read and familiarize themselves with the traffic rules before leaving the dock.
WAIVERS: Waivers are to be signed on-line at the time of membership and paper waivers are not required for this regatta. If your rower has not yet signed a waiver for the year, please have them do so online at the link given above. Waivers must be completed on-line at as no "hard-copy" waivers will be utilized. Waivers MUST be completed by May 10th
ATHLETE CHECK-IN: Check-in Times: Friday May 13th 12:00a.m.-5:00p.m. The information tent will be open during the entire event for information, questions, etc. Coaches may check in their crews to verify membership and ensure paperwork is completed. Athlete registration will be held at the information tent. Schedules, traffic patterns maps and all relevant venue information will be available at the information tent at time of check-in. All Organizations must have current membership and all participants? waivers on file for coaches to pick up packets. A crew list can be forwarded to USRowing to check waiver status before the event.
- USRowing Organizational membership is a requirement for all boats, other than a single, and must this be taken care of prior to arriving on site. Membership may be activated or renewed online: OR, by contacting the USRowing membership office at 1-800-314-4769. If this is not enforced our regional event risks losing its qualification status.
- A Junior/Youth is a competitor who in the current calendar year does not attain the age of 19, or who is and has been continuously enrolled in secondary school as a full-time student seeking a diploma. A competitor thus ceases to be a Junior/Youth after December 31 of the year of his or her 18th birthday, or of the year in which he or she completes the 12th grade of secondary school, having been a full-time student, whichever is later. Post Graduates: Per Rule 4-104 (a), post graduate students who attain the age of 19 in the current calendar year are ineligible to compete.
e. Affiliation with only one program, which he/she is registered with as of the first competition (registered/ non-registered, not including indoor events) for the duration of the spring season, defined between January 1 and June 15 of that current calendar year, to participate in the Southeast Youth Championship or USRowing Youth National Championship Regatta. Exception: Athletes who are members of a junior rowing club existing as a composite of athletes with no stand-alone high school rowing program may row as a single (1x) in a regatta under the name of their school where they are not permitted For the purposes of qualifying for the USRowing Youth National Championships in an individual event, If athletes wish to compete in a team event under the name of their school with an established high school rowing program rather than as a club, a USRowing organizational membership is required for that school for that purpose and the athletes must compete as this organization the entire spring season. - All questions of eligibility, qualifications, or interpretations of the rules shall be referred to the Southeast Youth Committee, whose decision shall be final.
- The Southeast Youth Championship Regatta will be conducted in accordance with the USRowing "Rules of Rowing". Please familiarize yourself with these rules before attending the coaches and coxswains meeting.
- All boats will be inspected for safety, boats not so equipped shall be barred from launching.
- All competing boats shall carry a bow number of their assigned race lane for identification, said numbers containing numerals at least seven (7) inches high and four (4) inches wide on a background of a contrasting color, such as black numerals on a white background. Crews will need to supply their own set of bow numbers.
- Each team shall be responsible for the conduct, physical fitness, including the ability to swim, of its competitors.
- Males shall not row in women's events. Females shall not row in men's events. Coxswains are exempted from this limitation.
- All crews must check-in with the dock master before launching for every race.
- Traffic rules will be posted at the launch docks. All coaches, coxswains, captains, and scullers must read and familiarize themselves with the traffic rules before leaving the dock.
- Crews are permitted to practice in their lane prior to 2 minute lock-on
- Athletes that are part of a boat that was excluded or disqualified while participating in an event at the Southeast Youth Championship regatta are considered ineligible to advance and compete at the USRowing Youth National Championship. These athletes are considered ineligible substitutions in boats that did qualify. Exception: The athlete's ineligibility is due to a failure to make weight in a lightweight event.
- Seeding and lane assignments will be done using seeding using two events. The Florida State Championships and the Oak Ridge Dogwood Regatta.
- After the entries have been received and processed the following seeding priorities will be used to determine the composition of heats, and the assignment of lanes in heats will be assigned from the center lanes outward. The SEYRA Committee reserves the right to redraw events if the number of scratches warrants such changes.
- First seeding priority: 1st place from FSRA and OR Dogwood Regatta
- Second seeding priority: 2nd place from FSRA and OR Dogwood Regatta
- Third seeding priority: 3rd place from FSRA and OR Dogwood Regatta
- Forth seeding priority: Crews from open registration
- All Lane assignments and updates will be posted on the and
- Entry Deadline May 7th, 2011
- Draft Lane Draws published May 8th, 2011
- Scratches will be accepted, with no fee, until May 10th, 2011
- Final lane assignments will be posted May 11th, 2011
- The assignment of lanes for reps, semis, and finals shall be assigned from the center lanes outward according to the order of finish in the previous level of competition.
- Scratches made after May 11th, 2011 subject to forfeiture of entry fee.
- Scratches or no shows after the C&C meeting will incur a $50.00 Scratch Fee due prior to following crews are allowed to launch or future entries accepted. Medical exceptions will be accepted.
Team: A team is considered the usual way the program competes as of February 1 of the same year. A school team/club represents a single organization, with distinct location, colors, and coaches for the entire competitive season is a team. All crews representing the school/club must wear similar uniforms. Athletes in each event are required to be of the same gender. A coxswain may be of either gender or age classification (not withstanding the age maximum). Novice coxswains must be used in novice events.
Entry Priority:
It is recognized that not all crews have the depth to put athletes in all of the 1V/LT categories. Crews must be represented in a 1st (1V) or Lightweight (LT) event with a cumulativenumber of seats prior to entering crews in subsequent events. It is understood that the 1V/LT boat be entered as the faster of the two boats. A team within the first five (5) years of start up is exempt from this rule.)
- A team entered in the 1V4+ and Lt4+ of the same gender may enter in the 2V8+
- A team entered in the Lt8+ may enter in the 2V8+
Entry Limits: Rowers may compete in only two (2) events, including sweep and sculling events. No consideration shall be given to scheduling conflicts of rowers and coxswains competing in multiple events.
- The coach and competitor shall decide which event shall be their priority.
- Coaches should take into consideration that an illness or injury on race day should require an alternate rower not already seated in an event.
- An athlete that participates in a championship category (8+,4+/x) may not participate in the same 2nd category (8+,4+/x) event.
- In there are an unusually large number of entries, the Regatta Director and the Chief Referee reserve the right to split entries of any crew that does not fit the posted categories.
- Hot seating must be arranged with the dock master before the scheduled race. The regatta will proceed on time and will not be held for hot seating crews.
Minimum Entries: Events with only two (2) entry at the registration deadline shall be eliminated and the team shall be notified in advance of race day. If race day scratches reduce a race to two (2) entry, the single entry shall row down the course for time.
1st Boat Events (1V): Events in this category are eligible to earn an invitation to compete in the USRowing Youth National Championship. To earn a invitation to advance in this category to the USRowing Youth National Championship a crew must finish within the top three of the lightweight events at the Southeast Youth Championship. Each team may enter one (1) entry in the following events (8+ and 4+). Each team may enter two (2) entries in the following events (1x, 2x, 2-, and 4x).
Lightweight Events (LT): Events in this category are eligible to earn an invitation to compete in the USRowing Youth National Championship. To earn a invitation to advance in this category to the USRowing Youth National Championship a crew must finish within the top three of the lightweight events at the Southeast Youth Championship. Each team may enter one (1) entry in the following events (8+ and 4+). Each team may enter two (2) entries in the following event (2x). Crews competing in the lightweight category are required to meet the following lightweight requirements.
2nd Boat Events (2V): Category intended for non-championship 2V crews or Novice youth crews. Crews entered in this category is not eligible to qualify for the USRowing Youth National Championship Regatta. The 2V classification is not open to any athlete competing in a CH/LT event. Each team is allowed one (1) entry in these events.
3rd Boat Events(3V): Category intended for non-championship 3V crews or Novice youth crews. Crews entered in this category is not eligible to qualify for the USRowing Youth National Championship Regatta. The 3V classification is not open to any athlete competing in a higher level event. Each team is allowed to enter multiple boats in these events.
Novice Boat Events(N): Category intended for athletes that started rowing as of June 1 of the previous year. The Novice classification is not open to any athlete competing in a higher level event. Crews entered in this Category is not eligible to qualify for the USRowing Youth National Championship Regatta. Each team is allowed one (1) entry in these events.
2nd Novice Boat Events(2N): Category intended for athletes that started rowing as of June 1 of the previous year. The 2nd Novice classification is not open to any athlete competing in a higher level event. Crews entered in this Category is not eligible to qualify for the USRowing Youth National Championship Regatta. Teams are allowed multiple entries in these events.
Guest Crews: A program from outside the Southeast Region that wish to participate in the Southeast District Youth Championship Regatta requires to petition the USRowing Youth Committee and the SYRA to be able participate in this regatta and will be considered a guest. Teams may petition the YAC to permanently change their appointed district affiliation due to a hardship within their current district. The receiving LOC must endorse any transfer prior to registration. Teams are not being permitted to change qualification regattas annually to reduce ?Bid Shopping?. Guest entries are not able to qualify for the USRowing Youth Nationals at this regatta. In the event a guest crew attends may be allowed to row as exhibition only as lane availability allows. (i.e. they get lane 7 if they make it to finals.)
· Food concessions will be available during the regatta.
· Regatta t-shirts will be sold during the event.
· Any persons, teams, organizations, or businesses wishing to set up a concession for the sale of apparel or any other items must have the prior approval of the LOC in advance of any sales.
Boats can be stored at the regatta site the night before the race. Prior to parking trailers, please check the Boathouse office trailer spots have been assigned. Shell trailers are to set up in marked area and tow vehicles are not permitted to park in trailer parking area. Shell trailers will have enough spacing on either side to allow for equipment storage and rigging. Please do not spread to far off your trailer as a courtesy to others. The LOC is unable to provide boat slings. Security of trailer parking area will be provided Friday night.
Teams may practice Friday on the course. Since there will be no officials on the course at this time, crews will be rowing at their own risk. Course crews may be working on the course for your safety, please stay clear of their work area and boats. Coxswains should listen for instruction from course volunteers to avoid damage to shells when passing. Be careful! Observe the right-hand rule; stay on the right side of the course! Practice on the course at speed is limited to the racing direction only in lanes 4, 5, & 6 only! All crews will be off the water by 6 p.m. Crews traveling to the facility earlier than Friday for practice or scrimmaging. Teams will be charged $1.00 per athlete per day payable to the LOC.
USRowing Southeast Youth Representative, Allen Eubanks, 865-591-0566, coach@orra.orgWEIGH-IN RULES
- Lightweight weigh-ins will occur once a day, no more than two hours and no less than one hour before the competitor's first race in which the weight is relevant.
- Crews and alternates will weigh-in together and must be accompanied by a Coach or Program Designate. Competitors shall be weighed in wearing the same uniform, identical in style, color, and detail, including any insignia without shoes or other foot gear. No one will be weighed-in wearing more or less clothing.
- Crews are to step on the scale in the order that they row in the boat (i.e. bow to stern).
- Each rower shall have only one (1) initial opportunity to weigh in.
- Lightweight competitors shall weigh as follows:
- Lightweight Youth Men 160 lbs. (no Avg.)
- Lightweight Youth Women 130 lbs. (no Avg.)
- Re-weighs will only be allowed if the rower is within one (1.0) pound of the event maximum as stated above and must be done within the weigh in time window. A competitor whose initial weight is greater than one (1.0) pound above the weight standard will be ineligible to compete in the event.
- No one will be allowed to 'check their weight' on the official scale during the official weigh-in times. Un-official scales will be on site as of Friday at noon.
- The LOC strongly urges all coaches to refrain from unnatural weight requirements for rowers.
- A rower who appears severely dehydrated or to have used extreme means to lose weight shall be required to be checked by on site medical personnel before being cleared to race. A rower who requires intravenous re-hydration will not be allowed to race.
- Coxswain?s weigh-inwill occur once a day, no more than two hours and no less than one hour before the competitor?s first race in which the weight is relevant. (ONLY COXSWAINS IN QUALIFYING EVENTS ARE REQUIRED TO WEIGH-IN.)
- Those coxswains whose body weight, while wearing racing shirt, shorts and socks, is less than the required standard,will be required to carry external weight in order to achieve the minimum standard during the course of their race.
- The LOC will supply sand weights of small weight increments to the correct any difference in weight up to 5 pounds. Crews are to bring weight to weigh-in if coxswains are more than 5 pounds beneath minimum weight standards.
- Men's Youth Events 120 lbs minimum
- Women's Youth Events 110 lbs minimum
- ALL WEIGHTS, whether provided by LOC or not, must be weighed and marked by the Clerk of Scales for specific individuals at the time of the coxswains weigh-in. Coxswains are also advised that they must display their weight to the Referee, if so requested.
- "Coxswain-Keeper" strap system will not be permitted.
The crew at the finish in accordance with USRowing rules should register protests on the water. Once a protest is lodged, a crew wishing to be heard by the jury shall submit a concise written statement to the Chief Judge within one (1) hour after reach land citing the facts that underline the protest and the relief that the crew seeks accompanied by a $25.00 payment. Disposition of the protest will follow USRowing rules including return of the fee if the protest is upheld.
? Friday - 7:00 PM Coach and Cox and Sculler Meeting & The Southeast Youth Coach's meeting.
? Saturday - 8:00 AM QE Heats, NQE Heats, QE 6:00 PM Repechages, NQE Semi Finals (as needed)
? Sunday - 8:00 AM QE Repechages Semi Finals (as needed), NQE 10:00 AM -2:00 PM Finals, QE Finals (Actual event times will not be available until after the entry deadline.)
The Southeast Youth Championship Regatta will use alternate progression systems, for events eligible to qualify for the USRowing Youth National Championship. The events shall consist of finals, and if necessary, heats, repechages, and semifinals. There will be NO ?B?, ?C? or ?D? finals at the Southeast Youth Championship due to scheduling concerns. Crews advancing out of each heat are placed directly in the semifinals or finals. All others in the heats go to the repechages. Those advancing out of the repechages are placed in the semifinals or finals; all others in the repechages are eliminated. All those advancing out of the semifinals are placed in the grand final; all others in the semifinals are eliminated. The regatta progression is subject to change until 48 hours prior to the first race. In the event that heat entries fall below the number that are to advance the last place crew will not be permitted to progress.
Qualification Events -
Entries | Heats | Adv | Rep | Adv | Semi | Adv | |
1-7 | 0 | (final only) | |||||
8-11 | 2 | (2) | 1 | (2) | 0 | ||
12-14 | 2 | (1) | 2 | (2) | 0 | ||
15-16 | 3 | (3) | 1 | (3) | 2 | (3) | |
17-20 | 3 | (2) | 2 | (3) | 2 | (3) | |
21-22 | 4 | (2) | 2 | (2) | 2 | (3) | |
23-28 | 4 | (1) | 4 | (2) | 2 | (3) | |
29-42 | 6 | (1) | 6 | (2) | 2 | (3) | |
43-63 | 9 | (1) | 9 | (1) | 3 | (2) |
Non-Qualification Events -
Entries | Heats | Adv | Semi | Adv | |
1-7 | 0 | (Finals only) | |||
8-14 | 2 | (3) | 0 | ||
15-21 | 3 | (4) | 2 | (3) | |
22-28 | 4 | (3) | 2 | (3) | |
29-42 | 6 | (2) | 3 | (2) | |
43-63 | 9 | (2) | 3 | (2) |
Medals will be awarded as results are finalized. Medals awarded to first, second, and third place for all races. A crew must not necessarily beat another crew to be awarded medals.
The trophies shall remain in the possession of the winning team for one (1) year and returned at the next Southeast Youth Championship Regatta. Teams failing to return trophies must pay a replacement fee ($400.00) before they will be allowed to compete. Trophies will be awarded at the awards ceremony at the conclusion of the day. Traveling trophies are sponsored by regional programs to celebrate outstanding achievements by regional youth crews.
The regatta committee would like to thank the sponsors of these special awards. Regional programs wishing to sponsor events please contact the Southeast Region Youth Representative for details. Guest programs are not eligible for traveling trophies.
Past winners of the event are posted on the regatta website
" Southeast Youth All Points Trophy" The Overall Team Point Trophy will be awarded to the team with the highest combined point total. The following table summarizes how points shall be awarded for events.In the event of a points tie, a coin toss shall be used as a tie break. All events will be scored.One boat per team scored in each event. The trophy sponsored by the Oak Ridge Rowing Association is a traveling trophy that is awarded for top scoring team overall.
"Southeast Youth Men's Points Trophy" The Men's Team Point Trophy will be awarded to the team with the highest Men's point total. The following table summarizes how points shall be awarded for events.In the event of a points tie, a coin toss shall be used as a tie break. All events will be scored.One boat per team scored in each event. The trophy sponsored by the Southeast Junior Development Camp is a traveling trophy that is awarded for top scoring team overall.
"Southeast Youth Women's Points Trophy" The Women's Team Point Trophy will be awarded to the team with the highest Women's point total. The following table summarizes how points shall be awarded for events.In the event of a points tie, a coin toss shall be used as a tie break. All events will be scored.One boat per team scored in each event. The trophy sponsored by the Southeast Junior Development Camp is a traveling trophy that is awarded for top scoring team overall.
Championship Events | Non-Championship Events | ||||||||
8+ | 4+ | 2x | 1x | 2V8+ | 2V 4+ | 2x | 1x | ||
LT8+ | LT4+ | LT2x | 3V8+ | 3V4+ | |||||
4x | 2- | N8+ | N4+ | ||||||
2N8+ | 2N4+ | ||||||||
1st | 80 | 40 | 20 | 10 | 56 | 28 | 14 | 7 | |
2nd | 72 | 36 | 18 | 9 | 48 | 24 | 12 | 6 | |
3rd | 64 | 32 | 16 | 8 | 40 | 20 | 10 | 5 | |
4th | 56 | 28 | 14 | 7 | 32 | 16 | 8 | 4 | |
5th | 48 | 24 | 12 | 6 | 24 | 12 | 6 | 3 | |
6th | 40 | 20 | 10 | 5 | 14 | 8 | 4 | 2 |
"The Spooner Cup" sponsored by Oak Ridge Rowing Association is a traveling trophy presented to the first place crew in theMen?s Youth Champion Eight (M 1V 8+) category.
The Southeast District Youth Championship Regatta is a qualifier for Southeast crews to the USRowing Youth National Championship Regatta. The 1st, 2nd and 3rd place finishers in the following events will receive and bid to USRowing Youth National Championship Regatta. Please read the rules and regatta packet can be downloaded @