The Grand River Challenge

  • Hosted By: Grand Rapids Rowing Club


A map and directions are also available at

From the east:

Take Interstate 96 west to US-131 North toward Cadillac (exit 31B).

Stay in the right lane to take the West River Drive exit (#91). You will pass the boathouse on your right while on US-131. The exit ramp curves to the right quite sharply, so please take the exit slowly.

At the light, turn right on West River Drive.

Proceed ~1.7 miles south on West River Drive through Comstock Park.

Turn left/east at the North Park Street light.

Cross under US-131 and stay in the left lane. The boathouse driveway is on the left just past the underpass, and is accessed via a shared driveway with Greenleaf Landscaping.

From the west:

From the northwest, take Interstate 96 east to US-131 North toward Cadillac (exit 31B). From the southwest, take I-196 east to US-131 North (77A).

Drive north on US-131 to the West River Drive exit (#91). You will pass the boathouse on your right while on US-131. The exit ramp curves to the right quite sharply, so please take the exit slowly.

At the light, turn right on West River Drive.

Proceed ~1.7 miles south on West River Drive through Comstock Park.

Turn left/east at the North Park Street light.

Cross under US-131 and stay in the left lane. The boathouse driveway is on the left just past the underpass, and is accessed via a shared driveway with Greenleaf Landscaping.

From the south:

Take US-131 North towards Grand Rapids/Cadillac.

Drive north on US-131 to the West River Drive exit (#91). You will pass the boathouse on your right while on US-131. The exit ramp curves to the right quite sharply, so please take the exit slowly.

At the light, turn right on West River Drive.

Proceed ~1.7 miles south on West River Drive through Comstock Park.

Turn left/east at the North Park Street light.

Cross under US-131 and stay in the left lane. The boathouse driveway is on the left just past the underpass, and is accessed via a shared driveway with Greenleaf Landscaping.

From the north:

Take US-131 South towards Grand Rapids.

Take the West River Drive exit (#91).

At the light, turn right on West River Drive.

Proceed ~1.5 miles south on West River Drive through Comstock Park.

Turn left/east at the North Park Street light.

Cross under US-131 and stay in the left lane. The boathouse driveway is on the left just past the underpass, and is accessed via a shared driveway with Greenleaf Landscaping.