Row for the Cure - Seattle

  • Hosted By: Pocock Youth Rowing
  • 2016 Registered Regatta

USRowing                   This is a USRowing registered regatta with USRowing officials.  The 2011 USRowing Rules of Boat Racing will apply unless otherwise stated.

Handicap                    Masters rowing events will be adjusted using the handicapping format as published in USRowing’s “Rules of Rowing”. Handicap values will be multiplied by 5.5. Unadjusted times are used for all other events. The age of a crew shall be determined by the average age of the rowers rounded down to the nearest whole number. The age of the coxswain is not included. If a masters boat entry does not specify an average age, the unadjusted time will be used.

Crew Age Changes    All changes in age of crew must be submitted to Julie Smith at

Bow Number              Each boat will receive a bow number.  Please return bow numbers to the Pocock Rowing Center or the dock masters at the official launch sites.

Race Plan                   The first flight starts at 7 a.m. with tribal canoes. Competitive rowing starts with the second flight at 7:30 a.m. Dragon boats, kayaks,canoes, outrigger canoes, stand-up paddle boards and other open water craft will follow. The final schedule will be posted and by Friday afternoon, September 16.