Oak Ridge Dogwood Regatta

  • Apr 24, 2010 To Apr 25, 2010
  • sprint
  • Melton Lake
  • Oak Ridge, TN (USA)
  • Hosted By: Oak Ridge Rowing Association, Inc.
  • 2016 Registered Regatta

2010 Oak Ridge Dogwood Regatta

Since 1978 the fourthweekend in April, when the dogwood trees are in full bloom, ORRA has sponsoredthe annual Dogwood Regatta. Over the 30 year history of the event there havebeen many changes to the schedule and format. The Dogwood Regatta has events foryouth and master athletes. The schedule on Saturday has been adjusted to allowa majority of the youth to make it back home for their spring formals. ORRAhopes you enjoy a great weekend of rowing.


REGATTA DATE:Saturday and Sunday, April 24-25, 2010.

LOCATION:Melton Hill Lake, 697 Melton Lake Drive, Oak Ridge, Tennessee

DogWOOD Regatta Contact Information

Regatta Director: Allen Eubanks, Telephone (865) 482-6538, Email coach@orra.org

Snail mail:Allen Eubanks, 697 Melton Lake Drive, Oak Ridge, Tennessee 37830

Overnight:AllenEubanks, 136 Orchard Lane, Oak Ridge, Tennessee 37830



On-LineEntry Window: March 15 to April 16, 2010

Entries should bemade on http://www.regattacentral.com


Regatta fees:

·$1000 cap forentries

·Event Fees: 8+: $80 4+/4x:$60 2x/2-: $45 1x : $25

·ORRA will be collecting a $1.50 per person venue fee above the entry fee.

·A temporary structure fee of $30.00 will be collected by ORRA prior to team tents being placed.This fee is above the Team Cap Teams will receive a permit that must displayedwhile structure is on-site. The permit allows up to a 20x20 structure. ALL TENTS MUSTBE FREE STANDING. NO STAKES ALLOWED!

·Lateentry subject to $10 per boat late fee, and accepted only if it does not causean additional heat or race. Scratch deadline noon, Tuesday, April 20. Scratchesafter this date will forfeit their entry fee for that event.

·USRowing organizational membership is required andmust be taken care of prior to arriving on site to participate. Membership canbe done on-line at http://www.usrowing.org.

·Waivers mustbe completed on-line at http://www.regattacentral.com as no ?hard-copy? waivers will be utilized.Waivers MUST be completed by Tuesday, April 20.


Teams may sign-in at the ORRABoathouse on Friday April 23 from 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM for Saturday events and onSaturday, April 25 from 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM for Sunday events.

Handicapped Needs

Please advise the Regatta Organizing Committee of anyspecial needs regarding services for handicap assistance at least 7 days priorto the regatta. 865-482-6538

ORRA DOGWood Social

On Sunday, wewould like to invite you to join ORRA for lunch/early dinner on the venue sothat we can have some time to meet and socialize with our neighbors in therowing community. The lunch will cost $ 12.00, drinks will be provided (beerfor the adults). Food will be served starting at 12:00N until one hour afterthe last race. Please RSVP when you register on Regatta Central.


Ifyou would like to get involved and volunteer you can sign-uphttp://www.orra.org/volunteer.html.


·The Oak RidgeDogwood Regatta will be conducted in accordance with the USRowing ?Rules ofRowing?. Please familiarize yourself with these rules before attending thecoaches and coxswains meeting.

·All teams andtheir guests are prohibited from using official regatta channel(s). Teamsviolating the use of restricted channel(s) shall be subject todisqualification. In the event that racing crews ?accidentally? use a regattachannel they will receive one warning.

·All competingboats shall carry a bow number of their assigned race lane for identification,said numbers containing numerals at least seven (7) inches high and four (4)inches wide on a background of a contrasting color, such as black numerals on awhite background. It will be the crews responsibility to supply bownumbers. Crews will not be allowed on the water without a bow number.


Dueto the format of the dogwood regatta there will be two C&C meetings.Meetings will be held on the south side of ORRA Boathouse on Melton Hill Lake. At least one representative from each crew must attend to cover event specific details. All crews will be responsible for the information deliveredat the meeting, regardless of attendance. This will be the last opportunity todiscuss entry and schedule issues, no entry changes will be considered afterthe close of this meeting.

·Crews racing on Saturday will meetFriday, at 8:00 PM

·Crews racing on Sunday will meetSunday, at 7:30 AM

·There is not a weigh-in for coxswains at this event.


Intent to fileprotest must be indicated on the water immediately following the finish of arace. The protest must be made to an USRowing official before the crew leavesthe area between the finish tower and the embayment. After a crew returns tothe launch docks, all right to protest is waived. The regatta will considerprotest from each coach or coaching representative (only one coach/coachingrepresentative per protest is allowed) per USRA rules at a fee of $25.00. Theprotest must be filed with the Regatta Director and the fee paid within 60minutes from the start of the race in question. The Regatta Jury will considerappeals from crews who have been assessed a penalty.

Tennessee State Championships - The highestplacing Tennesseecrews* in the Men?s and Women?s youth events will be awarded a Tennessee StateChampionship Medal for that event. A minimum of two Tennessee crews must be the event to receivemedal and points.

Good Neighbor POLICY

ORRA sharesthis portion of the venue with the Oak Ridge Community and two localrestaurants.

? No parkingin the neighborhoods that border the course.

? The easternhalf of the parking lot directly in front of the China Palace Restaurant mustbe reserved for restaurant quests only. Do not park trailers or cars in thisarea.

? The FlatWater Grill has asked that spectators stay off grass and from under structuresunless you are eating a meal there. Spectators that are not eating interferewith daily customers.

?The entrance to the Palisades Neighborhood,located near the starting line, is a no parking zone. Signs have been postedand citations will be given for parking here.

? The greenway that runs along the entire venue is shared by local citizens and eventparticipants alike. Please keep equipment a minimum of 3 feet from the trail.Groups walking along or stretching on the green way need to allow easy passageby walkers and bikers.


·A team isconsidered the usual way the program practices/competes as of January 1 of thesame year. A school team/club represents a single organization, with distinctlocation, colors, and coaches for the entire competitive season is a team. Allcrews representing the school/club must wear similar uniforms. Each team shallbe responsible for the conduct, physical fitness, including the ability toswim, of its competitors.

·Athletes ineach event are required to be of the same gender as well as in the sameuniform. Uniforms must be worn from the time the crew goes through the ControlCommission until the return to Recovery Dock.

·Each event must have a minimum of two entries toconstitute a race.

·Each rowershall be limited to two events.Coxswains are exempted from this limitation.No consideration shall be given to schedulingconflicts of rowers and coxswains competing in multiple events.The coach and competitor shall decide whichevent shall be their priority.

·Youth Events (Y) The youthevents are intended for competitors who in the current calendar year do not attain the age of19, or who are and have been continuously enrolled in secondary school as afull time student seeking a diploma. A competitor thus ceases to be a Juniorafter December 31 of the year of his/her 18th birthday, or of the year in whichhe/ she completes the 12th grade of secondary school, having been a full timestudent, whichever is later. Allquestions of eligibility, qualifications, or interpretations of the rules shallbe referred to the Chief Referee, whose decision shall be final.

·There will be NO 2V events held at the 2010Dogwood Regatta.

·Novice Youth (N): A Noviceevent shall be defined as any student-athlete who is in their first year ofcompetition.  A rower who has previously competed only as a coxswain cancompete as a Novice rower. A coxswain who has previously competed only as arower can compete as a Novice coxswain.

·LightweightEvents (LT):The weight of youthrowers in lightweight events shall be determined once each day no less than one hour and no more than twohours before the scheduled time of the first race in which the weight isrelevant.

oAllCompetitors should weigh-in in racing uniform, without shoes or other footgear.Noone will be weighed-in wearing more or less clothing.

oCrewsand alternates will weigh-in together and must be accompanied by a Coach orProgram Designate.

oLightweightweights will be strictly enforced.

§Lightweight Youth Men155.0 lbs. (max - no avg.)

§LightweightYouth Women130.0 lbs. (max - noavg.)

§Crewsare to step on the scale in the order that they row in the boat (i.e. bow tostern).

§No one will be allowed to 'checkweight' on the official scale during the official weigh-in times.Un-official scales will be on site as ofFriday at noon.

§Each junior lightweight rower shall have onlyone (1) initial opportunity to weigh-in. A competitor within one (1.0) pound orless of the weight standard is allowed one (1) re-weigh within the officialweigh-in time window. A competitor whose initial weight is greater than one(1.0) pound above the weight standard will be ineligible to compete in theevent.

§The LOC strongly urges all coaches to refrainfrom unnatural weight requirements for rowers.Arower who appears severely dehydrated or to have used extreme means to loseweight shall be required to bechecked by onsite medical personnel before being cleared to race. A rower whorequires intravenous re-hydration will not be allowed to race.

Master Events (M)

·Master is a competitor who has attained or willattain the age of 21 during the current calendar year. A competitor?s age isdetermined as of December 31 of the current calendar year, rounded down to thenearest whole number. A competitor thus becomes a Master on January 1 of theyear of his or her 21st birthday. The age category of a Masters crew shall bedetermined by the average age of the rowers in the crew, rounded down to thenearest whole number.A Masters crewshall be comprised exclusively of Masters rowers, excluding the coxswain. AMasters crew may compete in a lower (younger) age category but not in a highercategory. A Master competitor?s eligibility to compete in Masters events is notaffected by his or her classification by skill. Each competitor shall beresponsible for his own health and fitness. Every Masters rower must be in aposition to prove his age by presentation of an official document if requested.

·Masterrowers are not limited in the number of entries in sweep and sculling events.

·Noconsideration shall be given to scheduling conflicts of rowers and coxswainscompeting in multiple events.The coachand competitor shall decide which event shall be their priority.

·Masters events shall be held in the following crewage categories:

  • Master:AA. 21 to 26 yearsA. 27 to 35 years
  • Senior-Master: B. 36 to 42 yearsC. 43 to 49 years
  • Grand-MasterD. 50 to 54 yearsE. 55 to 59 years
  • VeteranF. 60 to 64 yearsG. 65 to 69 years
  • Senior-VeteranH. 70 to 74 years I.75 to 79 years

oGrand-VeteranJ. 80 andover

·The masters events will use the first 750m of thecourse as the warm-up area. Please do not go past the bridge. Only Lanes 4, 5,6 are to be used for warm-up. Master events are final only. Please, notice theschedule and the 2000m events that might be on the course

·MixedEvents (MX): Mixed crew events are which half ofthe crew excluding the coxswain shall be women and half shall be men. Thecoxswain may be of either gender.


practice times

Crew will be able to practice onthe course Friday starting at 12:00 PM. and Saturday 15 minutes after the finalrace of the day, TENTATIVELY available after 5:00 p.m.No coach launches will be permitted on the water. Crews may follow the eventregatta traffic pattern to practice south of the course at the crew?s own riskduring the regatta.

Lane Selection

Random lane selection will be done usingRegatta Master software. This regatta management software collects the datafrom Regatta Central and automatically seeds crews. Please note that we will bedownloading and drawing the lanes draw on Wednesday evening, April 23, 2008. It will be posted onthe web at www.regattacentral.com or www.orra.orgthat evening and copies of the schedule will be available to coaches by emailor on site upon signing-in. This willnot be the final heat sheet and will be subject to changes. The final heatsheet will be distributed at the C&C meeting.



Medals may be picked up at the boathouse and results will be posted onthe bulletin board outside the boathouse.Medalsfor first, second, and third place will be awarded.There will be no Dogwood overall team pointtrophies awarded this year.

Concessions &Merchandise

Food andbeverages will be available for purchase at the regatta site. The unauthorizedsale of merchandise, food or drink in not permitted.


COURSE SET-UP & TrafficPattern

·Open and Junior events will be2000m from stake boats, PLEASE MAKE SURE YOUR COXSWAINSKNOW HOW TO BACK INTO A STARTING DOCK.

·Master events will be 1000m from afloating start.

·Rowing will be northwest tosoutheast downstream from the start to the UT-Battelle Finish Tower.The distance markers are placed on theeastern shore and will count toward the finish (0000 | 500 | 1000 | 1500 |2000).

·Thecourse will include six (6) buoyed lanes with lane markers hung from thestarting bridge. The lanes will be numbered from left to right (0 | 1 | 2 | 3 |4 | 5 | 6). Lane six will be closest to the finish tower on the west side ofcourse. Lane ?0? is the travel lane toward the start that is on the east sideof the course. This lane may be used if a 7th lane is needed.Use caution when approaching the choke pointlocated at 500m.

·A?Starter?s Tower? will also be utilized to aid in the teams viewing of thestarter?s flag. Each lane is equipped with an individual loud speaker.


·There will be three calls to launch prior to each event as scheduled.Launch officials at the launch docks will make every effort to launch boats ontime. It is your responsibility to report to the starting line on time,regardless if you hear the race calls or not. Coaches and coxswains should beready to launch 45 minutes prior to the scheduled time of their event.

·The southern two launchdocks will be used for launching crews.

·The Northern two dockswill be used for recovery.

·The two docks located closest tothe boathouse are for emergency use and referees only.

·Approachesto and from the launching docks must be kept clear.

·Crewsshould spend as little time on the docks as is required.

·Hotseatingmust be arranged with the dock master before the scheduled race. The regattawill proceed on time and will not be held for hot seating crews. Events will not be delayed to permit re-rigging of shells.

·Acoxswain must check-in with the dock master before launching for every race.

·Proceed off the launching dockstoward the southern end of the embayment and then proceed out keeping yourstarboard side closest to the shore. The traffic pattern is Righthandrule.

Traffic pattern

·Exit the embayment turning right toward the finish linetower. Follow the starboard shore 250m beyond the tower. DO NOT YIELD OR STOP ON FINISH LINE. Once clear of the finish areaboat may turn toward far shore.Therewill be yellow buoys to mark the finish area. Maintainsingle file past the racecourse.

·Boats must yields when events on the course approach (150m).

·Trafficrules will be posted at the launch docks. All coaches, coxswains, captains, andscullers must read and familiarize themselves with the traffic rules beforeleaving the dock.


·Crews can warm up with caution as they travel up theeastern shore toward the start.

·Avoid doing practice starts until you pass thestarting line.

·Competitors may proceed up streampast the railroad bridge for practice.

·The warm up area in the starting is 500m north of thebridge. Twin orange buoys will mark the warm-up limit. Stay with in site and audibledistance of the start marshals Check in with the start Marshal north of thebridge upon your arrival to the warm-up area. Travel in a counter clockwisedirection.

·Staging crews will happen south of the bridge alongthe west shore. The Staging Marshal will call the race to line up in lane orderto enter the course. Check in with marshal upon arrival.


·Crews should exit the finish area as soon as possibleafter the Regatta Official has polled the crews after the conclusion of theevent.

·A warm down area will be provided beyond the coursefor 250m. Crews should not travel around the next river bend while warmingdown.


·Crews will exit the finish area between the course and the finish line tower.

·Crews are to stay off the course while exiting the course.

·Crews are not allowed to stop on the finish line while leaving the course.