HRRA 11th Annual Indoor Sprints
- Mar 13, 2010
- indoor
- McCann Athletic Center
- Poughkeepsie, NY (USA)
- Hosted By: Hudson River Rowing Association, Inc.
- 2016 Registered Regatta
UPDATED TENTATIVE SCHEDULE - Friday, March 12directions.html The HRRASprints will be held in the McCann Athletic Center accessible through theSouth Gate into the Marist Campus. Once on campus take a left into theparking lot. Enter the building through the main entrance and take aright to reach the auxiliary gym.
- MastersWomen - 9am
- MastersMen - 9:15
- Girls and Boys 7th and 8th grade - 9:30am
- Scholastic Girls <135lb - 9:45am - 10:15am
- ScholasticBoys <155lb - 10:30am to 10:45am
- Scholastic Girls - 11:00am to 11:45am
- OpenMen and Women - 12:00pm
- ScholasticBoys - 12:15pm to 12:45pm
- Coxswains - 1:00pm to 1:15pm
opens at 8am, lightweights have to weigh in one hour prior to the firstheat in their category. Masters get first priority to register...
WAIVERSMake this easy on all of us and have your athletes sign an onlinewaiver for your club at regatta central! While you are at it, go in and pay if you haven't done that yet!LATE REGISTRATIONwe do accept late registrations, but the fee is $20 and you are notguaranteed an erg in the correct category - you will be assigned thefirst erg available and you will not be eligible for heat ribbons.AWARDSthis year we are handing out 1st place ribbons for HEAT winners and gold, silver and bronze Medals for EVENT winners. We will hand out the masters awards as soon as we figure out thehandicaps, but the remaining awards will be handed out after the coxies race.MASTERS HANDICAPSwe use the old CRASH-B system beforethey moved to age categories, unless I can figure out how to use Workbench for results, then we will use USRowing handicaps...SCHEDULEheat assignments will be set by Friday morning - please get your scratchesor changes to me by Thursday at 9pm, otherwise all changes will be madeon Saturday and you are not guaranteed an erg in the correct event.TENTATIVE SCHEDULEEvent times may change slightlythroughout the day, please be prepared to race at least 20 minutes prior toyour scheduled time.Masters Women ? 9am
Masters Men - 9:15Girls and Boys 7th and 8th grade - 9:30Scholastic Girls <135lb>
Scholastic Boys <155lb - 10:30 to 11:00Scholastic Girls - 11:15 to 12:00
Open Women - 12:15
Scholastic Boys - 1:00 to 1:30
Open Men - 1:45Coxswains - 2:00 to 2:15
FOOD AND MERCHWe will have a small concession with breakfast,snack and drink items. We also have a cool, on site, custom t-shirtcompany - they make your shirt to order and you can have your name onit or something like 'GOLD MEDAL WINNER' in big letters to show off atthe boathouse (I think you have to show your medal to get thatone...).DIRECTIONSto Marist College ~