Mercer Lake/ISA Sculling Championships
- Apr 16, 2010 To Apr 17, 2010
- sprint
- Mercer County Park
- Mercer County, NJ (USA)
- Hosted By: Princeton National Rowing Association/Mercer
- 2016 Registered Regatta
Regatta Information
Date: | Friday April 16 & Saturday April 17, 2010 |
Location : | Richard Coffee Mercer County Park (West Windsor, NJ) |
Events: | Junior Sweep and Sculling |
Registration: | RegattaCentral |
Start Time: | Friday 5:30 pm; Saturday 8:00 am |
Weigh-ins: | Weigh ins will be on coach's/athlete's honor |
Events (Please see entry limits below)
Sweep Events
First Eight (1500m heat, 2000m final)
Second Eight
Third Eight
First Frosh/Novice Eight
Second Frosh/Novice Eight (Only if there is a significant number of entries)
Lightweight Eight (Boys: 155lb. Max, Girls 130lb. Max)
First Four w/ cox (1500m heat, 2000m final)
Second Four w/ cox
Third Four
Lightweight Four w/ (Boys: 155lb. Max, Girls 130 lb. Max)
ISA Sculling Events
Varsity Single
Varsity Double
Varsity Lwt Double
Varsity Quad (1500m heat, 2000m final)
Varsity Octuple
Second Double
Second Quad
Novice Quad
Entry Cost | |
Eights: | $90.00 |
Fours: | $70.00 |
Quads: | $70.00 |
Doubles: | $50.00 |
Singles: | $35.00 |
- The Registration window will be Feb 15th to April 2nd, 2010.
- The entry window will be open until April 2nd or when an event hits capacity (most events will cap at 14 entries). Entries are taken on a first come first served basis. Some consideration may be given to allow the maximum team participation.
- "C" entries are not permitted unless space permits. "C" entries will not be approved until after the close of registration.
- Late entries (entries entered after April 2nd) will be accepted as space allows and will be assessed a late fee of $20.00 per late entry.
- Entries will NOT be recognized until full payment is made.
Rules and Regulations
Event Rules: Please be sure to read the following event descriptions carefully. The goal of PNRA is to run a regatta that is highly competitive and fair. The hope is that no school will enter a "second eight" without entering a "first eight" and so on, but there will be some latitude given to schools who feel they cannot be competitive in an event and therefore must row in a lower category. Please use your best discretion.
First Eight: The top event for eights. The "Varsity Eight."
Second Eight: No school can enter a second eight without entering a first eight
Frosh/Novice Eight: Rowers in this event must have less than (1) year of rowing experience or be Freshman in their first year of rowing.
Lightweight: There will be no averaging for lightweight events. Boys must weigh no more than 155lbs. and girls must weight no more than 130lbs. There will be no weigh in. Athletes' weights will be on the coach's honor.
Coxswains: There will be no weight restrictions for coxswains and they need not weigh in
Entry Limits:
The Schedule WILL NOT be changed to accommodate athletes who are doubling up or teams that are hot seating shells. Please plan accordingly.
Each event will be subject to entry limits (the cap for most events is 14 entries) as the regatta has grown maximum capacity.
Each event will close when all lanes are full. The lanes will be drawn on a first come, first serve basis. For questions on individual event entry limits please contact Regatta Director, Sean McCourt at
Athletes can row in no more than two events in the same day
Athletes may NOT row in events that are scheduled less than one hour from each other
There must be at least (3) entries in an event or it will be scratched.
IF AN EVENT DOES NOT HAVE THREE ENTRIES OR MORE, the event WILL be dropped and you will be notified. Anyone who is part of an event that is dropped will be contacted before the event and you can choose to roll that entry into a higher category (ex= junior double dropped, then junior double rows in varsity category)
IF AN EVENT DOES NOT HAVE MORE THAN 7 entries, it will be rowed as a straight final "B" entries will be mixed with all of the "A" entries and will not be run in separate heats. "B" entries does NOT mean a separate event.
Venue Information
Team Tents, Team Food Trailers & Parents Dropping off Food Tent Supplies
- All teams must pre-register their team tent and apply for an assigned tent space. Event tent permits will be available online by mid February. Each team will be assigned a 10x20 space for their team/food tent in the spectator area.
- Spaces will be assigned on a first come, first served basis. Shoreline spots go fast, so register early.
- Parents will be able to drive their cars down to the finish line area on Friday. However, the finish area will close to cars from 5:00-7:30 pm because of racing. Absolutely no vehicles will be permitted in the finish line area on Sat until after the completion of racing.
- PNRA staff will assist parents dropping off food on Saturday with golf carts. However, parents are encouraged to bring wagons and hand trucks in order to avoid waiting in line for a golf cart.
- Aggressive food tent parents will lead to the team's exclusion from the regatta without refund.