Head of the Genesee

  • Hosted By: Rochester Community inclusive Rowing
  • 2016 Registered Regatta

Rochester Plaza Hotel & Conference Center can offer the teams a $79.00 rate plus tax for Saturday 10/9 only The other weekend dates we are full. Monica Harnischfege  Rochester Plaza Hotel & Conference Center  - reference Head of the Genesee

70 State Street Rochester, NY 14614 (585)-546-3450 Phone (585)-546-8714 Fax [email protected]


The Radisson Hotel Rochester Riverside is happy to offer a discounted rate of $89.00 for the "Head of the Genesee" for the nights of October 8 and 9. We can offer up to 50 rooms per night at this discounted rate. First come first served - posted September 15th, 2010


Please contact Jake Linderberry, Sports Sales ManagerRadisson Hotel Rochester Riverside120 E. Main StreetRochester, NY 14604Phone: 585-546-6414Fax: 585-546-1341Email: [email protected]www.radisson.com/rochesterny_riverside

120 E. Main Street

Rochester, NY 14604

Phone: 585-546-6414

Fax: 585-546-1341

Email: [email protected]



Other hotels:

Hampton Inn Irondequoit 25 rooms available at $99 per nite on October 9th and 15th. Call Kim Miller at 585-339-3500 - Ask for Head of the Genesee rates

The DoubleTree on Jefferson Road - $109 per night, Rooms available Oct 8,9 and 15, 10 mins from racing Venue - call Shannon Barrows at 585-475-1510 x 156, Mention Head of the Genesee