Dexter Dash and Dinner

  • Hosted By: Oregon Association of Rowers

The Covered Bridge Regatta is pleased to continue our sponsorship of: 


The Dexter Dash ... and Dinner 

On Friday April 9th late afternoon 

Want a chance to 'fly and die' with the best of them? To have some fun before you get serious on Saturday? To earn 'the right' to eat a little extra at the dinner BBQ? Maybe you just want a low key way to try your first race. 

Join us for some fun 500 meter (or so) sprints. These races will be fast, but not furious. We want to have some fun and get to know our guests before the 'real deal' on Saturday. Please join us. 

The racing will feature 500 meter sprint relays, either on the final 500m of the race course, or along the Dexter dam, weather dependent. An information packet is available here

8 masters events: 

Masters1x: men, women
Masters 1x - first-time singles race: men, women

Masters 8+: men, women
Masters novice 8+: men, women

NOTE: the 'Novice' singles races are intended to allow scullers who have never raced their single to give it a first time try. These scullers may or may not be 'novice' as officially USRA defined.

This year the organizing committee will group all entries into relay teams. Enter as you normally would and we will assign all entries to teams comprised from various clubs, boat-sizes and experience levels. The idea is to have some fun, race with or against people you might normally not race with, and - to entertain the spectators!

For proper seeding and team ssignment, all masters entries must include athlete's names and birthdates.

We intend to run all races very close together - there will be no hot-seating, boat sharing, etc. 

A scrumptious dinner  (included in your entry fee) will be offered immediately following the racing, under the picnic shelter. A vegetarian entrée alternative will also be available. 

Hideaway Bakery will cater this year's D3

located behind Mazzi's Restaurant

at 3377 E Amazon
Eugene, OR 97405

Entry fees(separate from Saturday's fees): $20 per person for your race and dinner. You don't have to actually race to eat - but we would love it if you did! Entries close April 1st.

CBR entries and registration through the separate listing here at RegattaCentral.

There will be a BRIEF coxswain's/sculler's meeting promptly at 4:45PM at the park shelter. 

Races will start at 5:30 and end about 6:00. Don't be late. 

Dress warmly!

Please note: All Oregon boaters are required to carry with them a current 'Aquatic Invasive Species Prevention Permit.' The organizing committee will provide these to our out of state guests. Details available at