| From East: Take I 84 west to exit 9 onto Rt. 25 North. Go all the way to Brookfield to Rt. 7 North. Get onto Rt. 7 North. You will pass New Milford High School on your left! At the 3rd set of traffic lights (including the ones by the school) turn right into Still River Drive (0.9 of a mile from the school; NewMil Bank is on the right just before the turning). The Rowing Center is 2.2 miles from this point. Go straight across at the Stop Sign, over a bridge, then across railroad tracks and then another bridge. The road becomes Grove Street and runs parallel to the river. Look out for the sign on your left. From West: Take I-84 east to exit 7 (left exit!) Get onto Rt. 7 connector North. At the end you will get to a traffic light. Take a right and follow Rt. 7 North. Go through Brookfield. Follow Rt.7. You will pass New Milford High School on your left! At the 3rd set of traffic lights (including the ones by the school) turn right into Still River Drive (0.9 of a mile from the school; NewMil Bank is on the right just before the turning). The Rowing Center is 2.2 miles from this point. Go straight across at the Stop Sign, over a bridge, then across railroad tracks and then another bridge. The road becomes Grove Street and runs parallel to the river. Look out for the sign on your left. From South: Take Rt. 7 north to Danbury. Get onto I-84 east. Take I-84 east to exit 7 (left exit!) Get onto Rt. 7 connector North. At the end you will get to a traffic light. Take a right and follow Rt. 7 North. Go through Brookfield. Follow Rt.7. You will pass New Milford High School on your left! At the 3rd set of traffic lights (including the ones by the school) turn right into Still River Drive (0.9 of a mile from the school; NewMil Bank is on the right just before the turning). The Rowing Center is 2.2 miles from this point. Go straight across at the Stop Sign, over a bridge, then across railroad tracks and then another bridge. The road becomes Grove Street and runs parallel to the river. Look out for the sign on your left. |
All boats are to dropped off at GMS and due to restrictive space all vehicles will be parked a short distance up Grove Street (towards New Milford) in a large parking area by The Club (a fitness center). Signs will direct you to the area.