Quaker City Masters Regatta

  • Hosted By: Fairmount Rowing Association
  • 2016 Registered Regatta

Additional Parking Information Posted July 27, 2009


Parking at the Quaker City Masters Regatta - Saturday, August 1, 2009:
There is no general parking for the regatta in either the upper or lower sections of the Canoe Club lot. This area is reserved for boat trailers and cars carrying boats on top. There will be no exceptions to this rule [apart from regatta officials, and we know who they are.]. No other vehicles will be permitted, so don't plan to appeal to the good nature of the folks patrolling the lot [they are good natured, but you will lose!] General parking for the regatta is at two sites - the lot just before the grandstand at the finish line, and the area up the hill just before the Canoe Club. Look for a left exit off the Kelly Drive, go up the hill to the stop sign, turn right and park in that area. You can then walk down the hill and across to the Canoe Club launching area. These two options are for all vehicles other than trailers and cars with boats on top.
If you are driving a boat trailer or a car top, take the Kelly Drive toward Center City and pull into the very first lot by the Canoe Club to get directions from a QCMR parking official about where to park. PULL YOUR TRAILER COMPLETELY INTO THE LOT BEFORE STOPPING. DO NOT LEAVE THE BACK END ON THE KELLY DRIVE IF YOU VALUE YOUR BOATS! COME ALL THE WAY INTO THE LOT. BE CAREFUL OF CYCLISTS AND RUNNERS CROSSING THE ENTRANCE ON THE SIDEWALK - THEY TEND TO BE OBLIVIOUS TO VEHICLES PULLING IN. Do not park the trailer until an official meets you and directs to to the right spot. Follow all directions given to you by the officials.  Also, please do not turn into the down river entrance to the lot [the one closest to St. Joe's boathouse]. All vehicles carrying boats must enter through the upper Canoe Club lot and must meet with an official for parking instructions.
For folks who wish to arrive on Friday evening I will be in the Canoe Club area between 5-8PM to meet you and arrange parking for your trailer. Please note that we cannot be responsible for security should you choose to leave you boats/trailers overnight in the lot.
If everyone cooperates the parking for our regatta should go smoothly. We wish all contestants and friends a very successful and enjoyable QCMR. Should you have any parking questions before Saturday please email me at pboathouse@verizon.net or call 610-789-9613.
Have fun and be safe!
Tom Monnat
QCMR Parking Czar






Parking: Parking for cars and trailers will be available at the Canoe Club parking lot on Kelly Drive.  Please let the regatta personnel direct you.

Parking directions are as follows: All trailers and cars carrying boats are to park in the Canoe Club lots on Kelly Drive. Trailers will park in the down river lot between the Canoe Club and St. Joe's boathouse. Cars carrying boats will park in the first lot as you enter the Canoe Club area. The only way into the lots is by driving down river [toward Center City] on the Drive and entering at the first driveway to the Canoe Club. Signs will be posted to guide you into the lot. Do not attempt to take a left-hand turn from the outgoing lanes of Kelly Drive into the Canoe Club area. Please be sure to pull your trailer completely off the roadway when you turn in. We will have volunteers available once you are in the lot to show you where to park.  Follow their instructions and all will be well. We are asking that all clubs try to limit the number of trailers and cars carrying boats - please help by doubling up with other clubs on trailer space or borrowing boats from friends in Philly. We don't want to see any half-empty trailers this weekend.

If you do not have a boat on your vehicle DO NOT PARK AT THE CANOE CLUB!  Parking is available either at the finish line/grandstand lot or up the hill in Fairmount Park just before the Canoe Club [get in left lane and take the road up the hill. After the stop sign the overflow parking area is to your right. Then walk down the hill and over to the Canoe Club.] DO NOT PARK ON THE GRASS ANYWHERE ALONG KELLY DRIVE - YOU WILL BE TICKETED AND/OR TOWED.

Regatta staff will be available from midday Friday into Friday evening [until 8PM] and again on Saturday from 6AM onward to assist with parking arrangements. Keep in mind; the later you arrive, the greater your risk of not finding parking. Since most, if not all, out of town boats which have not made arrangements with local clubs will be launching from the Canoe Club area, you will want to secure a place early on.

Any questions call Tom Monnat, Quaker City Regatta Parking Official [610-789-9613] or email pboathouse@verizon.net