Head of the Cuyahoga
- Sep 19, 2009
- head
- Cleveland Rowing Foundation
- Cleveland, OH (USA)
- Hosted By: Cleveland Rowing Foundation
- 2016 Registered Regatta
- click here for the 2009 Head of the Cuyahoga Regatta Official Packet/Rules
- see 'News' section on the left menu for updates/additional information
Excerpt from the Regatta Official Packet/Rules :
Junior: A junior is a competitor who in the current calendar year does not attain the age of 19, or who is currently, and has been continuously, enrolled in secondary school as a full
time student seeking a diploma.
Novice: A competitor who has not competed in a regatta before the current calendar year.
Open: Unrestricted.
Master: A competitor who has attained/will attain the age of 21 during the current calendar year. Masters crews shall be classified by age according to the following categories: (A) 27 to 35 years, (B) 36 to 42 years, (C) 43 to 49 years, (D) 50 to 54 years, (E) 55 to 59 years, (F) 60 to 64 years, (G) 65 to 69 years, (H) 70 to 74 years, (I) 75 to 79 years, (J) 80 and over. The age category of a Masters crew shall be determined by the average age of the rowers in the crew, rounded to the nearest integer. The age of a coxswain shall not be counted. The ages of individual rowers need not fall within the age category, so long as each rower is a Master and so long as the average age of the crew falls within the applicable category.
Lightweight: In any men's lightweight event (sweeps or sculling) no rower shall weigh more than 160 lbs. In any junior men?s lightweight event no rower shall weigh more than 155 lbs. In any women?s lightweight event (including juniors), no rower shall weigh more than 130 lbs. PLEASE NOTE: IF there is a written protest (see 20. Protest Procedures) regarding the weight of a lightweight crew, the crew in question will be weighed, as well as the protesting crew. If either of the crews are more than 5 lbs. over USRA Weight Limit, those crew(s) will be eliminated.
Recreational: The Recreational category is for masters who practice on average one day per week. This category includes such crews as those rowing as a corporate crew, in a summer rowing league, as novices (in first year of rowing), or other occasional rowers. What distinguishes a recreational rower is the limited frequency with which he or she rows. A team may not enter a Masters event and also a Recreational event.