NBC Scholastic Sculling Regatta

  • Hosted By: Narragansett Boat Club

May 1, 2009

I regret to report that we have cancelled this regatta. There were not enough entrants from outside the Narragansett Boat Club to warrant holding this event. Perhaps many others will join us for the Mayor's Cup Regatta on May 16, which will be held. Best wishes to all of our scullers in New England. Perhaps you will be racing at Lowell and on Quinsigamond in the coming weeks. If you have any questions, please call me between 7:00-8:00 PM at 401.437.1991. Thank you.

Albin Moser



SUNDAY, MAY 3, 2009

Purpose: To encourage competition among scholastic single scullers and to serve as a seeding event for the New England Interscholastic Rowing Association Championships held annually on Lake Quinsigamond on the fourth Saturday in May. Since the NEIRA Regatta has only six lanes available for each gender, the sculling championship is a final only event.

Rationale: According to the NEIRA By-Laws, "All scullers must race at least two scullers from NEIRA schools, other than their own, in at least one race prior to seeding." If a sculler is not enrolled in a NEIRA school, he or she is still welcome to compete in this championship, therefore the same requirements apply. The challenge for scullers is to find other scullers to race. This regatta provides such an opportunity.

Qualifications: All boys and girls currently enrolled in a secondary school.

Please Note: It is not a requirement that all scullers participate in this regatta to qualify for the NEIRA. Scullers may still select other sites and races, as long as they are officially presided over by coaches and/or regatta organizers. These scullers should report their results to the NEIRA Seeding Committee on the date of each regatta.

Entry Fee: $25.00. Checks payable to the Narragansett Boat Club.

Distance: 1500 meters


Time        Event

09:45AM   Regatta Meeting

10:45AM   Heat 1 Girls' Singles

11:00AM   Heat 2 Girls' Singles

11:15AM   Heat 1 Boys' Singles

11:30AM   Heat 2 Girls' Singles

11:45AM   Girls' Petite Final

12:00PM   Girls' Grand Final

12:15PM   Boys' Petite Final

12:30PM   Boys' Grand Final

Awards: Narragansett Boat Club medals awarded to the top three scullers in each division. Results will be reported to the NEIRA Seeding Committee, RegattaCentral, and Row2K.com.