Charm City Sprints

  • Hosted By: Baltimore Rowing Club
  • 2016 Registered Regatta



To comply with Baltimore CityRecreation and Parks regulations, there will be no parking allowed on thegrass.Parking by the boathouse willfill very early.Ample parking isavailable a short distance away at Harbor Hospital on the east sideof Hanover St.There will be a parking attendant to directvehicles and keep them off the grass. We are reserving two of the three pavedlots for tow vehicles, busses, referees and other specific individuals.If a club or school is scheduled to bring abus, please let Mike Chin ( in advance. Please stress to your parents and athletes (if they are carpooling) that the paved areas are designated for handicapped parking as well asselect individuals who are here to help run the regatta.No parking is allowed along Waterview Avenue.If you park there you can expect to get aticket or get towed.

Middle Branch Park, Baltimore, Maryland

This is the main route, using Interstate 95. Should Interstate 95 or Hanover Street be unavailable, please try the alternate route below.

From Interstate 83: Take Interstate 83 south toLombard Street. Make a right and follow Lombard through downtownBaltimore to Howard Street. Make a left onto Howard Street, and veerleft as Howard Street becomes Interstate 395 south. Stay to the rightand take the exit ramp for Interstate 95 north (toward New York). Stayin the far right lane and take exit 54 onto for Hanover Street (MD-2).Cross the drawbridge. At the first traffic light after the drawbridge,make a right onto Waterview Avenue. The rowing club is the red-roofedbuilding on the right.

From within Baltimore City. Take Light Street southtoward Federal Hill. Turn right on Cross St. Go two blocks to HanoverStreet and make a left. Stay on Hanover Street and cross thedrawbridge. At the first traffic light after the drawbridge, make aright onto Waterview Avenue. The rowing club is the red-roofed buildingon the right.

From the north: Take Interstate 95 south throughthe Fort McHenry tunnel. Stay in the far right lane. Take the firstexit toward Key Highway immediately after exiting the tunnel. Turn leftat second traffic light onto Hanover Street. Cross the drawbridge. Atthe first traffic light after the drawbridge, make a right ontoWaterview Avenue. The rowing club is the red-roofed building on theright.

From the south: Take Interstate 95 north to exit 54onto Hanover Street (MD-2). Cross the drawbridge. At the first trafficlight after the drawbridge, make a right onto Waterview Avenue. Therowing club is the red-roofed building on the right.

If Interstate 95 or Hanover Street is closed, take this alternate route (using MD-295).

From within Baltimore City
  • Take MD-295 (Baltimore-Washington Parkway) south out of the city, about one mile
  • Exit right at Annapolis Road (MD-648)
  • Turn right at light onto Annapolis Road
  • Turn right at next light onto Waterview Avenue
  • Turn right at next light to follow Waterview
  • Go across railroad tracks and through one traffic light
  • Boathouse is one mile on left; continue straight to overflow parking
From south of Baltimore City
  • Take MD-295 (Baltimore-Washington Parkway) north toward Baltimore
  • Exit right at Waterview Avenue; turn right at top of ramp
  • Follow Waterview across railroad tracks and through one light
  • Boathouse is one mile on left; continue straight to overflow parking
From north of Baltimore City
  • Take Interstate 95 south through Ft. McHenry Tunnel
  • Exit MD-295 south toward DC (Baltimore/Washington Parkway)
  • Exit right at Annapolis Road (MD-648)
  • Turn right at light onto Annapolis Road
  • Turn right at next light onto Waterview Avenue
  • Turn right at next light to follow Waterview
  • Go across railroad tracks and through one traffic light
  • Boathouse is one mile on left; continue straight to overflow parking