Head of the Giblet
- Nov 15, 2008
- head
- Bill Frederick Park @Turkey Lake Park
- Orlando, FL (USA)
- Hosted By: Boone Crew/ Braves Rowing, Inc. (BRI)
- Men’s Masters /Open/ Junior 1X
- Women’s Masters /Open/ Junior 1X
- Men’s Masters /Open/ Junior 2X
- Women’s Masters /Open/ Junior 2X
- Men’s Masters /Open/ Lightweight/ Junior /Junior Lightweight 8+
- Women’s Masters /Open/ Lightweight/ Junior /Junior Lightweight 8+
- Men’s Masters /Open/ Lightweight/ Junior /Junior Lightweight 4+
- Women’s Masters /Open/ Lightweight/ Junior /Junior Lightweight 4+
- *** Special event: Mixed Coaches’ 4+
Sportsmanship: Good sportsmanship and fair play are expected of all athletes, coaches, and spectators at all times. Penalties will range from 60 second time penalties to disqualification of the club or school. Penalties will be given at the discretionof the officials.
Passing: The overtaking boat will have the right of way. The boat being passed must yield to the overtaking boat. Failure to yield will result in a 60-second penalty. The overtaking boat may not pass if it creates an unsafe situation for any boats in the vicinity. The boat being overtaken must move away from the chosen course of the overtaking boat. The overtaking boat must make their intended course known to the crew being passed before coming within a one (1) boat length distance of the crew to be passed. Passing while outside the course/course markers or forcing another crew outside of the course/course markers or creating an unsafe situation will result in disqualification.
Buoy/Course Violations: All crews are expected to remain within intended course lines as depicted on the course map. Each buoy violation will result in a 10-second penalty. Because of the narrow nature of the start finish area buoy violations also create a safety hazard. Violations in this area that do not pose a safety hazard will result in a 60-second penalty. Creating a safety hazard will result in disqualification. These rules apply to boats approaching the start, departing from the finish, or racing. The oars of a racing boat will be allowed outside the buoy line but the hull must remain on the course. Boats approaching or departing the start finish area must keep their boat and oars within the buoy lines.
Protests/Appeals: All protests and appeals must be initiated by the coxswain and coach (or bowman for uncoxed boats) immediately after the boat has been removed from the water. Protests must be submitted in writing to the registration personnel along with a $25 fee in order for review by judges. Protest fees will be refunded if a ruling is made in your favor.