MPSRA Fall State Championship

  • Hosted By: Massachusetts Public Schools Rowing Association
  • 2016 Registered Regatta


  • The 2008 MPSRA Championship is a USRowing registered regatta.  As such, each participating organization must be a registered member of USRowing in order to compete at the regatta and must register under the name accepted by USRowing.  If your organization is not currently a member, please contact USRowing or visit their website and register online at
  • The regatta will follow USRA's Rules of Rowing.  Please make sure your crews understand this information. 
  • All participants must have a completed Release of Liability Waiver on file with the Regatta Coordinator prior to October 11, 2008; this can be either a paper waiver or the USRowing electronic waiver.  Each team must also submit a complete team roster signed by a school official acknowledging that all athletes are public school students.  Said roster must be submitted to Angela Ruel, Regatta Coordinator, before October 11, 2008.  Please include the names of all athletes and coaches and include cell phone numbers for all coaches.  Waivers will be checked against your roster.
  • Each program is allowed up to 3 entries per sweep event.
  • Final entry levels may affect the schedule.  The events run and the actual order of events will be determined after the close of registration.  Late entries will be accepted only at the regatta coordinator's discretion and only if they don't interfere with scheduling.  Rejection of a late entry cannot be contested. 



 Volunteers– Every program must provide one coach and one additional volunteer for the entirety of the day.  Coaches need to be available for a full day on the water.  Additional volunteers will be utilized in 2 half-day shifts and must be available for the full shift length; no substitutions outside of the mid-day break.

Race Day RegistrationRegistration will be open on the day of the regatta starting at 6:45AMand closing by 8:30 AM. You may register and pick up your information packet at regatta headquarters located in the meeting room at Regatta Point.  Clubs missing waivers, rosters or regatta fees will not be allowed to register.

MedalsMedals will be awarded to first, second, and third place finishers in all events.

  • An event with 2 boats will only have a medal awarded to the first place crew.
  • Events with 3 boats will only have a medal awarded to the first and second place crews.
  • Events with 4+ boats will be awarded first, second and third place medals.

 Equipment Requirements:

  • All shells must have a bow ball or its equivalent.
  • All shells must have heel tie-downs that do not allow the rower to raise heels more than 3" from the footboard.
  • If any of the conditions are not met you will not be allowed to launch.  If you argue this at any point when launching you will be disqualified.