Pittsburgh Indoor Sprints
- Jan 31, 2009
- indoor
- Central Catholic HS
- Pittsburgh, PA (USA)
- Hosted By: Three Rivers Rowing Association
- 2016 Registered Regatta
The First Draft of Saturday's Heat Sheets is here:
Please note a few items:
- Times are final.
- Seats are final.
- We were able to move times up a bit compared to the preliminary schedule that was posted on Regatta Central.
- This affects the junior races the most. Please notice some races start sooner than they were listed.
- We had to limit the Junior Relay Race to One entry per team. We needed to do this for the safety of the event. It will hopefully make the event an even more exciting one to watch!
Don't forget on Saturday:
- To check in with registration in the main lobby of the gym.
- Bring payment and waivers if you haven't done these online. PLEASE CHECK YOUR ROSTER TO SEE WHO IS MISSING THE ONLINE WAIVER. THESE NEED TO BE DONE EVERY YEAR!
- Make sure all lightweights and coxswains weigh in.
- Make sure all your athletes know the race rules (listed on our website: http://www.threeriversrowing.org/r-isprints.html).
- Make sure all athletes are well prepared. Proper food and being well hydrated is very important this entire week. We want everyone finishing their 2k strong!
- We'll have several vendors and food for sale at the race. The race logo below will be available on clothing.