Head of the Cuyahoga
- Sep 20, 2008
- head
- Cleveland Flats District
- Cleveland, OH (USA)
- Hosted By: Cleveland Rowing Foundation
We have added another hotel partner, since the other is almost full! The Holiday Inn Select - Lakeside, in downtown Cleveland, has set up a special rate of 109.00 a night. You must mention the Head of the Cuyahoga or Cleveland Rowing Foundation when booking.
Holiday Inn Select Cleveland Lakeside.
1111 Lakeside Ave. Cleveland, OH 44114.
Phone: 216-241-5100. Toll Free: 800-315-2621
If you have more than 10 rooms to book, you can do it directly with Kelly Grumbach at 216-928-3221.
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Driving directions have been updated, due to the closure of the Columbus Road bridge.
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The Event List has been updated. Note that the Men's Masters 4+ has been moved from Event 1 to Event 13. It is unlikely, but not impossible, that any more changes will be made to the race schedule.
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A special regatta rate has been posted in the Lodging section for a hotel just outside of town. This is a considerable discount to what downtown hotels will be charging, due to the relatively low availability of rooms downtown with the Indians/Tigers in town.
Also, please be sure to check out the sponsors page to identify and patronize local businesses who have agreed to offer special discounts and rates for rowers before and after the regatta. Check back often, as this list will surely be growing leading up to race weekend.
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