Head of the Housatonic

  • Hosted By: New Haven Rowing Club
  • 2016 Registered Regatta

BACKGROUND: We are excited to bring you the 14thannual Head of the Housatonic Regatta on Saturday,October 11, 2008.The New HavenRowing Club is proud to sponsor a Head style race on the beautiful, calm watersof the Housatonic River.We are lookingforward to yet another successful regatta.


Important Notice: The Head of the Housatonic is aUSRowing Registered Regatta.Allparticipating organizations/schools/clubs should be members of the USRowing(single scullers need not be individual members of USRowing).For more information, please contact:Elizabeth Webb, USRowing Events Manager, 2 Wall Street, Princeton NJ 08540T:800-314-4769


AWARDS: Awards will be given out on the sameday as the regatta. 1st place medals are awarded in every race. 2ndplace medals are awarded in events with at least 6 entries. 3rdplace medals are awarded in events with at least 10 entries.

The following trophieswill be awarded:

Bremser Cup for Men’s Veterans 1x (1A, 1B)Housatonic Valley Assoc. Cup for Mens Open 8 (10A-C)
Genever Cup for Mens LW Open 8 (10A, 10B)NHRC Womens Cup for Womens Open 8 (12A-C) 


COLLEGIATE Sub-categories:In collegiate races for fours and eights only (excluding novices), there will be separate medals by Division for women and by IRA/non-IRA for men, i.e.,if there are both Division I and Division II crews in a women’s event, they will effectively be rowing against crews in their Division only.


ENTRY LIMIT:Due to parking limitations at Indian Well State Park, and the need to leave certain areas open for emergency access, we have had to reduce the number of entries that can boat from the park.  As a result, the regatta has to be capped at 600 entries for crews launching from the park, which is about the same as last year.Individual events also have caps.Please enter early!The deadline is Friday, the 28thof September but we usually reach the cap before then.


To facilitate as many entries as possible, the parking arrangements within the park have been changed to allow more trailer and bus parking; but, as a result, there will be fewer spaces for cars.In addition, the competitors in the first event – Veterans Singles, both Men and Women - will have to boat from the NHRC boathouse in Oxford, at the finish line, unless your single is on a trailer at the park. Veteran scullers should allow approximately 30 minutes from launching at the NHRC boathouse to reach the marshalling area below the start.


ENTRIES: We will use Regatta Central (www.regattacentral.com)for entries.The deadline will be midnight Friday, September 28.We will not be accepting paper entries. If your waiver is on file with USRowing, you will not have to fill out another waiver.Please check the status of your USRowing waiver through Regatta Central prior to race day.Late entries will be accepted only as a replacement to a scratched entry on the day of the race, at least 90 minutes before the applicable event. If you have questions, please contact Audrey Novak at 203-287-9134 (evenings) or via e-mail at: nhrc_regattas@att.net


ENTRY FEES: Singles: $40,Pairs/Doubles: $55,Fours/Quads: $65,Eights/Octuples: $100


REGISTRATION: Registration is the same day as the regatta and will be located at the Pavilion, slightly north of the beach at Indian Well State Park.There will be separate registration at theNHRC boathouse for Veteran Scullers launching from the boathouse.Registration opens at 8:00 am.ALL CREWS must be registered no later than 1hour prior to the start of their race in order to participate.Therewill be a Coaches and Coxswains meeting at 8:45am near the registrationsite.


CHANGES: Any changes in boatings or average ages(for masters events) must be submitted to Registration at least 90 minutesprior to the start of the applicable event.Any changes will be posted at the Registration site 60 minutes beforethe start of the event.


LIGHTWEIGHTS: Lightweight weigh-ins will be heldfrom 8:00am until 12:30pm at the registration site.There are no boat averages.Individual men must weigh 165 or less,individual women must weigh 135 or less.


COXSWAINS:There is no weigh-in requirement for coxswains.


SAFETY:Each boat shall have a firmly affixed bowball.Each set of foot gear shall haveheel tie-downs that do not permit the heel to rise more than three inches toenable a quick exit in the case of a boat capsizing.In fours with lie-down coxswain enclosures,the width of the enclosure shall be sufficient to allow easy exit by thecoxswain.All boats will be checkedprior to each race.


COURSE: The course map in your registrationpacket will include the location of buoys and obstructions.All competitors should review this carefullyand observe the traffic pattern.A lineof buoys will be placed up the middle of the river and crews must keep to theright of the buoys during racing and in returning to the park.


START: All crews are responsible for being inthe marshaling area at least 10 minutes prior to the start of the race.The marshalling area will have a line oflarge orange buoys separating the boats going downstream from those headingupstream toward the start.Boats shouldobserve the bow markers of the other crews and line up accordingly.Boats that arrive late to the start or areout of order may be started at the discretion of the starting official,subject to the penalty below.


RIGHT-OF-WAY:A crewis deemed to be overtaking another crew when it has moved to within one lengthof open water of the crew ahead.On theportions of the course that are straight, a crew being overtaken shall move tostarboard and allow the overtaking crew to pass on the port side.Within a turn, a crew being overtaken shallmove to the outside of the turn and allow the overtaking crew to pass along theshorter path.


FINISH: Participants must pass the New HavenRowing Club facility (finish line) and proceed past the orange marker beforeturning around.


PENALTIES:A 30 second penalty may be assessed to crewsentering the starting chute out of order.

A 10 second penalty will be assessed for each buoy that a crew passesincorrectly.A crew passes a buoyincorrectly when its hull passes on the wrong side of the buoy.

A 60 second penalty will be imposed for any crew interferingwith another boat and/or any unsportsmanlike conduct.


A 30 second penalty may be assessed to any crewwhich fails to yield to a crew having the right of way.


A 60 second penalty may be assessed to any crewcrossing the starting line without its required bow number.


A 10 second penalty will be assessed if crews turn prior topassing the orange buoy at the finish.



PROTESTS: Anyprotest must be submitted to the HOH registration desk within one hour of thefinish of the last crew in the event in question.A $20 fee must accompany the protest, whichwill be refunded if the protest is upheld.




Master/Veteran: For singles, these events will be run in 10-year incrementsexcept for the first category: 27-39, 40-49, 50-59, 60-69, and 70-79.There is no handicapping within 10-yearincrements.Medals will be awarded ineach 10-year category.For larger boats,a handicap will be calculated for each crew based on the USRowing Handicaptables, as adjusted for the distance.(Your age = your age as of 31 Dec 2008).The AA Masters category (22-26) may row only in an A category boat andonly if the boat averages at least 27.

Club: Rowers not affiliated with either acollege or a high school.

High School: High school students

Junior: Under 18 as of the day of the regatta(doesn’t apply to collegiate rowers)

Novice: First calendar year of competitive rowing by type, i.e., sweeping or sculling.

Lightweight: Men 165 max, Women 135 max.