Garden State Scholastic Championships

  • Hosted By: Cooper Training Center
  • 2018 Registered Regatta



  • Parking is located curbside down the race course in any legal parking spot.  Any area marked no parking is off limits to spectators, coaches, or athletes.
  • Trailers can arrive anytime on Friday but the course is not open until 1 PM and closes at 8 PM.
  • Chuck Wagons can be parked in the gravel parking lot on the street side of the lot.  The far side the rock is too deep and vehicles may get stuck.  It is between La Scalla and the finish line.
  • Team tents can be set up on the island or to the right of the grand stands.  The areas are properly marked so please set up in the proper location.
  The Cooper River  will be hosting the 2018 Garden States Scholastic Championships on Saturday, April 28, 2018.  The race is a 1,500 meter Championship regatta used as a qualifier of the SRAA regatta.  The event will use stake boats so please be sure to have your crews able to load properly on at the starting line.  All events will be properly seeded by our seeding committee after the entry window closes, allowing for the 5th flick race results to be used.  Please be sure to read all of the rules and contact us with any questions.

Garden States Scholastic Championship



  •  You may set up your tents after 1:00 PM Friday. Any tent that is set up prior 1:00 PM will be taken down by the Park.
  • All tents must be set up in one of the two approved locations:
    •  FINISH LINE - Facing the race course to the right of the Grand Stands and Gazebo on the brown gravel area.  The field will be marked out with spray paint lines to mark off where tents can be set up.  And, there will be blocks marked off where the tents should be set up to make for a formal setup. 
    • General Rules:
      • No tents will be permitted within 40 feet of the banks, as to not block sightlines. 
      • No tents should be set up in or near the gazebo, or anywhere near the streets.
      • Please leave the marked pathways clear of any equipment.  The paths are used for emergency vehicles and parks staff to clean up.
      • No team tents are permitted to the left of the finish line.
    • VETERANS ISLAND -  The island behind the restaraunt will be used for this event.  Tents are only permitted to be setup in the middle of the island between the jogging path.
      • Access the island thru the parking lot for the restaraunt and just past the building their is a black pathway.  Please drive slow and with caution when moving your equipment out there.
      • No vehicles will be permitted to access the island after 7:00 AM on Saturday morning for safety of the athletes carrying boats.
      • If choose to set up on the island you are encouraged to set up and drop off your equipment on Friday.
      • Please set up in the designated marked locations for the duration of the event.
    • FINISH LINE - All Chuck Wagons will be parked on the brown gravel area along the street side of the field.  The wagons will be backed into each other allowing for early departure if needed.  Barricades and Park Staff will be there to direct you where to park.  The field will also be marked properly.
      • Enter at the dirt path leading to the Gazebo where you will see County Vehicles to direct you.
      • Unload your equipment at your site before setting up and then park the chuck wagon in the designated area.
      • When leaving you will head towards the start line (following the barricades and markings) to the gravel lot for a clean one way exit.
    • ISLAND - All Chuck Wagons will be parked on the backside of the island, not near your tent.  The wagons can be tucked in along the trees on the other side of the jogging path.  The wagon can stay out there for the duration of the event and will not be permitted to leave until the regatta is ended.


Information Packet

Lightweight Weigh In Sheet

This is a SRAA Qualifier.  It is open to New Jersey schools only.

No B entries will be accepted.

George Dimitrew Scholarships will be awarded to six graduating seniors.  Please submit the application to be considered.

Questions please email 

Contact Jamie Stack
Phone (856)661-3188
Sanctioned by  
Chief Referee Dennis Smith
Juniors No
High School Yes
Middle School No
Collegiate No
Open No
Masters No
Elite No
Para No
Inclusion No
Entry Fees (USD)