Cooper Cup

  • Hosted By: South Jersey Rowing Club

U17 and U19 Events:

  • The U17 and U19 events will be run as time trials. Events with more than 15 entries will advance to an A and B final. Events with 15 entries or less will advance to an A final only. Bow numbers will be provided for time trials and must be returned.  Teams must provide their own bow numbers for finals.
  • Time trials will start below the 2000m start line to give boats an opportunity to line up and row into the start. The finish will be at the standard finish line.
  • The finals will start on stake boats and will be 2000m. 

 Novice and JV events:

  • Events will be run as flights.  Races will be 1500m with a floating start. Teams must provide their own bow numbers.  There is a 12 boat cap on events.  A wait list will be maintained in Regatta Central and boats will be added if there is time.
Contact Eileen Normoyle
Email [email protected]
Phone 2156510543
Chief Referee Dennis Smith
Juniors Yes
High School Yes
Middle School No
Collegiate No
Open No
Masters No
Elite No
Para No
Inclusion Yes
Entry Fees (USD)
Standard Cost Late Cost
1x $80.00 $130.00
2x $95.00 $145.00
4x/+ $150.00 $200.00
8+ $210.00 $260.00
Plus taxes if applicable