Mercer Lake Sprints

  • Apr 12, 2025 To Apr 13, 2025
  • sprint
  • West Windsor, NJ (USA)
  • Hosted By: Princeton National Rowing Association/Mercer
  • USRowing Sanctioned Regatta


April 12-13, 2025

The Mercer Lake Sprints has partnered with TRAVELING TEAMSĀ® to secure discounted room blocks at a variety of event approved hotels close to our venue. If you plan to stay overnight for the Mercer Lake Sprints, please book your hotel through Traveling Teams. 

Please click here to book your hotel.

Tentative Race Schedule (subject to change based on final number of entries)

There will be a practice session on Friday from 3:15 to 6:15 pm. NO practice session on Saturday as there are races all day.

Registration will open on Saturday, March 1 at 7:00 AM. Events fill up quickly so please be sure to register early!

Scratch Fees: there will be a $25 fee for each event scratched after April 1. Any entries that are scratched after the late registration deadline will be charged in full and not refunded. All entries must be paid in full before racing begins.

All novice races will be Saturday morning using a floating start and will be approximately 1900 meters

There will be a Time Trial (1900 meters) for the mens and womens single and double with top 7 advancing to the A Final and next 7 advancing to the B Final

All other races will be raced over 2000 meters

There is a cap of one boat per team for the Varsity 8, Varsity 4+, Varsity 4x, and Novice 8. All other events have an initial cap of 2 or 3 per team which *might* be increased based on availability.

Varsity events will have a heat on Saturday and Finals on Sunday. There will be an A and B Final for the Varsity 8, Varsity 4+, Varsity 4x, 1x and 2x. There will be an A Final only for 2V events and Flights for all other events. The Varsity 8+, 4+ and 4x heats are seeded, all other events are random draw for heats/flights.

Contact Eboni Harris
Email [email protected]
Phone 609-527-9108
Sanctioned by  
Chief Referee Paul Caputo
Juniors Yes
High School Yes
Middle School No
Collegiate No
Open No
Masters No
Elite No
Para No
Inclusion No
Entry Fees (USD)
Standard Cost Late Cost
1X $80.00 $90.00
2x/2- $125.00 $135.00
4x/4+ $200.00 $210.00
8+ $275.00 $285.00
Plus taxes if applicable