Florida Masters Regatta

  • May 3, 2025
  • sprint
  • Orlando, FL (USA)
  • Hosted By: Orlando Rowing Club

Please ensure that all competitors complete the updated USRowing waiver and SafeSport certification

  1. Go to https://membership.usrowing.org
  2. Click on Log In under Individuals and log in using your member number and password
  3. On your profile page, click the blue button “Sign Agreement & Waiver” and follow the steps on screen
  4. Done!
  5. If you are having difficulties, call USRowing directly (609) 751-0700

The entry period closes on April 28 and there is no late entry period.

Park gates will open at XX AM.  Boat trailers should be in place by 6:00 AM .  Please contact the regatta director if you would like to bring trailers and/or practice on Friday, May 5.

Race day check-in begins at 6:15 AM at the registration tent.  Please check in before the coach and coxswain meeting at 7:00 AM.

Contact Ed Harris
Email [email protected]
Phone 407-779-3724
Chief Referee Tom Tacner
Juniors No
High School No
Middle School Yes
Collegiate No
Open No
Masters Yes
Elite No
Para Yes
Inclusion No
Entry Fees (USD)
Standard Cost
1X $60.00
2X or 2- $80.00
4X or 4+ $110.00
8+ $150.00
Plus taxes if applicable
Max entries 300 entries. This venue has a restriction on how many entries are permitted. Registration is closed when this cap is reach ( or the deadline passes, whichever occurs first.)