Miles of Hope Poughkeepsie

  • Jun 2, 2024
  • sprint
  • Poughkeepsie, NY (USA)
  • Hosted By: Hudson River Rowing Association, Inc.

Welcome to the 15th annual fundraising regatta in aid of Breast Cancer.  Our name, Miles of Hope Regattareflects the beneficiary of our fundraising.  We look forward to hosting you on the mighty Hudson River, for a day of fun and competitive rowing, while remembering, honoring and supporting those near and dear to us.

All entry fees, merchandise proceeds and donations will be awarded to Miles of Hope Breast Cancer Foundation to support local area breast cancer patients.

The first race starts at 6:30am and the Coaches and Coxswains meeting will take place on the dock promptly at 6am.  The course length will be 1000 meters. 

TEAMS: Please bring several sets of your own bow numbers (1 thru 6).  They will NOT be included in race packets.  Thanks!

$5 parking fee at gate (cash and Venmo @HRRA) - all proceeds collected to be donated to Miles of Hope Breast Cancer Foundation.  HRRA 2024 parking passes will be honored.

Contact Heidi Roman
Phone Please contact regatta via email
Chief Referee Not yet posted
Juniors Yes
High School Yes
Middle School No
Collegiate No
Open Yes
Masters Yes
Elite No
Para No
Inclusion No
Entry Fees (USD)
Standard Cost
1x $10.00
2x $20.00
4+ $50.00
8+ $90.00
Plus taxes if applicable