USRowing Northeast Youth Championships

  • May 20, 2023 To May 21, 2023
  • sprint
  • Worcester, MA (USA)
  • Hosted By: USRowing
  • USRowing Owned


Reminder to all coaches:

1. Please remind your athletes to stay within the traffic pattern loop in the warm-up area and not go into the back cove or near shore.

 2. Check equipment readiness/compliance prior to launching, this includes heel ties and bow balls. Anticipate that these will be checked prior to launching.


UPDATE: Sunday, May 21; 7:37am

We’ve updated the lanes to accommodate the wind. We will seed boats 1 through 6, with the fastest boat in lane 1. All lane assignments have been updated in HereNow.


UPDATE: Saturday, May 20; 9:16pm

Tomorrow (Saturday, May 20) we will operate as though we will race every event, however we have contingency plans:

  • If needed, we will award bids to Youth Nationals based on the last completed round of racing, which includes TT.
  • Coaches are reminded to be responsible for knowing the limitations of their crews/athletes and scratching if prudent, even if the event is not cancelled.
  • We are aware of the weather forecasts, have been monitoring it, and will continue to monitor throughout the weekend. Coaches and athletes should monitor their messages for updates.

Please read the following carefully:

  • If we are unable to run semis on Saturday, we will run semis for events with 20+ entries first thing Sunday morning.
  • If we are unable to run any races on Saturday afternoon we will run semi final races with 20+ entries on Sunday morning. We will use the finals time slots on Sunday for the non-qualifying events and use qualifying events with 4 or fewer entries for flights for non-qualifier events that had heats. The finals-only non-qualifying events will run as scheduled. USRowing, the council, and chief referee will determine the priority of events. We will try to balance sweep and scull. Medals and points will not be awarded for flights.
  • In the event that we do not run the finals for qualifying events with 4 or fewer entries, we will still run the inclusive 2x.

UPDATE: 4:00pm

ALL boats are now allowed to launch. Last launch at 5:30. All boats must be off the water at 6:00pm.


UPDATE: 2:52pm

Youth 2x’s, U17 2x’s and Novice 8+’s are now allowed to launch. We will send another update in 30 minutes.


UPDATE: 1:54pm

Due to white caps at the start of the course, we are suspending practice for small boats, certain age categories and novice events. 

The below list of events are currently suspended from practicing: 

ALL 1x, 2x and 2-

Men’s/Women’s U15x+

Men’s/Women’s U16 4x+

ALL Novice events

We will post another update at 2:30 p.m. ET. 


Live Stream 

Click here for the event live stream.



Team Tents

Click here for to rent a team tent. 


Heat Sheets/Schedule/Results

Click here for the event schedule. 

Click here for the heat sheets.

Click here for the race results. 


Venue Map

Click here to view the venue map.


Coach/Support Staff Roster Reminder

As it was in 2022, USRowing is asking all coaches and support staff who will need access to the team restricted areas, such as the launch and recovery docks & trailer areas etc., to also register for this event on RegattaCentral. When logging in, you will see on the left hand side of the webpage, a tab  that is labeled “SafeSport”, where you will input coach and support staff names, and then SafeSport compliance will be checked. All coaches and support staff must be on this list prior to the start of the event, and must be compliant with the Safesport requirements, to receive accreditation wristbands upon arrival to the venue. 


Coaches & Coxswains Meeting

Click here to register for the 2023 USRowing Central Youth Championships Coaches & Coxswains meeting (May 17, 2023, 7 p.m. ET). 

Click here for the recording of the Coaches & Coxswains Meeting.

Click here for the slide deck of the Coaches & Coxswains Meeting.


Volunteer Sign Up

Click here to sign up for a volunteer position at the 2023 USRowing Northeast Youth Championships.


Traffic Patterns

Practice Day Traffic Pattern

Time Trial Traffic Pattern

Race Day Traffic Pattern

Race Day Traffic Pattern - Start

Race Day Traffic Pattern - Finish


Spectators: Donations to help cover all of the race related costs are requested in lieu of an entrance fee to the park. The recommended donation at the door in cash is $15.00 per person. However, we strongly recommend that donations be made online in advance with an emailed receipt to be used at the gate. There is a discounted rate of $13.00 per person up until the day of the race. You can still make donations online on the day of the race at the $15.00 per person or pay in cash at the gate. Below is the link to make donations in advance. Please share this with anyone who may plan on coming to the park to watch the racing.

Link for day 1 – CLICK HERE   |  Link for Day 2 – CLICK HERE


Contact Regie Robinson
Phone 609-786-9034
  Information Packet
Sanctioned by  
Chief Referee Lyssa Bayne Bayne
Juniors Yes
High School Yes
Middle School Yes
Collegiate No
Open No
Masters No
Elite No
Para Yes
Inclusion Yes
Entry Fees (USD)
Standard Cost
Per Athlete Fee $65
Plus taxes if applicable