Head of the Cuyahoga

  • Hosted By: Cleveland Rowing Foundation
  • 2021 Registered Regatta

Join us for the 25th Head of the Cuyahoga Regatta!

   A fully buoyed 3.2 mile course supervised by USRowing Referees

     Saturday, September 18, 2021 from 7:00 A.M. to 4:30 P.M. 

   Celebrating the 25th HOTC with "25" Special Award/Trophy Events 

     Returning for 2021: Expanded Beer Garden / Coaches Hospitality Tent / Music / Special Awards / HereNow

     Special Award Events: #11, #20, #21, #24, #27, #33, #40, #44, #46, #48, and #54

   Special Trophy Events: #2, #6, #10, #13, #16, #17, #25, #43, #48, #56, and #58

     Veterans Events: #38 and #58 - No Entry Fees (Veterans/Active Duty/Gold Star Family Members)

Special 25th Anniversary Award given to Gold Medalists in ALL events!


            Please see the "Results" tab for HOTC HereNOW Official Results

HOTC Course Guide Video

      ATHLETE & SPECTATOR VILLAGE LAYOUT: Please see "Venue" Link

PLEASE REVIEW THE DRIVING DIRECTIONS POSTED ON THE 'DIRECTIONS & PARKING' MENU.  The Cleveland Rowing Foundation Boathouse is almost as challenging to get to as it is to row on the Cuyahoga River!

Latest News! (Click on links below)



2021 Vendors AND Exhibitors:

  • Vendors: Edwin's Butcher Shop, Scenic City Rowing, Steamin' Joes Gourmet Beverages, Vespoli USA, SouthBay Rowing, N&D Sports, Sainatos, Starboard Souvenirs, Custom Rowing Awards, and Rocky River Brewery. More to come...Please see "Info for Vendors" for the updated Vendor Application                                                                                                                                           
  • Exhibitors: West Creek Conservancy, NEORSD, Cleveland Platform Tennis Foundation, Dimensions PT, Triple M Boat Repair 


Thank you to our 2021 Sponsors: Northeast Ohio Regional Sewer District, University Hospital, Boiler Specialists, West Creek Conservancy, Cleveland-CLIFFS, PHASTAR, Cleveland Platform Tennis Foundation, Custom Rubber, Port of Cleveland, Vespoli, Flats Forward, Cleveland Metroparks, and American Legion.

If you'd like to become a 2021 HOTC Sponsor, please contact Kirk Lang, Regatta Director, at clevelandrowing@gmail.com for additional details.



Website http://www.clevelandrows.org
Contact Kirk Lang
Email clevelandrowing@gmail.com
Phone 216-308-4183
Sanctioned by  
Chief Referee Derek Blazo
Juniors Yes
High School Yes
Middle School No
Collegiate Yes
Open Yes
Masters Yes
Elite No
Para Yes
Inclusion Yes
Entry Fees (USD)
Standard Cost Late Cost
1x - Singles $35.00 $60.00
2x/2- - Doubles/Pairs $45.00 $70.00
4x/4+ - Quads/Fours $70.00 $95.00
8+ - Eights $90.00 $115.00
Plus taxes if applicable
Max entries 525 entries. This venue has a restriction on how many entries are permitted. Registration is closed when this cap is reach ( or the deadline passes, whichever occurs first.)