First Coast Head Race

  • Oct 12, 2019
  • head
  • Jacksonville, FL (USA)
  • Hosted By: First Coast Rowing Club
  • 2019 Registered Regatta

***We are pleased to announce a silent auction of an exclusive painting done for the FCHR by Laura Rieki. Laura is a rower, a professional rowing coach and professional artist. For more information about Laura or the auction please refer to our news section. Please bring your credit cards and be prepared to bid on this wonderful piece of art!

Note: by popular request we have opened bidding on the painting to email bids made to The value of the painting is $650.00. Bidding will start at $350.00 and will raise in $30.00 increments. We have extended bidding to close at 2:30 pm. The winner will be notified by phone and must respond within ten minutes. The painting can be picked up at the race site by  no later than 4:00 pm on race day OR  it can be shipped with shipping costs added.***


                                  SATURDAY, OCTOBER 12, 2019

                   3 BRIDGES, 2 RIVERS, 1 HECKUVA RACE!

                                              Hosted by First Coast Rowing and Jacksonville Rowing Club

                                RACE LOCATION : 5920 Arlington Expressway Service Rd, Jacksonville, FL 32211

     Experience the First Coast Head Race, the oldest head race in Florida with a new partnership between First Coast Juniors and JRC Masters. This annual regatta is held in Jacksonville on the St. Johns and Arlington Rivers.  The approximately 5 kilometer course is a mirror image of the Head of the Charles, providing great practice for that prestigious regatta.  The course begins north of the Mathews Bridge, runs under the University and Cesery Bridges, and winds its way down protected waters, past residences and marshes.  In addition to the bridges, there are several challenging turns.  Dolphins and Florida birds such as ospreys, bald eagles, herons and egrets are common sights along the beautiful natural waterway.

     The race schedule normally allows for doubling.  Sign up for a sculling event, then sweep your way down the course in fours and eights.

                                              Come race with us!

Contact Kevin Keiter
Phone 904-477-0168
  Information Packet
Sanctioned by  
Chief Referee Augie Merolle
Juniors Yes
High School Yes
Middle School No
Collegiate Yes
Open Yes
Masters Yes
Elite No
Para Yes
Inclusion No
Entry Fees (USD)
Standard Cost
Eights $95.00
Pairs/Doubles $55.00
Quads/Fours $75.00
Singles $35.00
Fee cap: $1,500.00 per club

Note: to receive the fee cap all entries must be submitted under one account per club