Plant Invite - Fall Sprints

  • Hosted By: Plant High Rowing Association, Inc

Racing will be run by coaches, under the direction of Plant High Rowing Association. The coaches in attendance will work together to help provide safe and fair racing for all athletes involved.  

1500m Sprint Race, with all FSRA Sweep and Sculling events.

***FRESHMAN/NOVICE: Fall Sprints will include Freshman/Novice instead of Freshman Only Events.

Racing includes Middle School 8's.

Please see "Rules & Eligibility" to understand entry caps.

WAIVERS – Must complete the online NOARA and TBCRC waiver to compete. 

  1. TBCRC Waiver NOW ONLINE: CLICK HERE to complete.
    Coaches can email to get a report of athletes with completed TBCRC waiver.  
  2. NOARA Waiver: CLICK HERE to complete


Contact Michael Moseley
Phone 813-708-2558
Chief Referee Not yet posted
Juniors Yes
High School Yes
Middle School No
Collegiate No
Open No
Masters No
Elite No
Para No
Inclusion No
Entry Fees (USD)
Fee cap: $2,000.00 per club

Note: to receive the fee cap all entries must be submitted under one account per club