Pittsburgh Indoor Sprints
- Jan 28, 2017
- indoor
- Kingsley Association
- Pittsburgh, PA (USA)
- Hosted By: Three Rivers Rowing Association
Location for 2017, Kingsley Association, near Bakery Square click here for map
6435 Frankstown Ave, Pittsburgh, PA 15206
Pittsburgh Indoor Sprints Results
Event 5 Handicap Results for Veteran Masters Men 60+
First post of Heat Sheets, some of the late entries may not show in this version. Feel free to let me know of changes ASAP I may know about it but better to be sure. Open relays are not shown. They will be added on next version. megankuehm@threeriversrowing.org
Pittsburgh Indoor Sprints Apparel available to order online up to two weeks after the event click on link just below this line.
New for 2017 JL Racing will have a booth at Pittsburgh Indoor Sprints
Registration Closes at 11:59 pm on Saturday, January 21.
Please be aware that this event is a USRowing registered event. To comply with USRowing regulations, all participants must complete the on line waiver. Please scroll down and click on the Waiver tab to the left of this message to complete that process.
Entry Fees
Masters | $20 |
Open | $18 |
Youth | $16 |
Late entries will be assessed a fee of $25/entry in addition to base entry fee.
Website | |
Contact | Megan Kuehm |
megankuehm@ThreeRiversRowing.org | |
Phone | 412-231-8772 |
Chief Referee | Not yet posted |
Juniors | Yes |
High School | Yes |
Middle School | No |
Collegiate | Yes |
Open | Yes |
Masters | Yes |
Elite | Yes |
Para | Yes |
Inclusion | No |
Entry Fees (USD) | |