COURSE INFO: Get ready for six stakeboated lanes of sprint racing fun! We have a huge parking area for trailers and tents: plus shoreline viewing of the last 250m of the race course. Click here for more information including info on launching/recovery, traffic patterns, race course location, and trailer parking.
RACE CATEGORIES: All races will be 1000 meters. Adaptive, Junior, Open and Master's categories in each event where there is interest. (Note: there will not be age categories in the Novice events).
ENTRY LIMITS: NONE in the foreseeable future. No 2016 price increase for boat entries.
PARKING: Overnight trailer parking is available for crews arriving on Friday, July 8th and/or those participating in the 2016 Occoquan Masters Sprints. Please contract the race director for more information ([email protected]).
BBQ: We will again host a picnic to feed the competitors and their fans following the races! Capital will provide the hearty food (hamburgers, hotdogs, veggie burgers, etc) and we will ask all of our guests to help out with the side dishes and drinks.