Halloween Regatta

  • Hosted By: Plant High Rowing Association, Inc

Coaches & Coxswains meeting at 7:00am

First race at 8:30am, Last race will start no later than 4:30pm.  Middle School will be ~10:30am

*****Hotseating: Events are grouped to ease launch and recovery bottle neck issues with the venue. These groupings are shown on the schedule with a 'Break' separating them.  We will not be able to accommodate hotseating of equipment or athletes within a single grouping of events.  

WAIVERS – Must complete the online NOARA waiver as well as bring a paper copy of the TBCRC waiver.  Please see the “Waiver” tab to the right for details. EACH TEAM MUST TURN IN TBCRC WAIVERS AND PAYMENT TO RECIEVE BOW CARDS.

Lightweight Events: Honors system, no weigh in 

Rules of the Race Course: We have increased course marshalls for this years race.  The following rules will be enforced where needed...
- A :10 second penalty shall be assessed for each buoy that a crew passes incorrectly. A crew passes a buoy incorrectly when its hull passes on the wrong side of the buoy. Oars may be on either side of the buoy without incurring a penalty.
- A :30 second penalty shall be assessed to any crew that fails to yield to a crew having the right of way.
- A :30 second penalty may be assessed to crews that, in the opinion of the Dock Master, are delaying the launching of crews. Time on the launch docks is limited to two minutes for singles, pairs, doubles, fours and quads. Time on the launch docks is limited to three minutes for eights.
- A :60 second penalty shall be assessed to any crew crossing the starting line without its required bow number.

Website http://www.planthighrowing.com
Contact Michael Moseley
Email PHRA.HeadCoach@gmail.com
Phone 813-708-2558
Chief Referee Not yet posted
Juniors Yes
High School Yes
Middle School No
Collegiate No
Open No
Masters No
Elite No
Para No
Inclusion No
Entry Fees (USD)
Fee cap: $1,400.00 per club

Note: to receive the fee cap all entries must be submitted under one account per club