MidAtlantic Erg Sprints

  • Hosted By: Alexandria Crew Boosters Club, Inc.
  • 2016 Registered Regatta

2015-2016 is the 30th anniversary of MidAtlantic Erg Sprints.

1986: Kitty Porterfield with coaches and boosters organized the first MidAtlantic Erg Sprints with 40 volunteers and 30 Model A ergs.

2015: Erg Sprints hosts 2,000 entries from 100 clubs from the Eastern US racing on 126 Model Ds and supported by 250 volunteers. Erg Sprints is the world’s largest indoor regatta for juniors.

Website http://www.ergsprints.com
Contact Regatta Director
Email ergsprints@tcwcrew.org
Phone Please contact regatta via email
  Information Packet
Sanctioned by  
Chief Referee June Harper
Juniors Yes
High School Yes
Middle School No
Collegiate Yes
Open Yes
Masters Yes
Elite Yes
Para Yes
Inclusion No
Entry Fees (USD)