Long Island Junior Rowing Championships

  • Hosted By: Sagamore Rowing Association
  • 2016 Registered Regatta
Note: For updates and last minute changes be sure to check the news and heat-sheet/draw pages.
Event Code
Sunday, May 4, 2014
1 WV 1x Womens Varsity 1x
2 MV1x Mens Varsity 1x
3 WU14-8+ Womens Middle School 8+
4 MU14-8+ Mens Middle School 8+
5 WU14-4x Womens Middle School 4x
6 MU14-4x Mens Middle School 4x
7 WU14-4+ Womens Middle School 4+
8 MU14-4+ Mens Middle School 4+
9 WU14-2x Womens Middle School 2x
10 MU14-2x Mens Middle School 2x
11 WV 8+ Womens Varsity 8+ (SEMIS) FINALS AT THE END OF THE DAY
13 WN8+ Womens Novice 8+
14 MN8+ Mens Novice 8+
15 WN4x Womens Novice 4x
16 MN4x Mens Novice 4x
17 WLwt4+ Womens Ltwt 4+
18 MLwt4+ Mens Ltwt 4+
19 WLwt 2x Womens Ltwt 2x
20 MLwt 2x Mens Ltwt 2x
21 WJV 8+ Womens JV 8+
22 MJV 8+ Mens JV 8+
23 WN 4+ Womens Novice 4+
24 MN 4+ Mens Novice 4+
25 WJV 1x Womens JV 1x
26 MJV 1x Mens JV 1x
27 WV 4+ Womens Varsity 4+
28 MV 4+ Mens Varsity 4+
29 WJV 4x Womens JV 4x
30 MJV 4x Mens JV 4x
31 WV 2x Womens Varsity 2x
32 MV 2x Mens Varsity 2x
33 WJV 4+ Womens JV 4+
34 MJV 4+ Mens JV 4+
35 W 2- Womens Varsity 2-
36 M 2- Mens Varsity 2-
37 WLwt 8+ Womens Ltwt 8+
38 MLwt 8+ Mens Ltwt 8+
39 WJV 2x Womens JV 2x
40 MJV 2x Mens JV 2x
41 WN 2x Womens Novice 2x
42 MN 2x Mens Novice 2x
43 WV 4x Womens Varsity 4x
44 MV 4x Mens Varsity 4x
45 WLwt 1x Womens Ltwt 1x
46 MLwt 1x Mens Ltwt 1x

Event times (if listed) are typically for the finals. The schedule is tentative and subject to change