The 139th Royal Canadian Henley Regatta

  • Hosted By: Canadian Henley Regatta Joint Committee Corporation
  • Sanctioned by RCA & RO (2023)


Event# Time* Code Event Competitors
Thursday, August 10, 2023
1 SrW1x Womens Senior Single - Lady Henley Trophy
2 SrML2x Mens Senior Lwt Double - Stuart H. Flemming Memorial Trophy
3 U19M1x Mens Under 19 Single - Anthony
4 U23WL1x Womens Under 23 Lwt Single - Harold and Dorthy Cove Memorial Trophy
    Argonaut Rowing Club
S. Corradini/
    Calgary Rowing Club
L. Guillaume/
    Community Rowing, Inc.
C. Decker/
    Delta Deas Rowing Club
H. Ure/
    Detroit Boat Club Crew
S. Stephens/
    Kingston Rowing Club
L. Matai/
    Leander Boat Club
D. Davis/
    Montreal Rowing Club / Club d'aviron de Montreal
A. Saito/
    North Carolina Rowing Center Inc.
S. Deaton/
    Notre Dame Rowing Club
E. Spilotro/
    Oklahoma City High Performance Center
B. Ruszkiewicz/
    Oklahoma City High Performance Center
    Ottawa Rowing Club
K. Burrows/
    Ridley Graduate Boat Club
L. Schwandt/
    Riverside Boat Club
S. Mundel/
    Riverside Boat Club
I. Mundel/
    St. Catharines Rowing Club
    Thunder Rowing Crew
I. Geiger/
    University of British Columbia
I. Howley/
    University of Victoria Rowing Club
    University of Victoria Rowing Club
    University of Victoria Rowing Club
    West Side Rowing Club
M. Mangan/
    Western University (UWO)
s. butler/
5 U23M2x Mens Under 23 Double - Bill and Harry Trophy
    Aviron Lachine (Club d'aviron Lachine)
A. Ouellet/P. Légaré/
    Calgary Rowing Club
N. Mykyte/J. Tevelein/
    California Rowing Club
J. Fetter/C. Palmer/
    Cambridge Boat Club
D. Kilbride/N. Peters/
    Community Rowing, Inc.
B. Brodney/M. Fairfield/
    Conshohocken Rowing Center Inc.
A. McLellan/W. Johnson/
    Conshohocken Rowing Center Inc.
A. Manns/O. Rulyak/
    Craftsbury Green Racing Project
J. Ryno/G. Crouch/
    Craftsbury Green Racing Project
N. Gaensler/E. Penny/
    Craftsbury Green Racing Project
B. Arthur/C. Nollenberger/
    Guelph Rowing Club
G. Duffield/T. Lacheur/
    Leander Boat Club
E. An/A. Scott/
    Michigan State Crew Club
B. Cox/A. Chong/
    Montreal Rowing Club / Club d'aviron de Montreal
F. Gareau/A. Stiles/
    Montreal Rowing Club / Club d'aviron de Montreal
G. Kertesz/P. Arnautovitch/
    North Star Rowing Club
R. Walsh/T. Stender/
    Ottawa Rowing Club
A. Disselkamp/S. Hurtubise/
    Passaic River Rowing Association (PRRA)
b. king/g. king/
    Ridgewood Crew Foundation
T. Clark/N. Harris/
    Rowing Node Pune India
    Saskatoon Rowing Club
G. Laycock/M. Pally/
    Seattle Scullers
L. Collins/E. Morrow/
    St. Catharines Rowing Club
J. Ruby/I. Doctor/
    TBC Racing
J. Wray/F. Berkhout/
    Undine Barge Club of Philadelphia
R. Cuviello/J. Bevenour/
    University of British Columbia
T. Morden/R. Kanwal/
    University of British Columbia
O. Bartel/A. Breen/
    Western University (UWO)
J. Wang/a. ireland/
6 U19W4+ Womens Under 19 Cox Four - Kristen French Memorial Trophy
7 U23W2- Womens Under 23 Pair - (Alex) Sandy Greenhill Memorial Trophy
    Antigonish Rowing Club
B. Florence/C. Sahu/
    Calgary Rowing Club
E. Riegle/A. O'Brien/
    Calgary Rowing Club
D. Davis/C. Ferraro/
    Calgary Rowing Club
A. Salmon/A. Hart/
    California Yacht Club
A. Ba/E. Yoon/
    Craftsbury Green Racing Project
R. Katz/G. Hammis/
    Delta Deas Rowing Club
T. Koch/E. Luo/
    Durham Rowing Club
S. Armstrong/L. Webb/
    Kennebecasis Rowing Club
M. Stull/M. Poziomka/
    Kingston Rowing Club
N. Schmidt/M. Goodfellow/
    Leander Boat Club
K. Panzica/A. Geneau/
    London Western Rowing Club
K. Boyd/M. Livingstone/
    New York Rowing Association
S. Dipietro/H. Latting/
    North Star Rowing Club
D. Salmon/E. Munroe/
    Ottawa Rowing Club
R. Crichton/V. Scholten/
    Peterborough Rowing Club
H. Harper/J. Mabee/
    Resilient Rowing Club
    Resilient Rowing Club
    Riverside Boat Club
C. McDonald/R. Papineau/
    Riverside Boat Club
D. Boyse/L. O'Neil/
    Riverside Boat Club
I. Mikheev/T. Wilhelm/
    University of British Columbia
H. Kliem/H. Maxwell/
    University of British Columbia
G. Worobec/N. Gammie/
    University of Victoria Rowing Club
    University of Victoria Rowing Club
    Washtenaw Rowing Center
J. Cox/J. Doyle/
    Washtenaw Rowing Center
M. Kieft/M. Haller/
    Wayland-Weston Rowing Association, Inc.
J. Stjernfeldt/S. Batista/
8 SrM1x Mens Senior Single - Jack Guest Memorial Trophy
9 U17W2x Womens Under 17 Double - St.Andrews United Church 150th Anniversary
10 U23ML1x Mens Under 23 Lwt Single - Theo Dubois Trophy
11 SrWL2x Womens Senior Lwt Double - Fred Loek Trophy
    Conshohocken Rowing Center Inc.
J. Konopka/M. Konopka/
    Delta Deas Rowing Club
W. Pepin/C. Stevenson/
    Kingston Rowing Club
I. Ngo/G. Jansen/
    Leander Boat Club
V. Lee/H. Akot/
    Ottawa Rowing Club
K. Burrows/A. Sirois/
    University of British Columbia
A. Stevenson/I. Howley/
    Western University (UWO)
H. Conrad/K. Hall/
12 U19M4+ Mens Under 19 Cox Four - W.A. (Al) Ward Trophy
13 SrW8+ Womens Senior Eight - Henley Island Helpers Presidents Cup
14 U17M4x Mens Under 17 Quad - John H. Newman Trophy
15 U19W1x Womens Under 19 Single - Alex Wilson Trophy
16 SrML4- Mens Senior Lwt Four - Fred Carter Memorial Trophy
17 SrM2- Mens Senior Pair - William Hamilton Merritt Trophy
18 U23WL8 Womens Under 23 Lwt Eight - Arthur M. Sims Memorial Trophy
19 U17W8 Womens Under 17 Eight - Algoma Central Corporation Trophy
Friday, August 11, 2023
20 SrWL2- Womens Senior Lwt Pair - Cookson Memorial Trophy
    Delta Deas Rowing Club
W. Pepin/H. Ure/
    Kingston Rowing Club
i. ferguson/E. Abicht/
    Oklahoma City High Performance Center
B. Ruszkiewicz/R. LACY/
    University of British Columbia
I. Howley/A. Stevenson/
    Western University (UWO)
P. Plat-Dekoter/t. clare/
21 U23M1x Mens Under 23 Single - W.G.
    Argonaut Rowing Club
N. Campbell/
    Argonaut Rowing Club
S. Zimbel/
    Argonaut Rowing Club
A. Tracey/
    Aviron Lachine (Club d'aviron Lachine)
P. Légaré/
    California Rowing Club
J. Fetter/
    California Rowing Club
C. Palmer/
    California Yacht Club
S. Sackett/
    Community Rowing, Inc.
K. Harvell/
    Community Rowing, Inc.
A. Erlandsen/
    Conshohocken Rowing Center Inc.
O. Rulyak/
    Conshohocken Rowing Center Inc.
A. Love/
    Conshohocken Rowing Center Inc.
A. McLellan/
    Craftsbury Green Racing Project
E. Penny/
    Craftsbury Green Racing Project
J. Ryno/
    Craftsbury Green Racing Project
B. Arthur/
    Craftsbury Green Racing Project
C. Nollenberger/
    Crescent Boat Club
J. Schmidt/
    Don Rowing Club
l. Fogh/
    Durham Rowing Club
C. Varga/
    Erie Canal Athletic Club
Z. Kasparian/
    Federación Colombiana de Remo
J. Loewenstein/
    Hanlan Boat Club
K. Spenard/
    Kingston Rowing Club
K. Nummi/
    Marietta Training Center
C. Schulitz/
    Marietta Training Center
L. Sherman/
    Marietta Training Center
J. Salvo/
    Marietta Training Center
B. Harper/
    Montreal Rowing Club / Club d'aviron de Montreal
F. Gareau/
    Montreal Rowing Club / Club d'aviron de Montreal
J. Lofaro/
    New York Rowing Association
C. Carroll/
    Oklahoma City High Performance Center
G. Cooney/
    Peterborough Rowing Club
G. Garralón Rivera/
    Potomac Boat Club
S. Bell/
    Purdue Crew
L. Bakeis/
    Riverside Boat Club
P. Cincotti/
    Riverside Boat Club
K. Dunn/
    Seattle Scullers
C. Shoup/
    Seattle Scullers
E. Morrow/
    Seattle Scullers
A. Ashcroft/
    Seattle Scullers
L. Collins/
    St. Catharines Rowing Club
K. Bartel/
    St. Catharines Rowing Club
I. Doctor/
    TBC Racing
R. Ghalayini/
    Undine Barge Club of Philadelphia
M. Alexeev/
    Undine Barge Club of Philadelphia
J. Bevenour/
    University of British Columbia
O. Bartel/
    University of British Columbia
m. meindertsma/
    University of California - Irvine
L. Woodruff/
    University of Victoria Rowing Club
V. Lefebvre/
    Western University (UWO)
A. Griesbach/
    Western University (UWO)
K. Mels-Williams/
    Yale University Crew -Women, Lightweight Men, Heavyweight Men
S. Keagan/
22 U19M2x Mens Under 19 Double - Ralph Jaques Memorial Trophy
23 SrML1x Mens Senior Lwt Single - Claude (Sandy) Saunders Trophy
R. Santiago/
    Argonaut Rowing Club
M. McNeil/
    Argonaut Rowing Club
K. Kimmins/
    Calgary Rowing Club
J. Perri/
    Cambridge Rowing Club
A. Gulsaran/
    Club d'aviron Terrebonne
X. Bouchard/
    Craftsbury Green Racing Project
C. Tuckerman/
    Hanlan Boat Club
B. Wiebe/
    Marietta Training Center
J. Straw/
    Marietta Training Center
J. Madrid/
    Montreal Rowing Club / Club d'aviron de Montreal
M. Beaud/
    Montreal Rowing Club / Club d'aviron de Montreal
V. Rolland/
    Osprey Rowing Club
T. Gillette/
    Ottawa Rowing Club
B. Edge/
    Riverside Boat Club
A. Knight/
    Riverside Boat Club
A. Twist/
    Riverside Boat Club
S. Richardson/
    Seattle Scullers
P. Olix/
    St. Catharines Rowing Club
J. Cinquina/
    TBC Racing
M. Koffler/
    Undine Barge Club of Philadelphia
D. Hartwick/
    Undine Barge Club of Philadelphia
S. Mokha/
    Undine Barge Club of Philadelphia
R. Silva Urbaneja/
    University of British Columbia
H. Courteau-Godmaire/
    University of Victoria Rowing Club
L. Ferraro/
24 U23W8+ Womens Under 23 Eight - Geoffrey Barron Taylor Memorial Trophy
    Calgary Rowing Club
A. Salmon/C. Ferraro/D. Davis/S. DeLuca/M. Elekes/G. Turner/J. Hill/A. Hart/L. Guillaume (Cox)/
    Leander Boat Club
N. Hilbert/S. Cushnie/K. Panzica/A. Geneau/M. Pelrine/T. Willms/E. Shimizu/B. McCoy/J. Huo (Cox)/
    London Western Rowing Club
A. Freeman/C. Durack/E. Hoffer/K. Boyd/M. Livingstone/N. McCabe/R. Harmos/S. Goodall/V. Athwal (Cox)/
    Ottawa Rowing Club
M. Forcese/A. Caswell/P. Allaire/N. Wernham/G. Woodhouse/A. Woo/R. Desaulniers/J. Allanach/C. McMann (Cox)/
    Ottawa Rowing Club
V. Scholten/A. Dyer/E. Rogers/a. Hadjis/R. Crichton/R. Richardson/K. Hurtubise/L. Smith/C. McMann (Cox)/
    Peterborough Rowing Club
H. Harper/J. Mabee/K. Rose/m. wakeford/S. Latina/H. Kavanagh/S. Wigg/M. Walker/A. Muench (Cox)/
    Riverside Boat Club
T. Wilhelm/I. Mikheev/L. O'Neil/V. Thibeault/C. McDonald/D. Boyse/M. Rivera/R. Papineau/A. Kolaga (Cox)/
    St. Catharines Rowing Club
R. Dockray/M. Enns/E. Leavens/M. Hilmayer/A. Schirru/O. Sommer/Q. Yesford/G. Weaver/O. Davis (Cox)/
    TBC Racing
H. Polatsek/S. Cross/Q. Gossett/B. Bowersox/Q. Van Konynenburg/N. Hohlt/C. Cirivello/M. Johnson/R. Anderson (Cox)/
    University of British Columbia
N. Gammie/G. Worobec/H. Kliem/C. Lawrence/M. Camplin/H. Maxwell/S. Fraser/B. Miller/G. Diaz (Cox)/
    Washtenaw Rowing Center
J. Doyle/J. Cox/K. Bauer/M. Haller/K. Hale/G. Worthington/M. Kieft/M. Fister/E. Johnston (Cox)/
    Washtenaw Rowing Center
L. Hadley/A. Harrington/K. Evenson/O. Vallieres/A. Williams/A. Rochert/I. Cooper/M. McCracken/L. Schneiderman (Cox)/
    Composite: West Side Rowing Club, West Side Development Camp
s. vles/E. Hanson/O. Merolle/c. reiser/J. Roselli/m. niedbalski/K. Zajac/k. menshon/c. greenly (Cox)/
    West Side Rowing Club Development Camp
E. jackson/E. Littlefield/m. czaja/k. menshon/a. naylor/K. Dorn/N. Hesch/A. GianGrasso/v. runckel (Cox)/
25 SrW2- Womens Senior Pair - Henley Island Helpers Prestige Award
C. Congdon/A. Wertheimer/
    Calgary Rowing Club
E. Dawson/C. O'Brien/
    Calgary Rowing Club
H. Anderson/H. Skelton/
    Cambridge Rowing Club
M. Minnes/N. Kozak/
    Delta Deas Rowing Club
T. Koch/E. Luo/
    North Star Rowing Club
D. Salmon/L. Macleod/
    Oklahoma City High Performance Center
S. Cydrus/H. Fitts/
    St. Catharines Rowing Club
O. Jose/M. Hingston/
    University of British Columbia
L. Stankiewicz/J. Blunt/
    University of British Columbia
Z. Fettig-Winn/J. Tarshis/
    University of Victoria Rowing Club
    University of Victoria Rowing Club
    Western University (UWO)
d. grasman/L. Kelley/
    Western University (UWO)
m. vanderploeg/o. calbeck/
26 SrM4- Mens Senior Four - Maurice J. Carroll Challenge Trophy
27 SrM64k4+ Mens Senior 64kg Cox Four - F.F.
28 U19W2x Womens Under 19 Double - Thorne Family Trophy
29 U23ML4- Mens Under 23 Lwt Four - G.W. (Paddy) Cline Trophy
30 U23WL2- Womens Under 23 Lwt Pair - LBW 125th Anniversary Trophy
31 SrWL1x Womens Senior Lwt Single - Sandra Kirby Perpetual Trophy
    Cambridge Boat Club
C. Trottier
    Conshohocken Rowing Center Inc.
J. Konopka/
    Delta Deas Rowing Club
C. Stevenson/
    Delta Deas Rowing Club
W. Pepin/
    Edmonton Rowing Club
S. Taylor/
    El Salvador Rowing Federation
A. Escobar Leiva/
    Hanlan Boat Club
L. Maclean
    Jacksonville Rowing Club, Inc.
R. McCormick/
    Leander Boat Club
D. Davis/
    North Star Rowing Club
J. Mills/
    Orillia Rowing Club
K. Hawke/
    Ottawa Rowing Club
A. Sirois/
    Riverside Boat Club
K. Twist/
    Riverside Boat Club
I. Mundel/
    Riverside Boat Club
S. Mundel/
    University of British Columbia
A. Stevenson
32 U17M8+ Mens Under 17 Eight - Michael J. Broderick Memorial Trophy
33 U23W2x Womens Under 23 Double - Nancy Storrs Trophy
34 U23M8+ Mens Under 23 Eight - Wyandotte Trophy
    Calgary Rowing Club
M. Pohl/N. Mykyte/P. Milner/A. Vela/L. Yan/J. Tevelein/L. Foley/N. Garcia/P. Sze (Cox)/
    Cambridge Boat Club
N. Peters/C. Anderson/G. Gibbons/E. Winslow/J. Boutin/G. Simmons/D. Kilbride/L. Tolkoff/A. Copeman (Cox)/
    Cascadilla Boat Club, Ltd.
M. Banducci/S. Gazdus/R. Walker/G. Miller/P. Stone/H. Joyner/L. Brust/T. Forg/M. Rao (Cox)/
    Community Rowing, Inc.
A. Erlandsen/D. Albrechtskirchinger/C. Schwartz/K. Harvell/C. Goff/S. Dallman/C. Matlack/C. Geddes/D. Garrett (Cox)/
    Community Rowing, Inc.
O. Putnam-Bagley/B. Brodney/J. Wlodarczak/B. Browning/A. Litvak/E. Kooistra/H. Griffin/L. Johnson/R. Borenstein (Cox)/
    Marietta Training Center
G. Brady/L. Sherman/B. Harper/E. Saribalas/J. Salvo/C. Schulitz/C. Higginbotham/B. Bonifas/B. West (Cox)/
    Mendota Rowing Club
E. Strasman/M. Horan/W. Klipstine/A. Soman/G. Waugh/T. Green/L. Truog/W. Stanwood/J. Rane (Cox)/
    Mendota Rowing Club
E. Dooley/J. O'Brien/D. Hintzman/L. Weinhold/H. Voeller/H. Wurdell/M. Miller/A. Beer/C. Ramquist (Cox)/
    Resilient Rowing Club
G. Rodgers/L. Finlayson/J. Diggons/O. Neil/L. Tilton/J. Eagan/A. Straley/C. Fortner/L. Fortner (Cox)/
    TBC Racing
J. Wray/F. Berkhout/P. Rogers/A. Topa/M. Epstein/T. Walsh/H. Bedell/M. Canniff/N. Facchinato-Sitja (Cox)/
    University of British Columbia
B. Buchheit/S. Harris/m. meindertsma/A. Della Siega/P. Paetzel/C. Spence/R. Kanwal/T. Morden/E. Lalonde (Cox)/
    West Side Rowing Club
P. Reilly/K. Chase/A. Skakal/C. Watroba/D. Crooks/S. Gwitt/M. Talty/C. Zilliox/V. Runckel (Cox)/
35 SrM2x Mens Senior Double - Hop Bitters Challenge Cup
36 U17W4x Womens Under 17 Quad - West Side RC Past President's Trophy
Saturday, August 12, 2023
37 SrM8 Mens Senior Eight - Hanlan Memorial Challenge Trophy
38 SrW4- Womens Senior Four - Eddie Durnan Memorial Trophy
39 U23M4x Mens Under 23 Quad - Captain Charles E. Hooper Memorial Trophy
40 U17W4+ Womens Under 17 Cox Four - Doc and Colena Schaab Trophy
41 U19M2- Mens Under 19 Pair -
42 U23WL2x Womens Under 23 Lwt Double - Jack G. Berkout Trophy
43 U17M1x Mens Under 17 Single - Mike Wilson Memorial Trophy
44 SrML2- Mens Senior Lwt Pair - John L. Murray Memorial Trophy
45 U23ML2x Mens Under 23 Lwt Double - Thomas Croston Trophy
46 SrWL4- Womens Senior Lwt Four - Henley Island Helpers 30th Anniversary Trophy
47 U19W2- Womens Under 19 Pair - Tom McGuinness Memorial Trophy
48 U23W4x Womens Under 23 Quad - Carl
    Argonaut Rowing Club
W. Ng/E. Eberhardt/E. Bellion/E. Yeoh/
    Calgary Rowing Club
D. Davis/J. White/M. Elekes/G. Turner/
    Conshohocken Rowing Center Inc.
M. Stack/C. Burchette/E. Rosenfeld/M. Konopka/
    Detroit Boat Club Crew
A. Sjogren/O. Bachert/R. O'Donoghue/S. Stephens/
    Fairmount Rowing Association
C. Sewell/A. Seiger/A. Wall/E. O'Neill/
    Kennebecasis Rowing Club
M. Poziomka/B. Nichol/K. Roy/G. Anderson/
    Montreal Rowing Club / Club d'aviron de Montreal
P. Howe/R. Dandois-Samson/E. Duval/A. Saito/
    Newport Rowing Club
H. Ashcraft/h. hukari/M. Morris/F. Konschak/
    Ottawa Rowing Club
J. Allanach/G. Woodhouse/P. Allaire/A. Woo/
    Peterborough Rowing Club
H. Harper/J. Mabee/K. Rose/M. Walker/
    Peterborough Rowing Club
S. Wigg/m. wakeford/H. Kavanagh/S. Latina/
    Resilient Rowing Club
    Riverside Boat Club
L. O'Neil/V. Thibeault/T. Wilhelm/D. Boyse/
    Saskatoon Rowing Club
D. Wilde/E. Marion/E. Martens-Koop/B. Schwab/
    St. Catharines Rowing Club
H. Broderick/A. Buis/I. Van Der Mark/K. Franke/
    University of British Columbia
M. Camplin/C. Lawrence/B. Miller/S. Fraser/
    University of Victoria Rowing Club
49 SrW2x Womens Senior Double - Coopers and Lybrand Trophy
    Argonaut Rowing Club
S. Shi/L. Hong/
K. Flynn/R. Flowers/
K. Feitner/E. Wistuba/
    Craftsbury Green Racing Project
E. Delleman/S. Busse/
    Durham Rowing Club
K. Woodworth/T. Ruzygs/
    Durham Rowing Club
S. Mathew/J. Francoeur/
    Durham Rowing Club
E. Quinn/E. Phillips/
    Leander Boat Club
D. Ciparis/D. Davis/
    Montreal Rowing Club / Club d'aviron de Montreal
C. Chénier-Gagnon/K. Bonamin/
    Montreal Rowing Club / Club d'aviron de Montreal
M. Valiquette/J. Touzot/
    North Star Rowing Club
O. Crewe/F. Sivilotti/
    Oklahoma City High Performance Center
H. Fitts/S. Cydrus/
    Ottawa Rowing Club
S. Beaudry/R. Murphy/
    Riverside Boat Club
J. Durfee/H. Merritt/
    St. Catharines Rowing Club
S. Mowder/L. Bos/
    TBC Racing
B. Bowersox/S. Cross/
    TBC Racing
Q. Gossett/H. Polatsek/
    University of British Columbia
L. Stankiewicz/J. Blunt/
    Western University (UWO)
J. Thornton/M. Mihorean/
    Winnipeg Rowing Club
R. Smith/J. Stephens/
50 U23M2- Mens Under 23 Pair - Bennet - Hogan Trophy
    Calgary Rowing Club
M. Pohl/N. Garcia/
    Calgary Rowing Club
L. Yan/J. Tevelein/
    Cascadilla Boat Club, Ltd.
P. Stone/H. Joyner/
    Cascadilla Boat Club, Ltd.
R. Walker/G. Miller/
    Cascadilla Boat Club, Ltd.
M. Banducci/S. Gazdus/
    Cascadilla Boat Club, Ltd.
T. Forg/L. Brust/
    Community Rowing, Inc.
C. Schwartz/S. Dallman/
    Community Rowing, Inc.
C. Matlack/D. Albrechtskirchinger/
    Community Rowing, Inc.
M. Fairfield/H. Griffin/
    Community Rowing, Inc.
C. Geddes/A. Litvak/
    Craftsbury Green Racing Project
G. Crouch/N. Gaensler/
    Don Rowing Club
l. Fogh/A. Elshanawany/
    Don Rowing Club
E. Maneyapanda/R. Patel/
    Duxbury Bay Maritime School
A. Babson/B. King/
    GMS Rowing Center
L. Salazar Anaya/P. Liston/
    Kennebecasis Rowing Club
S. Oxley/E. Crowley/
    King's Crown Rowing Association
E. Morais/D. McMillan/
    Leander Boat Club
n. odutola/O. Donaldson/
    Marietta Training Center
B. Harper/L. Sherman/
    Mendota Rowing Club
M. Horan/G. Waugh/
    Mendota Rowing Club
L. Weinhold/W. Stanwood/
    Mendota Rowing Club
E. Strasman/D. Hintzman/
    Mendota Rowing Club
H. Voeller/A. Beer/
    North Star Rowing Club
R. Walsh/T. Stender/
    Princeton National Rowing Association/Mercer
A. Griesinger/G. Smith/
A. Tokarski/W. Stavropoulos/
J. Diggons/J. Gorman/
    Seattle Scullers
E. Morrow/L. Collins/
    University of British Columbia
P. Paetzel/C. Spence/
    University of British Columbia
B. Buchheit/S. Harris/
    University of Victoria Rowing Club
C. Attridge/V. Lefebvre/
    University of Victoria Rowing Club
M. Caryk/J. Harold/
T. Chung/E. Genden/
    Western University (UWO)
A. Griesbach/K. Elrick/
    Western University (UWO)
M. Yates/M. Chumakov/
51 WD8 Womens Eight Dash - Bell Canada Trophy
52 MD8 Mens Eight Dash - Donald F. Thom Memorial Trophy
53 WLD8 Womens Lwt Eight Dash - Wendy Weibe Trophy
54 MLD8 Mens Lwt Eight Dash - Ralph Gifford Memorial Trophy
55 WLD1x Womens Lwt Single Dash - John H. Dorr Memorial Trophy
56 MLD1x Mens Lwt Single Dash - Dave Cornelius Memorial Trophy
57 WD1x Womens Single Dash - Marie-Lyne Rochon Memorial Trophy
58 MD1x Mens Single Dash - Murphy Bros Trophy
P1D PMW1xD Open Para M/W 1x Dash
P2D PMW2x2-D Open Para M/W 2x2- Dash
RS RSM8+ Regatta Sport Dash 4 Cash Mixed 8+
Sunday, August 13, 2023
1P PMW1x Open Para M/W 1x
2P PMW2x2- Open Para M/W 2x2-
59 U19W4x Womens Under 19 Quad - Thomas G. Gannon Memorial Trophy
60 SrML4x Mens Senior Ltw Quad - Thomas Edison Lane Perpetual Trophy
61 WC2- Womens Championship Pair - Suzanne & James Schaab Trophy
    Community Rowing, Inc.
E. Randolph/A. Luce/
    Community Rowing, Inc.
S. Cogan/S. Henry/
    Oklahoma City High Performance Center
H. Fitts/S. Cydrus/
    Composite: Ottawa, Calgary RC
R. Weber/G. Yarema/
    University of British Columbia
Z. Fettig-Winn/J. Tarshis/
62 MC2- Mens Championship Pair - William J. Cotter Trophy
63 U19M4x Mens Under 19 Quad - William B.C. Burgoyne Memorial Trophy
64 SrM64K1x Mens Senior 64Kg Single - R.G. 'Bob' Dibble Memorial Cup
65 SrW4x Womens Senior Quad - Margaret Gare Trophy
66 SrW52K4+ Womens Senior 52KG Cox Four - Ronda Henning Memorial Trophy
67 U17M4+ Mens Under 17 Cox Four - Herb Gray Trophy
68 SrML8 Mens Senior Lwt Eight - Joseph Wright Challenge Cup
69 SrWL8 Womens Senior Lwt Eight - People of Port Dalhousie Trophy
70 U23M4- Mens Under 23 Four - Rodger Sellars Trophy
    Calgary Rowing Club
M. Pohl/N. Mykyte/L. Yan/N. Garcia/
    Cascadilla Boat Club, Ltd.
M. Banducci/S. Gazdus/R. Walker/G. Miller/
    Cascadilla Boat Club, Ltd.
H. Joyner/P. Stone/T. Forg/L. Brust/
    Community Rowing, Inc.
O. Putnam-Bagley/B. Browning/A. Litvak/L. Johnson/
    Community Rowing, Inc.
H. Griffin/C. Smirl/C. Goff/M. Fairfield/
    Leander Boat Club
n. odutola/E. An/F. Feng/O. Donaldson/
    Mendota Rowing Club
L. Farmer/E. Strasman/W. Stanwood/L. Truog/
    Mendota Rowing Club
B. Peters/T. Green/L. Weinhold/D. Hintzman/
    Mendota Rowing Club
M. Miller/H. Wurdell/H. Voeller/A. Beer/
    North Star Rowing Club
B. Martens/T. Stender/R. Walsh/J. Chevalier/
G. Rodgers/L. Finlayson/A. Straley/C. Fortner/
    TBC Racing
J. Wray/F. Berkhout/A. Topa/M. Epstein/
    University of British Columbia
B. Buchheit/A. Della Siega/m. meindertsma/S. Harris/
    University of Victoria Rowing Club
A. Migus/H. King/W. Theed/S. Ree/
    University of Victoria Rowing Club
C. Attridge/V. Lefebvre/M. Caryk/J. Harold/
    Vesper Boat Club
A. Balsbaugh/A. Manolarakis/R. Genel/N. Perks/
71 U23W4- Womens Under 23 Four - Nelles Stacey Trophy
72 SrM4x Mens Senior Quad - Charles M. Adams Memorial Trophy
73 U19M8 Mens Under 19 Eight - St.Catharines Rowing Alumni Trophy
74 U17W1x Womens Under 17 Single -
75 U19W8 Womens Under 19 Eight - Harris/Fisher Trophy
76 SrWL4x Womens Senior Lwt Quad - Silver Fox Trophy
77 U23ML2- Mens Under 23 Lwt Pair - Tyler King Memorial Trophy
78 U23W1x Womens Under 23 Single - Dr. James A. McMullen Memorial Trophy
79 U17M2x Mens Under 17 Double - Tank Trophy
80 U23WL4- Womens Under 23 Lwt Four
81 WC1x Womens Championship Single - Muir Challenge Cup
82 MC1x Mens Championship Single - George F. Galt Memorial Trophy
PR7 PR3Mx4+ Mixed PR3 Cox Four - Justin Fryer Trophy
83 WC8 Womens Championship Eight - Brock University 25th Anniversary Trophy
84 MC8 Mens Championship Eight - Craig Swayze Memorial Trophy
    Composite: Bachelors Barge Club, Crescent
K. Rudolph/E. Walsh/J. Schmidt/W. Altier/N. Sajatovic/M. Wilson/J. Miller/J. Miller/S. DeSilva (Cox)/
    Erie Canal Athletic Club
J. Manny/A. Cheely/R. Pazderski/R. Agans/B. Jewell/T. Hoffmann/J. Bower/P. Pierce/O. LeClair (Cox)/
    Mendota Rowing Club
M. Horan/W. Klipstine/A. Soman/G. Waugh/L. Farmer/D. Knanishu/W. Stanwood/L. Truog/J. Rane (Cox)/
    Mendota Rowing Club
M. Lafferty/E. Dooley/J. O'Brien/T. Green/L. Weinhold/E. Strasman/H. Wurdell/M. Miller/C. Ramquist (Cox)/
    Composite: Princeton, St. Catharines, Brock U, University of Victoria, British Columbia
G. DiPompeo/K. Bartel/J. Harold/O. Kudreikis/O. Bartel/A. Breen/A. Barry/M. Ciepiela/N. Murray-Coplen (Cox)/
B. Vilk/L. Finlayson/J. Diggons/O. Neil/S. Keagan/J. Gorman/N. Sass/C. Hay/T. Hibbard (Cox)/
G. Rodgers/J. Eagan/W. Porter/L. Tilton/P. Spira/A. Tokarski/W. Stavropoulos/A. Straley/L. Fortner (Cox)/
*-Event times, if listed, are tentative and subject to change