Independence Day Regatta

  • Hosted By: Schuylkill Navy of Philadelphia
  • 2016 Registered Regatta


Event# Time* Code Event Competitors
Friday, July 2, 2004
1 Womens Junior 16 4x
10 Womens Junior 4x
    Bachelors Barge Club (A)
L. Corkery/L. Keyser/R. Popeck/A. Toner
    Clermont High School Crew (A)
A. Kroner/K. Fulkerson/S. Marsan/F. Hornsby
    Fairmount Rowing Association (A)
C. Fairbanks/M. Quinn/L. Sullivan/S. Madden
    Greenwich Rowing Club (A)
N. Weisenburger/C. Gullo/L. Mc Girr/L. Harris
    Nereid Boat Club, Inc. (A)
M. Jankolovits/J. Stein/J. Clark/L. Hurwitz
    Saugatuck Rowing Club, LLC (A)
M. Barry/E. Beauclair/E. Mcgrath/J. Freeland
    Steel City Rowing Club (A)
C. Dermody/S. Wrenshall/A. Chuderwicz/K. Gagnon
    Vesper Boat Club (A)
E. Stern/A. Dormans/A. Holdsworth/M. Jones
    Fairmount Rowing Association (B)
K. Colgan/S. Lebovitz/M. Oberg/A. Perry
    Saugatuck Rowing Club, LLC (B)
V. Burke/K. Mccusker/K. Neugold/D. Navarro
    Vesper Boat Club (B)
K. Schumacher/S. Groff/V. Burns/C. Foley
11 Mens Senior 2x
12 Mens Junior 16 1x
13 Mens Junior 2x
14 Womens Junior 1x
15 Womens Junior 16 1x
16 Womens Junior 4+
17 Mens Junior 4x
18 Mens Junior 16 4+
19 Mens 2-
    New York Athletic Club
P. Bonwich/E. Catino
    Penn A.C. Rowing Association
D. Krmpotich/D. Lyons
    Vesper Boat Club
M. King/D. Read
    Vesper Boat Club
J. Brown/E. Hult
    Vesper Boat Club
S. Loch/M. Boyd
    Vesper Boat Club
W. England/P. Marcy
2 Womens Masters 4+
20 Mens Light 2x
21 Womens Light 2x
22 Womens Inter. Light 1x
    Bachelors Barge Club
C. DeLalio
    Fort Myers Rowing Club
H. Seward
    Nereid Boat Club, Inc.
B. Jones
    New York Athletic Club
E. Martin
    Potomac Boat Club
N. Nelson
    Riverside Boat Club
C. Wallace
    Sagamore Rowing Association
C. Latham
    Three Rivers Rowing Association
J. Vorhes
    Undine Barge Club of Philadelphia
M. Welsh
    Undine Barge Club of Philadelphia
S. Casey
    Vesper Boat Club
R. Jerril
    Vesper Boat Club
A. Ginis
23 Mens Junior 16 4x
24 Womens Junior 16 4+
25 Mens Intermediate 4+
    New York Athletic Club (A)
S. Iyer/N. Frankfurt/S. Wiggins/A. Krupp/T. Bedetermined (Cox)
    Penn A.C. Rowing Association (A)
J. Lipiros/B. Jones/D. OShaughnessy/R. Goody/C. Groshong (Cox)
    Rivanna Rowing Club, Inc. (A)
T. Barry/R. Chan/N. Kadick/T. Lichtenberger/K. Cornelius (Cox)
    Riverside Boat Club (A)
J. Wellen/J. Giordano/D. Schultz/C. Pallazo/B. Calvert (Cox)
    Vesper Boat Club (A)
T. Mahoney/M. Young/J. McQuaid/J. Mitchell/C. Phillips (Cox)
    Penn A.C. Rowing Association (B)
G. Cobb/R. Straus/D. Carter/P. Travers/C. Mixter (Cox)
    Penn A.C. Rowing Association (C)
W. Barneby/B. Coker/A. Monte/R. Davis/R. Ivory (Cox)
    Nereid Boat Club, Inc. (C)
R. Teraskiewicz/E. Hagberg/G. Feigenbaum/R. Ujazadowski/W. Conceicao (Cox)
    USR Junior Men's Selection Camp (A)
R. B/R. C/R. D/R. E/R. A (Cox)
26 Womens Junior 16 2x
27 Mens Intermediate 2x
28 Womens Masters 8
    Alexandria Crew Boosters Club, Inc. (A)
K. Hamilton/M. Major/N. Faigen/L. Shinners/J. Mitchell/R. Taylor/M. Cobb/T. Ament/A. Harrigan (Cox)
11.3 (43)
    Annapolis Rowing Club, Inc. (A)
D. Yatsuk/S. Buyaskas/M. Kays/D. Bettinger/L. Clarke/T. Neider/A. McCullars/M. Dryer/J. Jordan (Cox)
15.9 (46)
    Capital Rowing Club (A)
A. Flickinger/D. Frye/J. Ney/K. OConnell/L. Kwako/K. Werth/A. Reiner/C. Erling/G. Abell (Cox)
1.1 (32)
    Carnegie Lake Rowing Association (A)
K. Ellis/B. Heck/K. Brennan/T. Steele/R. Ford/L. Vujosevic/P. Kitty/C. Joyce/T. Kozlowski (Cox)
19.4 (48)
    Community Rowing, Inc. (A)
J. Morse/A. Eisenmenger/C. Crosby/C. Vieira/D. Grinnell/B. Trissel/T. Diab/M. Donaldson/S. Lamprey (Cox)
25.3 (51)
    Fairmount Rowing Association (A)
S. Sargent/D. Shubeck/S. Mc lean/S. Romilly/L. Hall/A. Shonstrom/M. Weeks/C. Bower/J. Peter (Cox)
29.7 (53)
    Three Rivers Rowing Association (A)
T. Yanowitz/E. Pollard/S. Walker/J. Markl/P. Hruska/S. Lawrence/N. Siriani/M. Fisher/M. Carr (Cox)
2.2 (34)
    Vesper Boat Club (A)
E. Horvat/C. Holdsworth/K. Maley/K. Lewis/K. Haase/S. Willard/K. Barron/A. Roach/S. Benvenuto (Cox)
12.7 (44)
    Alexandria Crew Boosters Club, Inc. (B)
K. Gonyea/A. Meredith/A. Farinas/K. Mullan/R. Hollins/M. St. george/J. Goodwin/S. Armstrong/C. Hott (Cox)
1.6 (33)
    Annapolis Rowing Club, Inc. (B)
M. Bryce/S. Hughes/E. Harrington/M. Wrabbley/C. Fountain/J. Gundersen/A. Luken/V. Shiroky/M. Levine (Cox)
14.3 (45)
    Community Rowing, Inc. (B)
A. Rourke/C. Forrester/L. Kosturko/N. Whitestone/C. Truman/A. Dudzinski/C. McCarthy/J. Murray/E. Healey (Cox)
0.7 (31)
    Wilmington Rowing Center (WRC) (E)
K. Holcomb/C. Eichner/N. Falasco/K. Baumgartner/C. Scalies/M. Jackson/J. Golinkoff/L. Shinn/A. Dean (Cox)
15.9 (46)
29 Mens Masters 4+
3 Mens Masters 8
30 Mixed Masters 2x
    Austin Rowing Club
B. Eldridge/C. Wagner
5.7 (38)
    GMS Rowing Center
P. Meyer/M. Oleary
15.4 (45)
    Greenwich Rowing Club
C. Mutescu/J. Palermo
1.2 (32)
    Nereid Boat Club, Inc.
B. Hultay/D. Hultay
21.0 (48)
    Nereid Boat Club, Inc.
A. Hurwitz/E. King
12.2 (43)
    Penn A.C. Rowing Association
M. Hynes/D. Harper
8.0 (40)
    Unaffiliated (USA)
D. Gerson/D. Krmpotich
25.1 (50)
    University Barge Club
K. Cook/C. Blackwall
23.0 (49)
    Vesper Boat Club
M. Beck/J. Oestreich
19.0 (47)
    Vesper Boat Club
M. Jones/R. Jones
48.7 (59)
    Vesper Boat Club
J. Holdsworth/C. Molony
6.8 (39)
    Wilmington Rowing Center (WRC)
F. Duling/K. Benarcik
29.7 (52)
    Wilmington Rowing Center (WRC)
E. Rau/D. Volpe
3.0 (35)
31 Mens 4+
    Alexandria Crew Boosters Club, Inc. (A)
I. Schmidt/C. Ros/B. Alpigini/M. Curtis/Y. Bodecker (Cox)
    Capital Rowing Club (A)
W. Beck/J. Adler/K. Crauth/M. Vicory/W. Lindhal (Cox)
    Penn A.C. Rowing Association (A)
E. Price/J. Turcotte/A. Seifried/J. Tapia-Grassi/A. Greenspan (Cox)
    Riverside Boat Club (A)
E. Bailey/C. Schultz/C. Messina/B. Harding/E. Burns (Cox)
    USR Junior Men's Selection Camp (A)
R. G/R. H/R. I/R. J/R. F (Cox)
    Vesper Boat Club (B)
J. Brown/S. Loch/E. Hult/M. Boyd/M. Adomanis (Cox)
    Penn A.C. Rowing Association (D)
W. Anderson/C. Thomas/S. Elliot/K. Alderman/C. Mixter (Cox)
    Vesper Boat Club (D)
M. King/M. Seelaus/G. Patcella/S. Cronin/S. Lukhs (Cox)
32 Womens Intermediate 2x
    Alexandria Community Rowing
J. Rubini/S. Doyal
    Bantam Boat Club
T. Maciog/H. Wilmerding
    Community Rowing, Inc.
A. Conlin/S. Barkan
    Dallas Rowing Club
K. Bystry/A. Wessel
    Dallas Rowing Club
A. Brannan/A. Scherbarth
    Dallas Rowing Club
C. Di Loreto/R. Bush
    Fairmount Rowing Association
A. Ginis/S. Lippa
    Greenwich Rowing Club
M. Leamon/J. Palermo
    Nereid Boat Club, Inc.
M. Johnson/M. Hall
    New York Athletic Club
L. McClellan/K. Donoho
    New York Athletic Club
K. Kearney/K. Lee
    Potomac Boat Club
D. Dryer/B. Sickler
    Potomac Boat Club
C. Kemp/K. Sydlik
    Sagamore Rowing Association
E. Koenig/C. Latham
    Saugatuck Rowing Club, LLC
J. Burmeister/L. Massimino
    Undine Barge Club of Philadelphia
L. Pinsonneault/J. Shane
    Vesper Boat Club
B. Bayne/V. Woodward
    Community Rowing, Inc.
E. Healey/K. Ryan
33 Mens Inter. Light 8
34 Mens Junior 1x
    Bachelors Barge Club
M. Gold
    Bachelors Barge Club
J. Levin
    California Rowing Club
P. Sullivan
    Clermont High School Crew
K. Quinn
    Clermont High School Crew
G. Moffat
    Clermont High School Crew
I. Lehn
    Club de Regatas "Lima"
J. Spihlmann
    Club de Regatas "Lima"
R. Murillo
    Crescent Boat Club
G. Ochal
    Fairmount Rowing Association
E. Moran
    Fort Myers Rowing Club
J. Constant
    Fort Myers Rowing Club
D. Smith
    Fort Myers Rowing Club
L. Hawk
    Fort Myers Rowing Club
B. Gonzalo
    GMS Rowing Center
C. Wyant
    GMS Rowing Center
J. Mantegani
    Malta Boat Club
A. Martin
    Maritime Rowing Club
E. Lane
    New York Athletic Club
J. Medoli
    Palm Beach Rowing Association, Inc.
T. Green
    Penn A.C. Rowing Association
S. Medcalf
    Potomac Boat Club
D. Rasmussen
    Sagamore Rowing Association
A. Bertoli
    Saugatuck Rowing Club, LLC
J. Sherriff
    Saugatuck Rowing Club, LLC
R. Klein
    Saugatuck Rowing Club, LLC
N. Lacava
    Saugatuck Rowing Club, LLC
B. DiPiazza
    Steel City Rowing Club
D. Wetschler
    Steel City Rowing Club
Z. Browne
    Three Rivers Rowing Association
N. Khan
    Union College Crew
A. Krauss
    Vesper Boat Club
T. Simone
    West Potomac Crew Boosters
R. Flint
    Wilmington Youth Rowing Association
A. Madden
    Bachelors Barge Club (A)
J. Gillespie
    Cascadilla Boat Club, Ltd. (A)
B. Patterson
35 Womens Junior 2x
36 Mens Junior 4+
37 Mens Junior 16 2x
38 Mens Intermediate 2-
39 Mens Inter. Light 4x
4 Father/son 2x (1000m)
    Bachelors Barge Club
B. Kowitt/M. Kowitt
    Long Beach Rowing Association
D. Johnson/E. Johnson
    Maritime Rowing Club
Z. Krupp/F. Krupp
    Nereid Boat Club, Inc.
B. Canha/J. Canha
    Palm Beach Rowing Association, Inc.
J. Green/T. Green
    Pelham Community Rowing Association
M. Carmody/S. Carmody
    Penn A.C. Rowing Association
A. Medcalf/S. Medcalf
    University Barge Club
G. Zakeosian/B. Zakeosian
    Vesper Boat Club (C)
T. Simone/P. Simone
40 Mens Junior 8
41 Womens Junior 8
42 Masters Mixed 4x
    Bachelors Barge Club (A)
S. Butterweck/K. Bright/B. Frasco/B. Jacobs
17.6 (47)
    Crescent Boat Club (A)
P. Finnegan/M. McElroy/N. Sivel/C. McElroy
2.8 (35)
    Fairmount Rowing Association (A)
T. Bell/E. Bell/J. Gaughan/S. Mallett
15.9 (46)
    Fairmount Rowing Association (A)
G. Cippollone/D. Wolff/S. Sargent/R. Sargent
32.1 (54)
    Greenwich Rowing Club (A)
J. Pike/M. Leamon/J. Palermo/D. Patterson
0.4 (30)
    Penn A.C. Rowing Association (A)
M. Hynes/D. Harper/C. Pearlman/M. Case
17.6 (47)
    Three Rivers Rowing Association (A)
S. Walker/N. Siriani/J. Giron/S. Martino
0.7 (31)
    Vesper Boat Club (A)
J. Greenwood/T. Greenwood/A. Franklin/C. Scott
11.3 (43)
    Western Reserve Rowing Association (A)
D. Schubeck/D. Crouse/M. Shonstrom/A. Shonstrom
27.5 (52)
    Vesper Boat Club (B)
P. Horvat/J. Kelly/K. Lewis/C. Bower
9.9 (42)
43 Womens 1x
    Alexandria Community Rowing
J. Rubini
    Austin Rowing Club
C. Wagner
    New York Athletic Club
J. Archibald
    New York Athletic Club
H. Wakeley
    Potomac Crew
J. Busch
    Riverside Boat Club
M. Page
    Riverside Boat Club
B. McConarty
    Riverside Boat Club
C. Boron
    Saugatuck Rowing Club, LLC
J. Kaido
    Undine Barge Club of Philadelphia
A. Phillips
    Vesper Boat Club
A. Holmes
    Vesper Boat Club
E. Kelley
    Vesper Boat Club
M. Tuckey
44 Mens 1x
45 Womens Light 1x Dash
46 Mens Light 1x Dash
47 Womens 1x Dash
    Austin Rowing Club
C. Wagner
    Potomac Crew
J. Busch
    Riverside Boat Club
C. Boron
    Undine Barge Club of Philadelphia
A. Phillips
    Vesper Boat Club
E. Kelley
    Washington Area Rowing/ Washington Sculling Center
C. Berson
48 Mens 1x Dash
49 Disabled 2x
5 Father/daughter 2x (1000m)
50 Mens Intermediate 1x
51 Womens Intermediate 1x
52 Mens Inter. Light 1x
53 Womens Inter. 4+
    Community Rowing, Inc. (A)
S. Lounsberry/M. Rock/A. Dudzinski/A. Taggart/E. Sprong (Cox)
    Dallas Rowing Club (A)
A. Brannan/A. Wessel/P. Fischhaber/R. Bush/L. Krompass (Cox)
    Greenwich Rowing Club (A)
C. Priest/L. Maccallum/S. Loomis/J. Goldstein/K. Lyons (Cox)
    Nereid Boat Club, Inc. (A)
M. Jankolovits/E. Adelson/J. Clark/J. Conner/C. OBrien (Cox)
    Potomac Boat Club (A)
K. Wiebe/M. Saunders/K. Shafer/M. Carmean/J. Chiu (Cox)
    Riverside Boat Club (A)
A. Molholm/K. Dorn/M. Ianni/E. Simmonds/L. Giam (Cox)
    Three Rivers Rowing Association (A)
T. Yanowitz/E. Pollard/S. Walker/J. Markl/M. Carr (Cox)
    Vesper Boat Club (A)
N. Olewnik/S. Asous/M. Walsh/V. Morini/L. Cowan (Cox)
    Capital Rowing Club (B)
M. Morris/A. Myers/K. Herbert/M. McGrath/W. Beck (Cox)
    Community Rowing, Inc. (B)
L. Larsen-Strecker/B. Wagner/A. Williams/L. Glandorf/A. Deutsch (Cox)
    Community Rowing, Inc. (C)
A. Conlin/R. Stievater/S. Barkan/J. Saraidaridis/J. Ginsberg (Cox)
    Capital Rowing Club (A)
B. Musgrove/M. Fatovic/A. Picard/A. Shanor/G. Abell (Cox)
54 Womens Light 4+
55 Womens 2x
    Riverside Boat Club
C. Boron/K. Cary
    Undine Barge Club of Philadelphia
R. Mescher/A. Phillips
    Vesper Boat Club
A. Holmes/B. McConarty
    Vesper Boat Club
E. Kelley/M. Tuckey
56 Womens 2-
    Community Rowing, Inc.
A. Rourke/C. Truman
    New York Athletic Club
J. Archibald/H. Wakeley
    Riverside Boat Club
S. Jones/J. Warzonek
    Riverside Boat Club
G. Horner-Wright/A. Smack
    Vesper Boat Club
S. Carter/C. Monaghan
    Vesper Boat Club
B. McMahon/K. Donovan
    Alexandria Crew Boosters Club, Inc. (A)
J. Kopac/C. Owens
57 Mens 2x
58 Mens Masters 1x
    Bachelors Barge Club
H. Hauptfuhrer
26.6 (49)
    Brighton Rowing Club, Inc.
L. Ogden
0.5 (30)
    Cape Coral Rowing Club
J. Pokorny
49.5 (57)
    Capital Rowing Club
D. Cors
3.5 (35)
    Capital Rowing Club
D. Spencer
75.3 (64)
    Crescent Boat Club
C. McElroy
6.7 (38)
    Crescent Boat Club
P. Markovic
43.1 (55)
    Crescent Boat Club
R. D'Amico
19.9 (46)
    Fairmount Rowing Association
R. Sargent
75.3 (64)
    Fairmount Rowing Association
J. Long
46.3 (56)
    Fort Myers Rowing Club
S. Leonard
2.0 (33)
    Genesee Waterways Center, Inc.
J. Swing
0.0 (28)
    Malta Boat Club
T. Mattson
24.3 (48)
    Nereid Boat Club, Inc.
B. Canha
22.0 (47)
    Norwalk Leander Rowing Club
R. Slocum
43.1 (55)
    Palm Beach Rowing Association, Inc.
B. Dunlap
52.9 (58)
    Pettipaug Scullers
P. Flory
52.9 (58)
    Potomac Boat Club
T. Liu
0.2 (29)
    Potomac Boat Club
H. McEntee
26.6 (49)
    Potomac Boat Club
C. Sutliff
88.0 (67)
    Potomac Boat Club
N. Holland
15.9 (44)
    Riverside Boat Club
J. Schafer
17.8 (45)
    Rocky Mountain Rowing Club
M. Shonstrom
75.2 (64)
    San Diego Rowing Club
M. Davis
17.8 (45)
    Saugatuck Rowing Club, LLC
L. Stearn
46.3 (56)
    St. Catharines Rowing Club
J. Lovett
63.6 (61)
    The Alison Project
S. Platt
17.8 (45)
    Three Rivers Rowing Association
S. Martino
2.0 (33)
    Three Rivers Rowing Association
J. Grady
15.9 (44)
    Unaffiliated (USA)
S. Pritchard
0.2 (29)
    Unaffiliated (USA)
P. Hein
6.7 (38)
    Undine Barge Club of Philadelphia
D. Rhodes
3.5 (35)
    University Barge Club
W. Vanderlinde
116.4 (73)
    University Barge Club
C. Blackwall
56.3 (59)
    Vesper Boat Club
J. Oestreich
7.9 (39)
    Vesper Boat Club
R. Jones
71.3 (63)
    West Potomac Crew Boosters
J. Rubini
40.1 (54)
    Wilmington Rowing Center (WRC)
A. Hobbs
15.9 (44)
    Wilmington Rowing Center (WRC)
E. Rau
7.9 (39)
59 Mens Masters Light 1x
    Buckingham Browne & Nichols
B. Eldridge
22.0 (47)
    Fairmount Rowing Association
L. Silverberg
10.8 (41)
    GMS Rowing Center
M. Oleary
10.8 (41)
    Malta Boat Club
M. Brown
19.9 (46)
    Minneapolis Rowing Club
M. Hurley
31.7 (51)
    Nereid Boat Club, Inc.
D. Hultay
19.9 (46)
    Potomac Boat Club
M. Levitin
15.9 (44)
    University Barge Club
C. Seybolt
14.1 (43)
    Whitemarsh Boat Club
C. Doyle
37.2 (53)
    Wilmington Rowing Center (WRC)
J. Carey
26.6 (49)
    Vesper Boat Club (G)
E. Gribbin
26.6 (49)
    University Barge Club (B)
G. Zakeosian
37.2 (53)
6 Mother/son 2x (1000m)
60 Womens Masters 1x
    Alexandria Community Rowing
S. Doyal
1.4 (32)
    Austin Rowing Club
C. Wagner
0.2 (29)
    Bachelors Barge Club
N. Gahl
2.0 (33)
    Bachelors Barge Club
C. Pavlak
37.2 (53)
    Capital Rowing Club
K. OConnell
6.7 (38)
    Dayton Boat Club
C. Carlson
6.7 (38)
    Hiawatha Island Boat Club
M. Karl
31.7 (51)
    Philadelphia Girls' Rowing Club
A. Northrup
46.3 (56)
    Redwood Scullers/PACJC
A. Chuter
17.8 (45)
    Saugatuck Rowing Club, LLC
K. De Biasi
5.5 (37)
    Unaffiliated (USA)
S. Evans
1.4 (32)
    Unaffiliated (USA)
D. Gerson
34.4 (52)
    University of Virginia Women's Rowing
V. Platzer
10.8 (41)
    Vesper Boat Club
C. Scott
14.1 (43)
    Vesper Boat Club
K. Agersborg
12.4 (42)
    University Barge Club
A. Lawrence
7.9 (39)
61 Womens Masters Light 1x
62 Womens Inter. Light 2x
    New York Athletic Club
E. Martin/F. Augar
    Potomac Boat Club
N. Nelson/C. Wallace
    Undine Barge Club of Philadelphia
M. Welsh/S. Casey
    Vesper Boat Club
A. Ginis/B. Le
63 Mens Intermediate Light 4+
64 Womens Light 1x
    Bair Island Aquatic Center (BIAC)
E. Barnhart
    Kingston Rowing Club
K. Brennan
    Vesper Boat Club
R. Jerril
    Vesper Boat Club
K. Vitellaro
    Vesper Boat Club
C. Kostrewski
    Saugatuck Rowing Club, LLC
P. Raila
65 Mens Light 1x
66 Mens Intermediate 4x
67 Womens Intermediate 4x
68 Mens Inter. Light 2x
    Boston University Men's Crew
E. Panich/A. Krauss
    Cascadilla Boat Club, Ltd.
P. Mulcahy/N. Kress
    Crescent Boat Club
K. Ochal/M. Henwood
    Malta Boat Club
R. Watson/B. McGeehin
    Malta Boat Club
S. Pierson/M. Adams
    Nereid Boat Club, Inc.
R. Teraskiewicz/E. Hagberg
    Potomac Boat Club
D. Rasmussen/J. McGroarty
    Riverside Boat Club
J. Forrester/P. Morelli
    Undine Barge Club of Philadelphia
M. Wills/C. Bowman
    Vesper Boat Club
D. Seals/J. Thorpe
    Undine Barge Club of Philadelphia (A)
D. Urevick-Acklesb/S. Wisnewski
    Potomac Boat Club
J. Adams/A. Blankertz
69 Womens Masters 2x
    Alexandria Community Rowing
B. Hollins/S. Doyal
3.0 (35)
    Atlanta Rowing Club, Inc.
M. Weeks/S. Sargent
42.8 (57)
    Community Rowing, Inc.
A. Eisenmenger/J. Morse
40.0 (56)
    Greenwich Rowing Club
M. Kreuger/L. Moffitt
9.3 (41)
    Palm Beach Rowing Association, Inc.
N. Schecter/C. Collins
6.8 (39)
    Penn A.C. Rowing Association
M. Hynes/M. Case
13.7 (44)
    Philadelphia Girls' Rowing Club
D. Post/C. Carol
27.4 (51)
    Potomac Boat Club
J. Stork/H. Avery
3.8 (36)
    Saugatuck Rowing Club, LLC
C. Steinglass/A. Faber
29.7 (52)
    Saugatuck Rowing Club, LLC
K. LHommedieu/K. Huber
23.0 (49)
    Three Rivers Rowing Association
T. Yanowitz/J. Markl
3.0 (35)
    Unaffiliated (USA)
D. Gerson/P. Myer
27.4 (51)
    University Barge Club
C. Carlson/A. Lawrence
6.8 (39)
    Vesper Boat Club
G. Cipollone/K. Lewis
10.7 (42)
    Western Reserve Rowing Association
S. Romilly/Z. Varnelis
10.7 (42)
    Wilmington Rowing Center (WRC)
O. Rollins/R. Crawford
34.6 (54)
    Nereid Boat Club, Inc. (D)
A. Hurwitz/B. Hultay
23.0 (49)
7 Mother/daughter 2x (1000m)
70 Mens Masters 2x
    Baltimore Rowing Club
C. Windeknecht/M. Daemen
17.2 (46)
    Capital Rowing Club
L. Stern/D. Spencer
51.7 (60)
    Cincinnati Rowing Club
B. Miller/T. Dryer
37.3 (55)
    Crescent Boat Club
B. Shea/D. Ragan
17.2 (46)
    Crescent Boat Club
P. Finnegan/C. McElroy
5.7 (38)
    Fairmount Rowing Association
F. Biller/T. Toland
6.8 (39)
    Fairmount Rowing Association
T. Greenwood/J. Greenwood
8.0 (40)
    Fairmount Rowing Association
J. Rubini/R. Sargent
48.7 (59)
    Fairmount Rowing Association
E. Moran/J. Gaughan
32.1 (53)
    Genesee Waterways Center, Inc.
J. Swing/O. Lucas
0.2 (29)
    Greenwich Rowing Club
J. Cole/H. Pohl
13.7 (44)
    Long Beach Rowing Association
D. Johnson/E. Johnson
45.7 (58)
    Penn A.C. Rowing Association
D. Harper/C. Pearlman
23.0 (49)
    Penn A.C. Rowing Association
D. Krmpotich/D. Lyons
19.0 (47)
    Potomac Boat Club
H. McEntee/T. Baxter
25.1 (50)
    Riverside Boat Club
E. Frankenberry/J. Schaffer
15.4 (45)
    Riverside Boat Club
E. Cook/F. OLeary
27.4 (51)
    Rocky Mountain Rowing Club
D. Crouse/M. Shonstrom
37.2 (55)
    Sagamore Rowing Association
T. Smith/P. Bisek
17.2 (46)
    Saugatuck Rowing Club, LLC
M. Bassick/J. Traynor
34.6 (54)
    Three Rivers Rowing Association
S. Martino/D. Webber Plank
1.7 (33)
    Three Rivers Rowing Association
J. Grady/J. Giron
3.8 (36)
    Undine Barge Club of Philadelphia
E. Pressman/S. Weeks
72.3 (66)
    Union Boat Club
K. Breuing/C. Petruzziello
15.4 (45)
    University Barge Club
C. Keith/J. Reiss
48.6 (59)
    Vesper Boat Club
P. Simone/R. Wilson
23.0 (49)
    Vesper Boat Club
C. McMahon/W. Long
83.8 (69)
    Wilmington Rowing Center (WRC)
A. Hobbs/D. Green
12.2 (43)
    Wilmington Rowing Center (WRC)
M. Holcomb/H. Roberts
37.3 (55)
71 Mens 4x
72 Womens 4x
73 Mens Intermediate 8
74 Womens Intermediate 8
    Community Rowing, Inc. (A)
E. Greten/B. Howard/S. Lounsberry/C. Vieira/E. Healey/M. Rock/K. Ryan/A. Taggart/S. Lamprey (Cox)
    Riverside Boat Club (A)
E. Simmonds/A. Molholm/K. Dorn/M. Ianni/C. Connell/L. Derby/A. Golladay/M. ONeill/L. Giam (Cox)
    Vesper Boat Club (A)
N. Olewnik/S. Asous/S. Carter/B. McMahon/V. Morini/M. Walsh/C. Monaghan/K. Donovan/L. Cowan (Cox)
    Alexandria Crew Boosters Club, Inc. (B)
K. Hamilton/M. Major/A. Farinas/C. Owens/J. Mitchell/J. Kopac/T. Marble/B. Westlund/A. Harrigan (Cox)
    Community Rowing, Inc. (B)
L. Nicholson/E. Martin/L. Gardner/S. Lubin/A. Griffith/J. Di Bonaventura/C. Glandorf/E. Wocjik/A. Deutsch (Cox)
75 Mixed Open 2x
76 Mens Light 4x
77 Womens Inter. Light 4x
78 Mens Masters 4x
    University Barge Club (A)
C. Keith/R. Herman/R. Thompson/J. Reiss
34.5 (55)
    Vesper Boat Club (A)
P. Horvat/J. Kelly/F. Rowe/M. Horvat
9.9 (42)
    Whitemarsh Boat Club (A)
M. Daemen/C. Windeknecht/F. Duling/C. Doyle
25.3 (51)
    University Barge Club (B)
H. Greenberg/P. Mcgrath/B. Franklin/P. Laskow
42.3 (58)
    Penn A.C. Rowing Association (C)
W. Samkavitz/T. Gallagher/J. Krmpotich/J. Harte
15.9 (46)
    Fairmount Rowing Association (D)
J. Rubini/L. Stearn/D. Wolff/R. Sargent
32.1 (54)
    Riverside Boat Club (A)
J. Schaffer/E. Cook/E. Frankenberry/F. OLeary
19.4 (48)
79 Womens Masters 4x
    Greenwich Rowing Club (A)
A. Santucci/M. Kreuger/L. Moffitt/P. Davitt
5.3 (38)
    Three Rivers Rowing Association (A)
J. Markl/E. Pollard/S. Walker/N. Siriani
0.4 (30)
    Vesper Boat Club (A)
C. Scott/J. Michel/M. Hilf/M. Beck
19.4 (48)
    Western Reserve Rowing Association (A)
D. Schubeck/S. Sargent/S. Romilly/M. Thwaite
25.3 (51)
    Philadelphia Girls' Rowing Club (B)
F. Goldstein/J. Repp/M. Kiely/M. Mirabal
17.6 (47)
    Three Rivers Rowing Association (B)
J. Vorhes/H. Pauline/M. Kuehm/M. Fisher
4.4 (37)
8 Womens Novice 1x (1000m)
    Bachelors Barge Club
J. Lamont
    Capital Rowing Club
S. Taylor
    Clermont High School Crew
K. Wade
    Clermont High School Crew
B. Hall
    Clermont High School Crew
N. Stephan
    Clermont High School Crew
C. Muldrow
    Dallas Rowing Club
P. Fischhaber
    Fairmount Rowing Association
C. Fairbanks
    Sagamore Rowing Association
B. Cornish
    Sagamore Rowing Association
E. Henwood
    Three Rivers Rowing Association
K. Caughey
    Three Rivers Rowing Association
P. Hruska
    Three Rivers Rowing Association
M. Kuehm
    Vesper Boat Club
H. Wynne
    West Potomac Crew Boosters
C. Finnegan
80 Womens 8
81 Mens 8
    Riverside Boat Club (A)
E. Bailey/J. Giordano/C. Messina/C. Schultz/M. Vanneman/L. McDonnel/M. Soper/B. Harding/E. Burns (Cox)
    USR Junior Men's Selection Camp (A)
R. L/R. M/R. N/R. O/R. P/R. Q/R. R/R. S/R. A (Cox)
    Vesper Boat Club (A)
M. King/J. Brown/S. Loch/W. England/D. Read/E. Hult/M. Boyd/P. Marcy/L. Heyman (Cox)
82 Octuple Sculls
83 Womens Open 4+
    Capital Rowing Club (A)
M. Morris/M. McGrath/S. Simmons/P. Lynch/S. Doherty (Cox)
    Community Rowing, Inc. (A)
E. Greten/B. Howard/E. Samek/J. Templeton/E. Sprong (Cox)
    Georgetown University (A)
K. Hollar/C. McKenna/J. Stokes/D. Bush/L. Smeeding (Cox)
    Riverside Boat Club (A)
R. Yardy/P. Fader/A. Kazanovicz/S. Minc/M. Strom (Cox)
    Vesper Boat Club (A)
S. Carter/B. McMahon/C. Monaghan/K. Donovan/L. Cowan (Cox)
    Vesper Boat Club (B)
N. Olewnik/S. Asous/M. Walsh/V. Morini/M. Young (Cox)
9 Mens Novice 1x (1000m)
    Bantam Boat Club
M. Shaughnessy
    Fairmount Rowing Association
M. Kemenosh
    Fairmount Rowing Association
S. Krajewski
    Greenwich Rowing Club
H. Pohl
    Malta Boat Club
S. Pierson
    Potomac Boat Club
I. Getzler
    Vesper Boat Club
C. Weaver
    West Potomac Crew Boosters
B. Wells
    West Potomac Crew Boosters
M. Noll
    Wilmington Rowing Center (WRC)
I. Baldytchev
*-Event times, if listed, are tentative and subject to change