Challenge West/BC Championships

  • Jul 13, 2018 To Jul 15, 2018
  • sprint
  • Elk Lake
  • Victoria, BC (CAN)
  • Hosted By: Victoria City Rowing Club
  • Sanctioned by RCA and Rowing BC


Event# Time* Code Event Competitors
25 Womens PARA 1x
43 Mens PARA 1x
Friday, July 13, 2018
1A Mixed Masters 2x (D)
    Maple Bay Rowing Club (A)
M. McCullough/B. Wallich
    Gorge Narrows Rowing Club (B)
C. Blondeau/A. Bradshaw
    Gorge Narrows Rowing Club (D)
C. Johns/H. Johnstone
1B Mixed Masters 2x (E-F)
    Gorge Narrows Rowing Club (A)
P. Desjardins/D. Morris
    Victoria City Rowing Club (A)
J. Alexander/L. Alexander
    Gorge Narrows Rowing Club (C)
J. Wrinch/F. Rudge
2 Mens U19 - JV 4x
3 Mens U15 4x
4 Womens U19 4+
5 Mixed Novice Masters 2x (A-F)
6 Mens U17 - JV 4x
    Gorge Narrows Rowing Club (A)
K. Aitken/B. Wale/J. Purewal/L. Hallet
    Seattle Rowing Center (A)
    Vancouver Rowing Club (A)
J. Bailey/Z. Wirth/S. Willcox/P. Wallner
    Victoria City Rowing Club (A)
K. Chen/N. Telmer/J. Jiang/E. Peacock/
    Seattle Rowing Center (B)
7 Womens Open 4-
8 Womens U15 2x
9 Womens U17 - JV 4x
10 Mixed Masters 4x (D-G)
    Gorge Narrows Rowing Club (A)
P. Desjardins/B. Smith/F. Rudge/D. Morris
    Victoria City Rowing Club (A)
J. Duggan/R. McKall/M. Drabit/D. Wilkinson
    Gorge Narrows Rowing Club (B)
A. Bradshaw/C. Blondeau/C. Johns/H. Johnstone
Saturday, July 14, 2018
G1 G1: Mens Open 2x
G2 G2: Womens Open 2-
G3 G3: Womens Open 1x
    Burnaby Lake Rowing Club (A)
S. Forsting
    Calgary Rowing Club (A)
M. Chantler
    Delta Deas Rowing Club (A)
N. Prokopich
    Fort Langley Youth Rowing Society (A)
J. Schmidt
    Gorge Narrows Rowing Club (A)
N. Hardcastle
    Maple Bay Rowing Club (A)
J. Baker/
    Nanaimo Rowing Club (A)
R. Knight
    Olympia Area Rowing Association (O.A.R.) (A)
C. Hart
    Oregon Rowing Unlimited-PDX (A)
D. Petrova
    Seattle Rowing Center (A)
L. Bilafer
    Thunder Rowing Crew (A)
E. Liu
    University of British Columbia (A)
L. Mar
    University of Victoria Rowing Club (A)
S. Craven
    Vancouver Rowing Club (A)
S. Wong
    Victoria City Rowing Club (A)
T. Taylor
    Burnaby Lake Rowing Club (B)
K. Edwards
    Delta Deas Rowing Club (B)
C. Lawrence
    Fort Langley Youth Rowing Society (B)
L. Kirk
    Seattle Rowing Center (B)
R. Fuchs
    Thunder Rowing Crew (B)
P. Doig
    University of British Columbia (B)
J. Lindsay
    Victoria City Rowing Club (B)
A. Emslie
    Burnaby Lake Rowing Club (C)
H. Hubbs
    Delta Deas Rowing Club (C)
S. Byrne-Atkins
    Seattle Rowing Center (C)
K. Twist
    University of British Columbia (C)
R. LaFreniere
    University of Victoria Rowing Club (C)
E. Hardcastle
    Burnaby Lake Rowing Club (D)
E. Paterson
    Seattle Rowing Center (D)
L. Balooch
    University of British Columbia (D)
G. Hardwicke-Brown
    Victoria City Rowing Club (D)
R. Dehghan
    Burnaby Lake Rowing Club (E)
G. Douville
    University of British Columbia (E)
P. Reinhard
    University of Victoria Rowing Club (E)
M. Peterson
    Victoria City Rowing Club (E)
C. Ghesquiere
    Burnaby Lake Rowing Club (F)
E. Luo
    Victoria City Rowing Club (F)
E. Taub
    Burnaby Lake Rowing Club (G)
A. Finnie
    Victoria City Rowing Club (G)
I. Loomer-Scott
    Victoria City Rowing Club (H)
T. Mara
    Victoria City Rowing Club (I)
S. Inglis/
    Victoria City Rowing Club (J)
P. Letham/
11 Mixed Novice Masters 4x (B-D)
12 Womens U19 - JV 1x
    Calgary Rowing Club (A)
C. De Paiva
    Delta Deas Rowing Club (A)
Y. Wang
    Gorge Narrows Rowing Club (A)
M. Latrille
    Seattle Rowing Center (A)
    Vancouver Rowing Club (A)
A. Gaskill
    Vernon Rowing and Dragon Boat Club (A)
A. Collinson
    Victoria City Rowing Club (A)
M. Trim/
    Victoria City Rowing Club (A)
S. Jones
    Calgary Rowing Club (B)
S. Lambros
    Gorge Narrows Rowing Club (B)
J. Maitland
    Vancouver Rowing Club (B)
E. Thom
    Vernon Rowing and Dragon Boat Club (B)
M. Land
    Victoria City Rowing Club (B)
I. Edey/
    Victoria City Rowing Club (B)
N. Corwin
    Fort Langley Youth Rowing Society (C)
A. Jungling
    Fort Langley Youth Rowing Society (D)
H. McKenney
13 Womens U17 - JV 2x
14 Mens U17 1x
    Brentwood College School (A)
F. Wilson
    Calgary Rowing Club (A)
M. Claassen
    Delta Deas Rowing Club (A)
E. Brown
    Fort Langley Youth Rowing Society (A)
M. Tack
    Gorge Narrows Rowing Club (A)
J. Purewal
    Olympia Area Rowing Association (O.A.R.) (A)
A. Richter
    Seattle Rowing Center (A)
    Shawnigan Lake School (A)
G. Platt
    Vancouver Lake Rowing Club (A)
T. Bate
    Vancouver Rowing Club (A)
H. Sharp
    Victoria City Rowing Club (A)
O. Marcovitz
    Calgary Rowing Club (B)
J. Chantler
    Fort Langley Youth Rowing Society (B)
I. Wright
    Gorge Narrows Rowing Club (B)
L. Hodgins
    Seattle Rowing Center (B)
    Vancouver Rowing Club (B)
M. Kovach
    Victoria City Rowing Club (B)
R. Somogyi
    Calgary Rowing Club (C)
m. ulrich
    Fort Langley Youth Rowing Society (C)
M. Battistel
    Seattle Rowing Center (C)
O. Rulyak
    Vancouver Rowing Club (C)
J. Bailey
    Victoria City Rowing Club (C)
A. Marcovitz
    Seattle Rowing Center (D)
    Victoria City Rowing Club (D)
E. Friedmann
    Vancouver Rowing Club (E)
E. Chao
    Victoria City Rowing Club (E)
L. Prosalendis
    Vancouver Rowing Club (F)
J. Edge
    Victoria City Rowing Club (F)
J. Campana
15 Mens Masters 4x (E-G)
    Gorge Narrows Rowing Club (A)
P. Desjardins/F. Rudge/C. Johns/C. Blondeau
    Victoria City Rowing Club (A)
R. McKall/D. Harrison/A. Kmetic/T. Lathrop
    Victoria City Rowing Club (B)
B. Feary/C. White/D. Wilkinson/B. Williams
16 Mens U19 2x
    Brentwood College School (A)
R. Toporowski/J. Phillips
    Calgary Rowing Club (A)
a. hubbard/M. Gamp
    Delta Deas Rowing Club (A)
Q. Torok/L. Krezan
    Fort Langley Youth Rowing Society (A)
J. Ketter/N. Gulka
    Gorge Narrows Rowing Club (A)
A. Del Siega/D. Mork
    Nanaimo Rowing Club (A)
E. Watchorn/I. Rogers
    Olympia Area Rowing Association (O.A.R.) (A)
S. Swett/S. Fleckenstein
    Oregon Rowing Unlimited-PDX (A)
A. Altucher/S. Hatcher
    Seattle Rowing Center (A)
N. Schliesman/N. Angelillo
    Seattle Scullers (A)
M. Heid/G. Maggiore
    Victoria City Rowing Club (A)
A. Steiner/N. O'Brien/
    Fort Langley Youth Rowing Society (B)
L. McQuarrie/E. Jacob
    Oregon Rowing Unlimited-PDX (B)
L. Zimmermann/I. Beremski
    Seattle Rowing Center (B)
C. Franklin/J. Farnham
    Victoria City Rowing Club (B)
T. Kilpatrick/L. Donnecke/
    Fort Langley Youth Rowing Society (C)
M. Tack/M. Camparmo
    Seattle Rowing Center (C)
P. Miles/M. Kinsel
17 Womens U17 2x
    Calgary Rowing Club (A)
g. ryan/D. Salmon
    Delta Deas Rowing Club (A)
R. Mehling/H. Anderson
    Fort Langley Youth Rowing Society (A)
S. Wick/G. Deep Cove
    Gorge Narrows Rowing Club (A)
S. Fraser/H. Look
    Maple Bay Rowing Club (A)
M. Watt/M. Warren
    Nanaimo Rowing Club (A)
M. Duifhuis/L. Gullison
    Olympia Area Rowing Association (O.A.R.) (A)
M. Wright/C. Burtner
    Oregon Rowing Unlimited-PDX (A)
S. Redmond/R. Whittington
    Vancouver Lake Rowing Club (A)
M. Cassidy/K. Feustel
    Victoria City Rowing Club (A)
N. Corwin/M. Calder
    Calgary Rowing Club (B)
T. Mazurkewich/B. Miller
    Gorge Narrows Rowing Club (B)
C. Hallett/G. Couchman
    Victoria City Rowing Club (B)
P. Vitrouk/J. Peterson
    Gorge Narrows Rowing Club (C)
Z. McConnell-Fidyk/S. Faubert
    Victoria City Rowing Club (C)
S. Jones/E. Sousa
18A Womens Masters 1x (B-E)
    Burnaby Lake Rowing Club (A)
S. Forsting
    Gorge Narrows Rowing Club (B)
H. Johnstone
    Victoria City Rowing Club (B)
J. Weirmier
    Victoria City Rowing Club (C)
J. Alexander
18B Womens Masters 1x (G-H)
    Gorge Narrows Rowing Club (A)
D. Morris
    Maple Bay Rowing Club (A)
R. Rutledge
    Victoria City Rowing Club (A)
A. Linton
19 Womens U19 - JV 4x
    Gorge Narrows Rowing Club (A)
P. Burton/J. Maitland/M. Latrille/M. Adams
    Victoria City Rowing Club (A)
K. Wolfe/T. Cherfi/P. Johnson/M. Trim/
20 Mens U19 - JV 2x
21 Mens Open 4x
22 Womens Nov Masters 2x (C-D)
23 Mens U17 4x
24 Mens Masters 2x (AA-F)
    Gorge Narrows Rowing Club (A)
C. Johns/F. Rudge
    Unaffiliated (CAN) (A)
T. Tucker/G. Shapka
    Victoria City Rowing Club (A)
D. Wilkinson/L. Alexander
    Gorge Narrows Rowing Club (B)
P. Desjardins/C. Blondeau
    Victoria City Rowing Club (B)
j. canet/T. Epplett
26 Mens U19 4x
27 Womens Open 8+
SPECIAL1 Dynasty 4x
Sunday, July 15, 2018
G4 G4: Womens Open 2x
G5 G5: Mens Open 2-
G6 G6: Mens Open 1x
    Brentwood College School (A)
R. Toporowski
    Burnaby Lake Rowing Club (A)
P. Whitmore
    Calgary Rowing Club (A)
C. Steudler
    Delta Deas Rowing Club (A)
L. Krezan
    Everett Rowing Association (A)
C. Petershagen/
    Fort Langley Youth Rowing Society (A)
J. Ketter
    Gorge Narrows Rowing Club (A)
D. Mork
    Olympia Area Rowing Association (O.A.R.) (A)
S. Fleckenstein
    Rowing Canada Next Generation (A)
J. Walkey
    Seattle Rowing Center (A)
    Seattle Rowing Center (A)
B. Van der Werf/
    Seattle Scullers (A)
M. Heid
    Simon Fraser University Rowing Club (A)
N. Homeniuk
    University of Victoria Rowing Club (A)
B. Larson
    Vancouver Lake Rowing Club (A)
A. Garrison
    Victoria City Rowing Club (A)
S. Macdonald
    Brentwood College School (B)
J. Phillips
    Calgary Rowing Club (B)
a. hubbard
    Fort Langley Youth Rowing Society (B)
N. Gulka
    Gorge Narrows Rowing Club (B)
A. Del Siega
    Seattle Rowing Center (B)
    University of British Columbia (B)
M. Nadeau
    University of Victoria Rowing Club (B)
S. Payne
    Vancouver Lake Rowing Club (B)
J. Kronstad
    Victoria City Rowing Club (B)
N. Messer
    Calgary Rowing Club (C)
A. Miller
    Fort Langley Youth Rowing Society (C)
L. McQuarrie
    Seattle Rowing Center (C)
    University of British Columbia (C)
K. Silva Pinto
    University of Victoria Rowing Club (C)
M. Plaudis
    Victoria City Rowing Club (C)
F. Girard
    Fort Langley Youth Rowing Society (D)
E. Jacob
    Seattle Rowing Center (D)
    Victoria City Rowing Club (D)
a. Watson
    Fort Langley Youth Rowing Society (E)
M. Camparmo
    Seattle Rowing Center (E)
    Victoria City Rowing Club (E)
G. Blaskovich
    Seattle Rowing Center (F)
S. McVeety
    University of Victoria Rowing Club (F)
E. Hollands
    Victoria City Rowing Club (F)
L. Donnecke/
    Seattle Rowing Center (G)
J. Gangi/
    University of Victoria Rowing Club (G)
B. Simpson
    Victoria City Rowing Club (G)
J. Plater/
    University of Victoria Rowing Club (H)
H. Thomas
    Victoria City Rowing Club (H)
R. Berz/
    University of Victoria Rowing Club (I)
J. Wikkerink
    Victoria City Rowing Club (I)
D. Halkiw/
    University of Victoria Rowing Club (J)
D. Schertzer
    Victoria City Rowing Club (J)
N. O'Brien/
    University of Victoria Rowing Club (K)
G. Laird
    Victoria City Rowing Club (K)
T. Kilpatrick/
    Victoria City Rowing Club (L)
A. Steiner/
28 Mens U19 - JV 1x
29 Womens U15 4x
30 Mens U17 - JV 2x
    Calgary Rowing Club (A)
J. Cook/m. ulrich
    Delta Deas Rowing Club (A)
F. Jarvis/E. Brown
    Fort Langley Youth Rowing Society (A)
M. Tack/R. Abou-Haidar
    Gorge Narrows Rowing Club (A)
B. Wale/K. Aitken
    Nanaimo Rowing Club (A)
p. Rogers/W. Rogers
    Olympia Area Rowing Association (O.A.R.) (A)
A. Hellman/E. Thornton
    Oregon Rowing Unlimited-PDX (A)
K. Carlyle/W. Hathaway
    Seattle Rowing Center (A)
    Thunder Rowing Crew (A)
F. Daniels/T. Smart
    Vancouver Rowing Club (A)
J. Bailey/Z. Wirth
    Victoria City Rowing Club (A)
J. Lukie/C. Lewis
    Fort Langley Youth Rowing Society (B)
M. Battistel/I. Wright
    Gorge Narrows Rowing Club (B)
J. Purewal/L. Hallet
    Seattle Rowing Center (B)
    Thunder Rowing Crew (B)
M. Maile/A. Soligo
    Victoria City Rowing Club (B)
D. McCleary/D. Keeler
    Vancouver Rowing Club (C)
S. Willcox/P. Wallner
    Victoria City Rowing Club (C)
E. Peacock/N. Telmer
    Victoria City Rowing Club (D)
J. Jiang/K. Chen
31 Mens Open 4-
32 Womens U17 1x
    RCA National Para-Rowing
    Brentwood College School (A)
H. Burton
    Burnaby Lake Rowing Club (A)
A. Tamturk
    Calgary Rowing Club (A)
g. ryan
    Delta Deas Rowing Club (A)
R. Mehling
    Fort Langley Youth Rowing Society (A)
S. Wick
    Gorge Narrows Rowing Club (A)
S. Faubert
    Maple Bay Rowing Club (A)
M. Watt
    Nanaimo Rowing Club (A)
M. Duifhuis
    Olympia Area Rowing Association (O.A.R.) (A)
M. Wright
    Oregon Rowing Unlimited-PDX (A)
M. Beremski
    Seattle Rowing Center (A)
    Vancouver Rowing Club (A)
S. Golding
    Burnaby Lake Rowing Club (B)
U. Peters
    Calgary Rowing Club (B)
D. Salmon
    Fort Langley Youth Rowing Society (B)
J. Schmidt
    Gorge Narrows Rowing Club (B)
C. Hallett
    Maple Bay Rowing Club (B)
E. stemler
    Olympia Area Rowing Association (O.A.R.) (B)
A. Merrifield
    Seattle Rowing Center (B)
    Vancouver Rowing Club (B)
D. Dalzell
    Calgary Rowing Club (C)
S. Buyze
    Fort Langley Youth Rowing Society (C)
E. Degrazio
    Maple Bay Rowing Club (C)
M. Warren
    Olympia Area Rowing Association (O.A.R.) (C)
C. Burtner
    Seattle Rowing Center (C)
    Vancouver Rowing Club (C)
N. DeWitt
    Victoria City Rowing Club (C)
S. Wardell
    Calgary Rowing Club (D)
B. Miller
    Vancouver Rowing Club (D)
Y. Shen
    Victoria City Rowing Club (D)
A. Paul
    Victoria City Rowing Club (E)
S. Caruso
    Victoria City Rowing Club (F)
M. Calder
    Victoria City Rowing Club (G)
E. Sousa
33 Womens Masters 4x (D-F)
    Gorge Narrows Rowing Club (A)
D. Morris/B. Smith/H. Johnstone/A. Bradshaw
    Maple Bay Rowing Club (A)
M. Bancroft/M. McCullough/K. Ingham/K. Thibodeau
    Victoria City Rowing Club (A)
M. Pimlott/M. Drabit/P. Blundon/A. Linton
34 Womens U19 2x
    Burnaby Lake Rowing Club (A)
G. Douville/E. Luo
    Calgary Rowing Club (A)
M. Chantler/C. De Paiva
    Delta Deas Rowing Club (A)
C. Lawrence/M. Cowie
    Fort Langley Youth Rowing Society (A)
H. McKenney/L. Kirk
    Gorge Narrows Rowing Club (A)
P. Burton/N. Hardcastle
    Olympia Area Rowing Association (O.A.R.) (A)
C. Hart/C. Anderson
    Seattle Rowing Center (A)
B. Hopper/N. Straub
    Thunder Rowing Crew (A)
P. Doig/E. Liu
    Vancouver Lake Rowing Club (A)
G. Dojan/J. Griffin
    Victoria City Rowing Club (A)
P. Letham/S. Inglis/
    Fort Langley Youth Rowing Society (B)
J. Schmidt/A. Jungling
    Victoria City Rowing Club (B)
A. Hill/M. Bonneau/
    Victoria City Rowing Club (C)
S. Jones/N. Corwin
35 Mens U17 2x
36A Mens Masters 1x (A-E)
    Calgary Rowing Club (A)
C. Steudler
    Gorge Narrows Rowing Club (A)
C. Blondeau
    Maple Bay Rowing Club (A)
B. Wallich
    Victoria City Rowing Club (B)
C. White
36B Mens Masters 1x (F-G)
37 Womens U19 - JV 2x
    Burnaby Lake Rowing Club (A)
A. Tamturk/A. Finnie
    Calgary Rowing Club (A)
S. Lambros/A. McClelland
    Delta Deas Rowing Club (A)
Y. Wang/J. Lawrence
    Gorge Narrows Rowing Club (A)
J. Maitland/M. Latrille
    Vancouver Lake Rowing Club (A)
S. Slayden/C. Scott
    Vancouver Rowing Club (A)
E. Thom/A. Gaskill
    Vernon Rowing and Dragon Boat Club (A)
M. Land/A. Collinson
    Victoria City Rowing Club (A)
K. Wolfe/M. Trim/
    Victoria City Rowing Club (B)
T. Cherfi/I. Edey/
38 Womens Open 4x
39 Mens U19 4+
40 Mens Novice Masters 2x
41 Womens U17 4x
    Calgary Rowing Club (A)
g. ryan/T. Mazurkewich/D. Salmon/B. Miller
    Delta Deas Rowing Club (A)
H. Anderson/R. Mehling/E. Gach/E. Morton
    Gorge Narrows Rowing Club (A)
S. Fraser/Z. McConnell-Fidyk/H. Look/G. Couchman
    Maple Bay Rowing Club (A)
J. Castle/M. Watt/E. stemler/M. Warren
    Olympia Area Rowing Association (O.A.R.) (A)
M. Wright/C. Burtner/A. Merrifield/C. Anderson
    Vancouver Rowing Club (A)
S. Golding/N. DeWitt/Y. Shen/D. Dalzell
    Victoria City Rowing Club (A)
S. Wardell/J. Peterson/P. Vitrouk/E. Sousa
42 Womens Masters 2x (C-G)
    Gorge Narrows Rowing Club (A)
D. Morris/B. Smith
    Maple Bay Rowing Club (A)
K. Ingham/K. Thibodeau
    Victoria City Rowing Club (A)
M. Pimlott/A. Linton
    Gorge Narrows Rowing Club (B)
H. Johnstone/A. Bradshaw
    Victoria City Rowing Club (B)
J. Duggan/J. Weirmier
    Victoria City Rowing Club (C)
M. Drabit/P. Blundon
44 Womens U19 4x
    Calgary Rowing Club (A)
M. Chantler/S. Lambros/C. De Paiva/S. Marchenko
    Delta Deas Rowing Club (A)
S. Byrne-Atkins/C. Lawrence/M. Cowie/E. McNabb
    Fort Langley Youth Rowing Society (A)
J. Schmidt/L. Kirk/A. Jungling/H. McKenney
    Gorge Narrows Rowing Club (A)
N. Hardcastle/M. Adams/M. Latrille/P. Burton
    Oregon Rowing Unlimited-PDX (A)
S. Redmond/S. Wilken/M. Beremski/R. Whittington
    Seattle Rowing Center (A)
N. Straub/V. Napier/J. Hopper/L. Bilafer
    Vancouver Lake Rowing Club (A)
G. Dojan/K. Feustel/M. Cassidy/J. Griffin
    Victoria City Rowing Club (A)
S. Inglis/M. Bonneau/P. Letham/A. Hill/
45 Mens U15 2x
46 Mens Open 8+
SPECIAL2 Family 2x
*-Event times, if listed, are tentative and subject to change